Subject: Just saw the new logo...
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/31/2004 08:27:46
FWIW: I expected a better logo.  I think that if the flag and pole
are removed (for some reason they remind me of FreeBSD's style of
artwork and are just ugly to me), the logo would be substantively
improved.  (Nevermind the obvious phallic imagery that could offend
prudish and anti-male individuals.)

I don't care for the color choice, but I guess that at least it is
bland and unexpressive of anything, so that the political correctness
group will be happy with the color.

BTW, should there not now be a little (tm) floating up by the the
name "NetBSD"?

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."