Subject: Re: hp300 libm:cos/sin probs
To: Sean McDermott <>
From: John Brezak <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/17/1994 18:03:13
> > Any idea what is causing this ? And how to fix it ?
> > cc -o awk main.o eval.o builtin.o msg.o iop.o io.o field.o array.o node.o version.o re.o awk.o regex.o dfa.o getopt.o getopt1.o -lm -lgnumalloc
> > ld: builtin.o: RRS text relocation at 0x712c for "_cos"
> > ld: builtin.o: RRS text relocation at 0x705e for "_sin"
> check in /usr/lib for a
> There shouldn't be one. If there is, make sure it is current.
Actually the problems turns out to be missing ".text" asm directives in the
libm/arch/mc68881/*.S files.
John Brezak UUCP: uunet!apollo.hp!brezak
Hewlett Packard/Apollo Internet:
300 Apollo Drive Phone: (508) 436-4915
Chelmsford, Massachusetts Fax: (508) 436-5122