Subject: misc/1919: merging functionality of netstart, etc, into rc
To: None <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/10/1996 12:38:39
>Number:         1919
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       merging functionality of netstart, etc, into rc
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    misc-bug-people (Misc Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   lm
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jan  9 21:05:02 1996
>Originator:     Luke Mewburn
>Release:        NetBSD-960106
	A couple of weeks ago there was a discussion on /etc/rc vs
	/etc/rc.?d/*, amongst other things

	At that time I suggested that whatever decision is made, the
	concept of having /etc/rc source /etc/rc.conf for information,
	rather than using
	I got a lot of positive replies on this, so here's the

	Look at
	Decide that it's a crock.


	Apply this diff, rename to rc.conf, edit
	appropriately, and reboot.

	After the changes, the following files are superfluous and can
	be removed from the src tree and /etc:

	I've tested this fairly well, including the interface alias code.
	The only thing I haven't tested is the 'destination_addr'
	change, but it's trivial, and you can see from observation
	that it should work.

*** /dev/null	Wed Jan 10 12:24:54 1996
---	Wed Jan 10 12:12:58 1996
*** 0 ****
--- 1,54 ----
+ #
+ # Host specific configuration information
+ #
+ # $NetBSD$
+ #
+ # primary hostname
+ #
+ hostname=myname
+ # domainname for DNS and NIS
+ #
+ domainname=my.domain
+ # interfaces
+ # for each WORD in $interfaces, set the following variables:
+ # - interface_WORD	addr_family hostaddr [netmask [broadcast [options]]]
+ # - destination_WORD	[dest_addr]
+ # - ifaliases_WORD	[alias_addr [alias_addr ...]]
+ #
+ interfaces="ed0 le0"
+ interface_ed0="inet"
+ interface_le0="inet"
+ # default route. don't define if you don't want it
+ #
+ defaultroute=
+ # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
+ #
+ routed_flags=-q
+ mrouted_flags=NO	# for 'normal' use: mrouted_flags=""
+ rarpd_flags=NO		# for 'normal' use: rarpd_flags="-a"
+ bootparamd_flags=NO	# for 'normal' use: bootparamd_flags=""
+ rbootd_flags=NO		# for 'normal' use: rbootd_flags=""
+ sendmail_flags=NO	# for 'normal' use: sendmail_flags="-bd -q30m"
+ named_flags=NO		# for 'normal' use: named_flags=""
+ timed_flags=
+ # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
+ #
+ rwhod=NO
+ nfs_server=NO
+ nfs_client=NO
+ gated=NO
+ kerberos_server=NO
+ amd=NO
+ # miscellaneous other flags
+ # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
+ #
+ gated_flags=
+ amd_dir=/amd			# AMD's mount directory
+ amd_master=/etc/amd/master	# AMD 'master' map
Index: rc
RCS file: /z/cvsroot/src/etc/rc,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** rc	1996/01/06 09:34:37
--- rc	1996/01/10 01:24:55	1.2
*** 17,22 ****
--- 17,25 ----
  export PATH
+ # Read in host-specific stuff from one file
+ . /etc/rc.conf
  # Configure ccd devices.
  if [ -f /etc/ccd.conf ]
*** 69,81 ****
  mount -a -t nonfs
  rm -f /fastboot		# XXX (root now writeable)
! # set flags on ttys.  (do early, in case they use tty for SLIP in netstart)
  echo 'setting tty flags'
  ttyflags -a
  # set hostname, turn on network
  echo 'starting network'
! . /etc/netstart
  mount /usr >/dev/null 2>&1
  mount /var >/dev/null 2>&1
--- 72,154 ----
  mount -a -t nonfs
  rm -f /fastboot		# XXX (root now writeable)
! # set flags on ttys.  (do early, in case they use tty for SLIP)
  echo 'setting tty flags'
  ttyflags -a
  # set hostname, turn on network
  echo 'starting network'
! # $hostname is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
! if [ "X${hostname}" != "X" ]; then
! 	hostname ${hostname}
! fi
! # $domainname is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
! if [ "X${domainname}" != "X" ]; then
! 	domainname ${domainname}
! fi
