Subject: Re: Eric Raymond talks about GPL and BSD licenses
To: Tom Nakamura <>
From: Josef Grosch <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/10/2005 20:08:37
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On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 06:47:15PM -0700, Tom Nakamura wrote:
> ESR is the biggest troll who just will not go away.=20
> 1) He's contributed very little code; his "Art of Unix Programming" is
> 300 pages of flamebait. 2) He hurts open source by mixing it with petty
> partisan politics; 3) He insists on the title "hacker", even though he
> doesn't even fit his own definition of what a hacker is, 4) acts like a
> 12 year old.

He did write fetchmail altho I'm not sure when was the last time he had
anything to do with the code was. I look at it this way; every group has
their burden to bear. Eric Raymond is the Linux group's burden. Thank G*D
us FreeBSD people don't have to put up with him.=20


Josef Grosch           | Another day closer to a | FreeBSD 5.4 |   Micro$oft free world  | Berkeley, Ca.

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