Subject: email archives (was Re: WIKIs for the ports pages on
To: None <>
From: Christopher W. Richardson <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/28/2005 20:13:50
Hash: SHA1
"Ben Collver" <> writes:
> > That's right, people could join up the mailinglists, choosing
> > various ones matching their specific interrests in NetBSD
> > (I'm on ports-macppc, ports-playstation2, netbsd-advocacy),
> > but I think that most people will only do so AFTER they got
> > interrested and at least started with a blinking NetBSD login
> > prompt before them.
> These people who can't be bothered to click search on the
> mailing list archives ...
As long as we're discussing web-site redesign and wikis, I've a
question/comment on our mail archives. I've long been
dissatisfied with the NetBSD mail archives; in particular, it's
impossible (near as I can tell) to search in chronological order,
or to arrange mail in a threaded order. For example, I just
searched on "cyrus spamassassin". The first link is from 2004
(which may or may not be fine), and is "port-macppc: Re:
Cyrus/Postfix/spamassassin setup for NetBSD ?". Now, since that's
a "Re", where the heck is the original post? It doesn't appear
anywhere on the first page of the search, and if I click on the
email, there's no way to get from it back to the mail archive
(let alone the specific thread). After some fiddling, one
figures out how to get to the right month's archive for the right
list, but even there items aren't threaded.
What are we using for mail archiving, and is there any (easy) way
to make this more user friendly? Mostly, I'm on the lists that
matter to me and have the mail stored locally, so this mostly
isn't a problem for me. But, I have to think that a new user
would find it very unfriendly (I know I do on the rare occasion
that I need to use it). I've occasionally even gone so far as
to download large sections of the archive just to be able to
search and sort locally -- but this too is very unfriendly to the
new user.
For my money, fixing the searchability/sortability of the mail
archive would be a better use of time than either a redesign of
the web-site OR the implementation of a wiki :)
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