! # configure all of the interfaces which we know about.
! # do this by running for each WORD in $interfaces, and extracting
! # the following variables, which are imported from /etc/rc.conf:
! # - interface_WORD	addr_family hostaddr [netmask [broadcast [options]]]
! # - destination_WORD	[dest_addr]
! # - ifaliases_WORD	[alias_addr [alias_addr ...]]
! #
! # addr_family:	address family of the interface, generally inet
! # hostaddr:	host addr that belongs to the interface, in /etc/hosts.
! # netmask:	network mask for the interface.
! # broadcast:	broadcast address for the interface
! # options:	misc. options to ifconfig for the interface.
! # dest_addr:	if the interface has a "destination" (i.e. it's a
! #		point-to-point link, like SLIP), this is the address
! #		of the other end of the link, in /etc/hosts
! # alias_addr:	interface aliases, in /etc/hosts.
! for iface in ${interfaces} ; do
! 	eval `echo 'args=$interface_'$iface`
! 	if [ "X$args" = "X" ] ; then continue; fi
! 	set -- $args
! 	af=$1 ; name=$2 ; mask=$3 ; bcaddr=$4 ; extras=$5
! 	if [ ! -n "$name" ]; then
! 		echo "\$interface_$iface: invalid network configuration"
! 		continue
! 	fi
! 	cmd="ifconfig $iface $af $name"
! 	eval `echo 'dest=$destination_'$iface`
! 	if [ "X$dest" != "X" ] ; then cmd="$cmd $dest"; fi
! 	if [ -n "$mask" ]; then cmd="$cmd netmask $mask"; fi
! 	if [ -n "$bcaddr" -a "X$bcaddr" != "XNONE" ]; then
! 		cmd="$cmd broadcast $bcaddr"
! 	fi
! 	cmd="$cmd $extras"
! 	$cmd
! done
! # set the address for the loopback interface
! ifconfig lo0 inet localhost
! # use loopback, not the wire
! route add $hostname localhost
! # $defaultroute is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
! if [ "X${defaultroute}" != "X" ]; then
! 	route add default ${defaultroute}
! fi
! # setup any interface aliases, as described above
! for iface in ${interfaces} ; do
! 	eval `echo 'aliases=$ifaliases_'$iface`
! 	set -- $aliases
! 	while [ $# -ge 1 ] ; do
! 		ifconfig $iface inet alias $1
! 		route add $1 localhost
! 		shift
! 	done
! done
  mount /usr >/dev/null 2>&1
  mount /var >/dev/null 2>&1
*** 93,99 ****
  	echo -n ' ypbind';		ypbind
! # $nfs_server is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # if $nfs_server == YES, the machine is setup for being an nfs server
  if [ X${nfs_server} = X"YES" -a -r /etc/exports ]; then
  	rm -f /var/db/mountdtab	
--- 166,172 ----
  	echo -n ' ypbind';		ypbind
! # $nfs_server is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # if $nfs_server == YES, the machine is setup for being an nfs server
  if [ X${nfs_server} = X"YES" -a -r /etc/exports ]; then
  	rm -f /var/db/mountdtab	
*** 102,108 ****
  	echo -n ' nfsd';		nfsd -tun 4
! # $nfs_client is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # if $nfs_client == YES, the machine is setup for being an nfs client
  if [ X${nfs_client} = X"YES" ]; then
  	echo -n ' nfsiod';		nfsiod -n 4
--- 175,181 ----
  	echo -n ' nfsd';		nfsd -tun 4
! # $nfs_client is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # if $nfs_client == YES, the machine is setup for being an nfs client
  if [ X${nfs_client} = X"YES" ]; then
  	echo -n ' nfsiod';		nfsiod -n 4
*** 121,127 ****
  rm -f /dev/log
! # $timed_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # if $timed_flags == NO, timed isn't run.
  if [ "X${timed_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  	echo -n ', time daemon'; timed $timed_flags
--- 194,200 ----
  rm -f /dev/log
! # $timed_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # if $timed_flags == NO, timed isn't run.
  if [ "X${timed_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  	echo -n ', time daemon'; timed $timed_flags
*** 181,187 ****
  echo -n starting network daemons:
! # $gated and $routed_flags are imported from /etc/netstart.
  # If $gated == YES, gated is used; otherwise routed.
  # If $routed_flags == NO, routed isn't run.
  if [ X${gated} = X"YES" -a -r /etc/gated.conf ]; then
--- 254,260 ----
  echo -n starting network daemons:
! # $gated and $routed_flags are imported from /etc/rc.conf.
  # If $gated == YES, gated is used; otherwise routed.
  # If $routed_flags == NO, routed isn't run.
  if [ X${gated} = X"YES" -a -r /etc/gated.conf ]; then
*** 190,208 ****
  	echo -n ' routed';		routed $routed_flags
! # $mrouted_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
! # If $mrouted_flags == NO, then mrouted isn't run.
  if [ "X${mrouted_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  	echo -n ' mrouted';		mrouted $mrouted_flags
! # $named_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # if $named_flags != NO, named is run.
  if [ "X${named_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  	echo -n ' named';		named $named_flags
! # $rwhod is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # if $rwhod == YES, rwhod is run.
  if [ X${rwhod} = X"YES" ]; then
  	echo -n ' rwhod';		rwhod
--- 263,281 ----
  	echo -n ' routed';		routed $routed_flags
! # $mrouted_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
! # If $mrouted_flags != NO, then mrouted is run.
  if [ "X${mrouted_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  	echo -n ' mrouted';		mrouted $mrouted_flags
! # $name_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # if $named_flags != NO, named is run.
  if [ "X${named_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  	echo -n ' named';		named $named_flags
! # $rwhod is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # if $rwhod == YES, rwhod is run.
  if [ X${rwhod} = X"YES" ]; then
  	echo -n ' rwhod';		rwhod
*** 210,216 ****
  echo -n ' printer';		lpd
! # $sendmail_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # If $sendmail_flags == NO or /etc/ doesn't exist, then
  # sendmail isn't run.
  if [ "X${sendmail_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/ ]; then
--- 283,289 ----
  echo -n ' printer';		lpd
! # $sendmail_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # If $sendmail_flags == NO or /etc/ doesn't exist, then
  # sendmail isn't run.
  if [ "X${sendmail_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/ ]; then
*** 219,239 ****
  echo -n ' inetd';		inetd
! # $rarpd_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # If $rarpd_flags == NO or /etc/ethers doesn't exist, then
  # rarpd isn't run.
  if [ "X${rarpd_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/ethers ]; then
  	echo -n ' rarpd';		rarpd ${rarpd_flags}
! # $bootparamd_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # If $bootparamd_flags == NO or /etc/bootparams doesn't exist, then
  # bootparamd isn't run.
  if [ "X${bootparamd_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/bootparams ]; then
  	echo -n ' rpc.bootparamd';	rpc.bootparamd ${bootparamd_flags}
! # $rbootd_flags is imported from /etc/netstart;
  # If $rbootd_flags == NO or /etc/rbootd.conf doesn't exist, then
  # rbootd isn't run.
  if [ "X${rbootd_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/rbootd.conf ]; then
--- 292,312 ----
  echo -n ' inetd';		inetd
! # $rarpd_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # If $rarpd_flags == NO or /etc/ethers doesn't exist, then
  # rarpd isn't run.
  if [ "X${rarpd_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/ethers ]; then
  	echo -n ' rarpd';		rarpd ${rarpd_flags}
! # $bootparamd_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # If $bootparamd_flags == NO or /etc/bootparams doesn't exist, then
  # bootparamd isn't run.
  if [ "X${bootparamd_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/bootparams ]; then
  	echo -n ' rpc.bootparamd';	rpc.bootparamd ${bootparamd_flags}
! # $rbootd_flags is imported from /etc/rc.conf;
  # If $rbootd_flags == NO or /etc/rbootd.conf doesn't exist, then
  # rbootd isn't run.
  if [ "X${rbootd_flags}" != X"NO" -a -r /etc/rbootd.conf ]; then