Subject: NetBSD 1.1 patch set 1 released
To: None <netbsd-announce@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 01/16/1996 00:02:16
I've just put the first patch set for NetBSD 1.1 up for FTP.  You can
find it at:

I've attached below a description of the problems this patch set
fixes.  There are some other port-specific patches that will hopefully
be released soon, but they weren't available in time.

I will try to update the i386 kernels soon; when that's done, there
will be a `PATCHLEVEL' file in the NetBSD-1.1/i386 directory stating
that the binaries were built from patch level 1.

If you have any questions regarding the patch set, or know of patches
that should be released in a future patch set, feel free to mail me or
jtc.  Please note that patch sets are intended only to correct serious
problems in the release, not to add significant new features.

This file describes official patches for the NetBSD 1.1 release.

Jumbo patch 1:

[kernel/i386]: Fix a compilation error when no DMA devices are

[kernel/i386]: Fix a problem where processes using the FPU would
sporadically core dump.  Known to affect httpd and gopherd, in

[kernel/i386]: Fix an oversight which caused the Ultrastor 24f probe
to always fail.

[kernel/generic]: Fix a sgtty emulation problem which caused LITOUT
and PASS8 modes to sometimes be set erroneously (sometimes referred to
as `stair-stepping xterms').

[kernel/generic]: Fix a problem in FFS that could cause panics in
ffs_clusteracct() after running fsck(8).