Subject: Re: fyi
To: None <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/15/1994 13:10:22
I don't know if you folks already caught this one, but, in the 4.4lite
version of sbin/route/route.c, there is a missing "break" in the case
clause that sets iflag upon creation of an interface route. It accidently
falls through to code that marks these as non-static.
It's not clear to me that's `accidental'.
1) RTF_STATIC is for `manually added' routes. Interface routes are
not `manually added'.
2) RTF_STATIC isn't used by anything in the kernel, by route(8), by
routed(8), or by arp(8). It's only a hint displayed to the user.
What is it you're trying to fix?