Subject: USENIX '03 Call for papers
To: None <>
From: Alex Walker <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 08/13/2002 11:04:00
USENIX '03 Call for papers
June 9-14, 2003, San Antonio, Texas

The 2003 USENIX Annual Technical program committee invites you to
contribute ideas, proposals, and papers for invited talks, refereed
papers, work-in-progress reports, and symposia tracks.

We welcome original and innovative papers about the applications,
architecture, implementation, and performance of modern computing
systems. Possible application topics include, but are not limited to:

Cluster computing, File systems and storage systems, Complexity
management, Distributed caching and replication, Mobile code,
Mobile/Wireless computing, Reliability and QoS, Security and privacy,
Interoperability of heterogeneous systems

Submissions to the General Refereed Sessions Track are due by Monday,
November 18, 2002.

Submission guidelines and conference details are available on our

FREENIX Track Call for papers

FREENIX is a special track within the USENIX Annual Technical
Conference that showcases the latest developments and applications in
freely redistributed technology.

The 2003 FREENIX program committee seeks papers about projects with a
solid emphasis on nurturing the open source/freely available software
community and talks which advance the state of the art of freely
redistributable software. Areas of interest include, but are not
limited to:

Cross-platform source portability and binary compatibility, Free
Software development/mgmt, File system design, Storage Systems,
Highly scalable and clustered systems, Security, System and user
management tools, Quality Assurance, Large scale system management.

Submissions to the Freenix Track are due by Monday, November 18.

Submission guidelines are available on our website:

Join us in developing the best technical conference program of 2003!
We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Brian Noble, University of Michigan
2003 Program Committee Chair

Erez Zadok, Stony Brook University
FREENIX Program Committee Chair