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Re: Coffee Brewing at the NetBSD Foundation

Hey Zamri,

thank you for replying. My life without emoticons is hard, but I'd rather adapt to the power of words and respond to a kind E-Mail asking for clarification, than trying to stuff my personal emotions into an Icon usually consisting of no more than 3-ASCII characters, just to make sure all participants understand the depths (or not depths, it depends...) of my sarcasm.

I am going to spare time and give you only a single keyword: Java

The Postscript was intended as a "Joke" and I really hope nobody believes I've been serious about weighing the application of ideas based on the level of rejection I receive. Even if nobody would agree, I am confident in my, as I see it, unbiased opinion and still would pursue my objective in finding somebody who, at least, shares the same core values.

I'd say some people should use Emoticons and some shouldn't. I don't know which one I should do, but I refrain from using them, since I met a lot of people, that used Emoticons on the Internet, but their "real life character traits" just did not fit to the usage of Emoticons… There should be plain-text tags such as <sarcasm></sarcasm>. Might be worth a new Proposal to the W3C. At least for HTML Recommendations…

"People always ask me: 'were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant."

Best regards

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