Subject: Re: need reviewers for my "What is BSD?" presentation
To: None <>
From: Wouter Schoot <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/29/2005 00:11:09
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> I am redoing one of my older presentations using LyX and latex-beamer.
> If you can spend a few minutes looking at a rough draft of the PDF and
> share some comments and advice, please let me know (and I'll email a URL
> to you).
> The presentation is approximately one hour (but you can scan through the
> many slides in a few minutes) and introduces BSD history, BSD licensing,
> the BSD family and various examples.
I can skip through it too, although I might not have the knowledge like
other people here do.
Er was eens een boer. Hij had 3 koeien, 2 witte en 1 witte.
Maar dat gaf niet, want de koe gaf ook niet. De boer vond een
horloge, de koe vond van niet. Ra-ra kameel politiepet.