Subject: misc/359: K2 & K3 are reversed in termcap.5 and termcap.src
To: None <gnats-admin>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/21/1994 22:05:08
>Number: 359
>Category: misc
>Synopsis: K2 & K3 are reversed in termcap.5 and termcap.src
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: gnats-admin (Misc Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Jul 21 22:05:05 1994
>Originator: Mike Long <>
Disorganization, Ultd.
>Release: 1.0-Alpha (Jul 13 bindist)
System: NetBSD 1.0-ALPHA NetBSD 1.0-ALPHA (GENERICBT) #1: Tue Jul 12 18:45:33 PDT 1994 i386
The K2 and K3 capabilities are reversed in the termcap.5 manpage and
the ibmpc3 terminal description in /usr/share/misc/termcap. In two
other systems that I've looked at (SunOS 4.1.3 and HP-UX 9.01) and in
GNU termcap, the K2 capability describes the center keypad key (5)
while the K3 capability describes the upper-right keypad key (9). The
termcap(5) manpage and the entry for ibmpc3 in /usr/share/misc/termcap
use K2 as the capability for the upper-right keypad key and K3 as the
capability for the center key, which is the opposite.
man 5 termcap
OR (the way I found it)
C-h k [kp-5]
emacs comes back with "kp-9 is undefined."
swap K2 & K3 in /usr/src/share/man/man5/termcap.5 and in the ibmpc3
entry in /usr/src/share/termcap/termcap.src. I'd give you a patch, but
I don't have a source tree at the moment.
Mike Long
VLSI Design Engineer (PGP 2.6 public key available)
Analog Devices, CPD Division
Norwood, MA 02062 USA assert(*this!=opinionof(Analog));