Subject: kern/1030: bug in ipintr() in dealing with fragmented IP packets.
To: None <>
From: Darren Reed <darrenr@vitruvius.arbld.unimelb.EDU.AU>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/07/1995 06:35:02
>Number:         1030
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       ipintr() will process too small IP fragments
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun May  7 06:35:01 1995
>Originator:     Darren Reed
University of Melbourne
>Release:        NetBSD-current
System: NetBSD 1.0A NetBSD 1.0A (1.0A) #4: Mon Feb 20 18:33:28 EST 1995 root@:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/1.0A sparc

If NetBSD receives an IP packet of length less than 28 which is a fragment
and it isn't the last fragment (IP_MF is set) it will continue to process
this fragment and not generate any errors.  RFC 791, section 2.3, page 8
outlines a description which is discussed further.  Whilst NetBSD won't
generate such fragments (due to a small MTU) easily, a malicious person
can generate them.  Also, NetBSD will, upon receipt of such a small fragment
hold onto it until other fragments arrive and attempt reassembly.  It is an
obscure and most definately rare case, but quite possible.


This patch causes ipintr() to discard packets which are fragments but
which are too small to be a valid IP fragment.

*** ip_input.c.orig	Sun May  7 23:02:09 1995
--- ip_input.c	Sun May  7 23:03:07 1995
*** 200,206 ****
  	 * Convert fields to host representation.
! 	if (ip->ip_len < hlen) {
  		goto bad;
--- 200,206 ----
  	 * Convert fields to host representation.
! 	if (ip->ip_len < hlen || (ip->ip_off & IP_MF && ip->ip_len < 28)) {
  		goto bad;