Subject: port-i386/259: i386 kernel makefile bombs is ${DEBUG} contains spaces
To: None <gnats-admin>
From: Thorsten Lockert <tholo@SigmaSoft.COM>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/22/1994 09:50:02
>Number:         259
>Category:       port-i386
>Synopsis:       If ${DEBUG} contains spaces, kernel make dies after link
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun May 22 09:50:01 1994
>Originator:     Thorsten Lockert
SigmaSoft, Th. Lockert
>Release:        current
System: NetBSD 0.9B GANDALF#3 i386

	If the DEBUG make variable contains spaces, the i386 kernel Makefile
	will bomb after link
	make DEBUG="-O2 -m486"
--- src/sys/arch/i386/conf/Makefile.i386.orig	Sun May 22 18:33:03 1994
+++ src/sys/arch/i386/conf/Makefile.i386	Sun May 22 18:33:19 1994
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 SYSTEM_LD_HEAD= 	@echo loading $@; rm -f $@
 SYSTEM_LD= @${LD} -z -e start -T ${LOAD_ADDRESS} -o $@ -X vers.o ${SYSTEM_OBJS}
 SYSTEM_LD_TAIL=	@size $@; chmod 755 $@; \
-		[ X${DEBUG} = X-g ] && { \
+		[ X"${DEBUG}" = X"-g" ] && { \
 		echo cp $@ $@.gdb; rm -f $@.gdb; cp $@ $@.gdb; \
 		echo strip -d $@; strip -d $@; } || true
