Subject: bin/1937: dump(8) is misleading with the -B option.
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/13/1996 10:08:38
>Number: 1937
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: dump(8) is misleading with the -B option.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Jan 12 18:20:01 1996
>Originator: matthew green
bozotic softwar foundation
>Release: <NetBSD-current source date>22dec95
System: NetBSD 1.1A NetBSD 1.1A (_splode_) #276: Fri Dec 22 00:30:07 EST 1995 sparc
the dump(8) manual claims that the -B option sets the `The number
of dump records per volume.' this is not the case. it sets the
number of kilobyte records per volume, rounded down to the nearest
use `dump -b 4096 -B 65536' and notice that it isn't 256M but only
64M that it will dump.
*** /usr/src/sbin/dump/dump.8 Sat Oct 14 11:08:47 1995
--- dump.8 Sat Jan 13 10:01:55 1996
*** 98,104 ****
last dump of the same or lower level.
The default level is 9.
.It Fl B Ar records
! The number of dump records per volume.
This option overrides the calculation of tape size
based on length and density.
.It Fl b Ar blocksize
--- 98,105 ----
last dump of the same or lower level.
The default level is 9.
.It Fl B Ar records
! The number of kilobytes per volume, rounded
! down to a multiple of the blocksize.
This option overrides the calculation of tape size
based on length and density.
.It Fl b Ar blocksize