Subject: bin/1288: ps has no way of specifying -t for no controlling terminal
To: None <gnats-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/27/1995 17:10:40
>Number: 1288
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: ps has no way of specifying -t for no controlling terminal
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Jul 27 16:35:06 1995
>Originator: David Brownlee
>Release: Jun 9th 1995
sparc, 1.0A, current
System: NetBSD 1.0A NetBSD 1.0A (GLUON) #1: sparc
If you want all processes on the console you can specify 'ps tco', but
if you want all processes without a controlling terminal you're a
little stuffed :)
Other systems allow 'ps t\?' for a controlling terminal of '?'.
(Seems to make sense to me)
Hit ~ ^Z on your console at the wrong time - hang the shell so
you cannot kill -9 it & then try hunting down any processes without
a controlling terminal as you can't figure out anything else to do...
(but that's a different story :)
I tried patching ps to pass through KERN_PROC_TTY,NODEV to
kvm_getprocs(), but of course kvm_getprocs() didn't buy that...
So I tried patching kvm_getprocs() to accept it - and it works fine
as long as kvm_getprocs() doesn't call sysctl() to get the information
(arrg). I couldn't find where __sysctl() hangs out, but I figure my
changes will have to be looked at by someone who knows all about this
anyway, so as I've run outa time here I'll submit what I have :)
Follows a patch for ps which will make it accept -t? or -t?? to mean
all processes without a controlling terminal, which I'm happy enough
with. Also patch for the manpage.
After that is a patch for libkvm/kvm_proc.c - this only works for
the case where ISALIVE(kd) is false - so I've forced this case just
to prove my code - the ``if (ISALIVE(kd) && 0)'' is not proposed to go
into the tree!! :) . I think all but the last makes sense - if anyone
could tell me where I should have found __sysctl() & fixed this last
bit I'd be greatful!
*** ps.c.old Thu Jul 27 16:14:06 1995
--- ps.c Thu Jul 27 17:16:32 1995
*** 111,116 ****
--- 111,117 ----
struct kinfo_proc *kp;
struct varent *vent;
struct winsize ws;
+ int check_tty;
dev_t ttydev;
pid_t pid;
uid_t uid;
*** 132,138 ****
all = fmt = prtheader = wflag = xflg = 0;
pid = -1;
uid = (uid_t) -1;
! ttydev = NODEV;
memf = nlistf = swapf = NULL;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv,
"acCeghjLlM:mN:O:o:p:rSTt:uvW:wx")) != EOF)
--- 133,139 ----
all = fmt = prtheader = wflag = xflg = 0;
pid = -1;
uid = (uid_t) -1;
! check_tty = 0;
memf = nlistf = swapf = NULL;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv,
"acCeghjLlM:mN:O:o:p:rSTt:uvW:wx")) != EOF)
*** 205,213 ****
struct stat sb;
char *ttypath, pathbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
if (strcmp(optarg, "co") == 0)
ttypath = _PATH_CONSOLE;
! else if (*optarg != '/')
(void)snprintf(ttypath = pathbuf,
sizeof(pathbuf), "%s%s", _PATH_TTY, optarg);
--- 206,218 ----
struct stat sb;
char *ttypath, pathbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ check_tty = 1;
if (strcmp(optarg, "co") == 0)
ttypath = _PATH_CONSOLE;
! else if (strcmp(optarg, "?") == 0)
! ttydev = NODEV;
! break;
! } else if (*optarg != '/')
(void)snprintf(ttypath = pathbuf,
sizeof(pathbuf), "%s%s", _PATH_TTY, optarg);
*** 276,282 ****
if (!fmt)
! if (!all && ttydev == NODEV && pid == -1) /* XXX - should be cleaner */
uid = getuid();
--- 281,287 ----
if (!fmt)
! if (!all && check_tty == 0 && pid == -1) /* XXX - should be cleaner */
uid = getuid();
*** 290,296 ****
if (uid != (uid_t) -1) {
flag = uid;
! } else if (ttydev != NODEV) {
flag = ttydev;
} else if (pid != -1) {
--- 295,301 ----
if (uid != (uid_t) -1) {
flag = uid;
! } else if (check_tty) {
flag = ttydev;
} else if (pid != -1) {
*** ps.1.old Thu Jul 27 17:15:33 1995
--- ps.1 Thu Jul 27 17:15:36 1995
*** 137,143 ****
with the standard input.
.It Fl t
Display information about processes attached to the specified terminal
! device.
.It Fl u
Display information associated with the following keywords:
user, pid, %cpu, %mem, vsz, rss, tt, state, start, time and command.
--- 137,144 ----
with the standard input.
.It Fl t
Display information about processes attached to the specified terminal
! device.
! Specifying t? will display processes without a controlling terminal.
.It Fl u
Display information associated with the following keywords:
user, pid, %cpu, %mem, vsz, rss, tt, state, start, time and command.
*** kvm_proc.c.old Thu Jul 27 16:30:51 1995
--- kvm_proc.c Thu Jul 27 16:48:42 1995
*** 422,429 ****
! if ((proc.p_flag & P_CONTROLT) == 0 ||
! eproc.e_tdev != (dev_t)arg)
--- 422,430 ----
! if (((proc.p_flag & P_CONTROLT) == 0 ||
! eproc.e_tdev != (dev_t)arg) &&
! (arg != NODEV || (proc.p_flag & P_CONTROLT)))
*** 487,493 ****
kd->procbase = 0;
! if (ISALIVE(kd)) {
size = 0;
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
--- 488,494 ----
kd->procbase = 0;
! if (ISALIVE(kd) && 0) {
size = 0;
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_PROC;