Subject: misc/1522: recent change breaks libgroff compile
To: None <>
From: Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/26/1995 16:50:58
>Number:         1522
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       recent change breaks libgroff compile
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    misc-bug-people (Misc Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Sep 26 18:05:04 1995
>Originator:     Scott Reynolds
Scott Reynolds    
System Administrator        #include <std/disclaimer.h>
Technology Group, Inc.      Neenah, WI, USA  54957-0677
>Release:        26-Sep-1995
	NetBSD/i386, but all ports affected
System: NetBSD aqua 1.0A NetBSD 1.0A (TGI) #9: Tue Sep 5 17:05:08 CDT 1995 scottr@aqua:/b/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/TGI i386

	One of the recent changes to /usr/share/mk introduced a typo to the
	.cc.o rule, breaking the libgroff compile (and presumably any other
	C++ code that might later be in the tree).

	cd to the groff directory; make cleandir depend all.

	Apply the following patch.

*** /usr/src/share/mk/	Tue Sep 26 02:06:39 1995
--- /usr/share/mk/	Tue Sep 26 16:37:36 1995
*** 43,49 ****
  .cc.o .C.o:
  	@echo "${} ${.IMPSRC}"
  	@${} ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}.o
! 	@${LD} -x -r ${.TARGET} -o ${.TARGET}
  	@rm -f ${.TARGET}.o
  .cc.po .C.po:
--- 43,49 ----
  .cc.o .C.o:
  	@echo "${} ${.IMPSRC}"
  	@${} ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}.o
! 	@${LD} -x -r ${.TARGET}.o -o ${.TARGET}
  	@rm -f ${.TARGET}.o
  .cc.po .C.po: