Subject: Re: updated NetBSD hardware lists
To: Magnus Eriksson <>
From: Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/15/2005 21:05:20
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Also sprach Magnus Eriksson (
> On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, St=E9phane Witzmann wrote:
> >>>The OpenBSD installer asks users to mail their dmesg to some address=
> [...]
> The user will have to provide the relevant info then, that shouldn't be=
> a big problem. It's usually what people mention first anyway ("I finally=
> got my XYZ card working ...")
> I still think there should be a central point for it, other than=20
> "somewhere in the list archives". Granted, having a non-discussion=20
> mailing list just for announcing successes could be just that central=20
> point.
> I still prefer a cathegorized (if that's the word) list though. :-)
1.) Just collecting dmesg like NYCBug does, isn't enough, the dmesg
must be commented.
2.) A Wiki is IMO not the best form to collect data, it is to
3.) A categorized list is imo the best way. The list can be maintained
as database, as described in [1].
A hardware list is a perfect example for object-relational modelling,=20
you can use inheritance at its best.=20
However, the biggest problem is user action, if no one delivers data,
the shiny new database is useless.
PGP FPR: CF74 D5F2 4871 3E5C FFFE 0130 11F4 C41E B3FB AE33
Der Geist des Kriegers sollte mit Beginn des Neujahrstages bis zum Ende=20
des Jahres vom Gedanken an seinen Tod beherrscht werden.
Daijouji Shigesuke in "Budo Shoshin Shuu"
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