Subject: i386: DOSEmu plus NetBSD-current patches runs Windows 3.1
To: None <netbsd-announce@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Kohl <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 10/03/1995 20:02:17
I've put up my latest DOSEmu work under
Start with README.
[DOSEmu lets you boot up MS-DOS under a virtual machine environment on
an x86 CPU.]
There are kernel diffs required; they are relative to a -current as of
about 30 September 1995 and include a beta version of pcvt-3.31. There
are also some added files for user-space libraries.
With this version, I can start up Windows 3.1 on a virtual console
(using the OS/2 windows kernel--see the DOSEmu documentation for
details) and run simple programs. I'm still seeing some looping
problems on certain types of button clicks and other DPMI programs, so
support isn't perfect yet, but it's better.