Subject: Re: Trouble installing NetBSD-v. 0.9
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 12/02/1993 10:44:14
>Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 02:47:14 -0800 (PST)
>From: Mark Tamola <>
>Subject: Trouble installing NetBSD-v. 0.9
>When I used fdisk, I set my primary DOS partition at 44MB, and the
>extended DOS partition at 200MB (my disk holds a total of 244MB). My
>hard disk stats are 1010 cylinder, 9 tracks per cylinder, and 55 sectors
>per track. The instructions also say to use a partition editor to label
>the NetBSD partition as type 0xA5, but fdisk doesn't allow you to do
>this. Maybe that may be the whole problem, yet I don't know where I can
>get a partition editor. Is one FTPable?
Use archie to look for
I still have a copy of this around. Can anyone think of a good reason
NOT to add this program to the FTP archive in NetBSD-*/utilities? You
can get away with not using Rawrite, but a partition editor is kind of
necessary. It would probably make sense to put booteasy and os-bs
there, as well.
Mike Long
VLSI Design Engineer voice: (617)461-4030
Analog Devices, SPD Div. FAX: (617)461-3010
Norwood, MA 02062 *this = !opinion(Analog);