Subject: Does stty(1) not work in NetBSD 0.9?
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/28/1993 17:35:19
The stty command doesn't seem to be doing anything in my 0.9 system.
For instance, my modem is attached to the system as /dev/tty00.  When
I give the command (as root):

stty -a -f /dev/tty00

I get a listing of all the flags, including -clocal.

I then issue:

stty -f /dev/tty00 clocal

but the result of 'stty -a -f /dev/tty0' is unchanged; I still get
-clocal.  The ownership of /dev/tty00 is uucp.wheel.  Recompiling stty
from the sources distributed with 0.9 didn't fix the problem.

My modem is a Digicom Connection 96+ internal, and its UART emulation
is a bit weird (MSD under DOS reports the baud rate as "2").  Would
that affect stty?

Should I just upgrade to current and have done with it?
Mike Long                               
VLSI Design Engineer                              voice: (617)461-4030
Analog Devices, SPD Div.                            FAX: (617)461-3010
Norwood, MA 02062                            *this = !opinion(Analog);
