Subject: port-amiga/2132: Amiga port hardware list bugs
To: None <gnats-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/26/1996 11:55:21
>Number: 2132
>Category: port-amiga
>Synopsis: distrib/notes/amiga/hardware errors
>Confidential: no
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Feb 26 12:35:00 1996
>Originator: Ignatios Souvatzis
computer science department, university of Bonn, Germany
>Release: 1.1
System: NetBSD 1.0 NetBSD 1.0 (SINUS) #7: Sat Apr 15 16:18:10 GMT 1995 i386
The amiga hardware list creates the impression, that 68060 cpus are
supported. This is not yet the case.
Be stupid enough to admit in a technical discussion in some NetBSD
mailing list that you're working on a 060 port. Get drowned in questions
about wether the 060 support is included in -1.1, as the INSTALL
document mentions 68020 and up.
I recommend to correct the INSTALL document error if possible; this
should happen BEFORE somebody starts to make a CD-ROM of this, so it
is marked as urgent above.
*** hardware.orig Sat Dec 2 14:47:51 1995
--- hardware Sat Dec 2 14:50:59 1995
*** 1,10 ****
! NetBSD/amiga 1.1 runs on any amiga that has a 68020 or better CPU
! with some form of FPU and MMU. The minimal configuration requires
4M of RAM and about 65M of disk space. To install the entire system
requires much more disk space, and to run X or compile the system,
more RAM is recommended. (4M of RAM will actually allow you to
! compile, however it won't be speedy. X really isn't usable on a
! 4M system)
Here is a table of recommended HD partition sizes for a full install:
partition: advise, with X, needed, with X
--- 1,10 ----
! NetBSD/amiga 1.1 runs on any amiga that has a 68020, 68030 or 68040
! CPU with some form of FPU and MMU. The minimal configuration requires
4M of RAM and about 65M of disk space. To install the entire system
requires much more disk space, and to run X or compile the system,
more RAM is recommended. (4M of RAM will actually allow you to
! compile, however it won't be speedy. X really isn't usable on a
! 4M system.)
Here is a table of recommended HD partition sizes for a full install:
partition: advise, with X, needed, with X
*** 16,22 ****
As you may note the recommended size of /usr is 20M greater than
needed. This is to leave room for a kernel source and compile tree
! as you will probably want to compile your own kernel. (GENERIC is
large and bulky to accommodate all people).
If you only have 4M of fast memory, you should make your swap partition
--- 16,22 ----
As you may note the recommended size of /usr is 20M greater than
needed. This is to leave room for a kernel source and compile tree
! as you will probably want to compile your own kernel. (INSTALL is
large and bulky to accommodate all people).
If you only have 4M of fast memory, you should make your swap partition