Subject: Freely Distributable Software at USENIX Annual Conference
To: None <netbsd-announce@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Cynthia Deno <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 03/24/1998 04:35:28
Share ideas and actual code with developers and avid users of free
software--FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and more at the

23rd Annual USENIX Technical Conference
        Includes FREENIX, the Freely Redistributable Software Track
June 15-19, 1998, New Orleans, Louisiana

Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association

FREENIX is co-sponsored by The FreeBSD Project, Linux International,
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc., and The OpenBSD Project

Full program and on-line registration:

FREENIX showcases the latest developments and interesting applications
infreely redistributable software. FREENIX offers 28 talks, highly
interactive, evening sessions, and in-depth tutorials.

Tutorials let you master complex technologies. Choose among 22 in-depth
*System & Network Performance Tuning *Solaris Internals
*Classic Topics in System Admin   *Hot Topics in System Admin
*Inside the Linux Kernel                *Linux Systems Administration
*Essential UNIX Programming        *UNIX Network Programming
*Cryptography Applications           *Secure Communications
*CGI and WWW Programming in Perl *UNIX Security Tools
*Intro to Java                                    *Advanced Java
*Intro to Perl for Programmers        *Network Security Profiles
*Internet Security for UNIX Sysadmins *Windows NT Security
*Security Around the World Wide Web   *Sendmail Configuration
*Troubleshooting Firewalls                     *Web & Intranet Performance

Other conference highlights include:
*Cutting-edge research via refereed papers and highly practical invited talks
*Dennis Ritchie with a perspective on the original UNIX paper
*Steve Mann discussing latest is wearable computers
*Demos of the latest products in the expanded Exhibition Hall