Subject: port-amiga/1025: kernel panic on heavy disk/mem usage
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/06/1995 17:50:04
>Number:         1025
>Category:       port-amiga
>Synopsis:       kernel panic on heavy disk/mem usage
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sat May  6 17:50:02 1995
>Originator:     Henric Jungheim
>Release:        -current from May 5th <NetBSD-current source date>
System: NetBSD 1.0A NetBSD 1.0A (HENRIC) #23: Tue May 2 05:01:00 PDT 1995 amiga
GVP A4008 SCSI card in 16MB fast a4000 w/ 3.1 cpu card/rev 9 buster
2 ~128meg swap paritions on two seperate drives.

I get panics including:

dev=0x400,block 2328,fs=/
panic: blkfree: freeing fee block
Stopped at 0x7dbbc unlk a6

and (this one I've seen 2-3 times):

panic: cpu_swapout: can't get here
stopped at 0x7dbbc: unlk a6

I got another one regarding the MMU and (I think) a non-existent memory
location (but I thought it was that I was using the old loadbsd, so I 
got the new one and tried again w/o writing it down).

This started w/ a 'sup' on May 5th (I had a kernel from the day before,
so I know it was this sup).  I have the complete log from the sup that 
I can send.  Here is an excerpt w/ all the stuff I think could possibly 
be relevant:

SUP Upgrade of current-allsrc at Fri May  5 04:30:07 1995
SUP Fileserver 7.13 (4.3 BSD) 19775 on at 04:30:07
SUP Requesting changes since May  4 03:15:08 1995
SUP Receiving file src/sys/arch/amiga/include/cpu.h
SUP Receiving file src/sys/compat/sunos/sunos_ioctl.c
SUP Receiving file src/sys/vm/vm_glue.c
SUP Receiving file src/sys/vm/vm_pageout.c
SUP Upgrade of current-allsrc completed at May  5 04:49:10 1995

One more thing... ever since I have installed NetBSD (including 1.0),
I sometimes get repeated characters when there is a lot of disk 
activity.  Usually, I get 2-3 copies of the key I press, but sometimes
as much as 7-8.

This seems to happen whenever there is a lot of disk/mem activity.  I
can reliably cause this to happen by starting xdm (tho, I can't get back
to the console to see what it says) or by doing a few 'find . -name something'
and 'make -n' in the compile/HENRIC dir at the same time.
