Subject: port-i386/2666: [Ctrl]-8 emits 9 on pcvt
To: None <gnats-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tatoku Ogaito <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/01/1996 14:52:02
>Number: 2666
>Category: port-i386
>Synopsis: [Ctrl]+8 emits 9 on a kernel with PCVT
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Aug 1 13:20:02 1996
>Originator: Tatoku Ogaito
Tatoku Ogaito | Email:
Department of Physics | Fax: +81 776-61-8141
Fukui Medical School | Tel: +81 776-61-3111 ext 2446
>Release: 1.2_BETA
System: NetBSD 1.2_BETA NetBSD 1.2_BETA (TERA) #9: Tue Jul 30 20:10:37 JST 1996 i386
When I hit [Ctrl]+8, appeared 9 instead of 8. It may not be critical
but surprised me. ;-)
Build a kernel without PCVT_ALT_ENH, and hit [Ctrl]+8.
*** /sys/arch/i386/isa/pcvt/pcvt_kbd.h Sat May 4 20:47:28 1996
--- pcvt_kbd.h Thu Aug 1 14:46:34 1996
*** 375,381 ****
/* 6*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "5" }}, {S, { "%" }}, {S, { "5" }} },
/* 7*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "6" }}, {S, { "^" }}, {S, { "\036" }} },
/* 8*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "7" }}, {S, { "&" }}, {S, { "7" }} },
! /* 9*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "8" }}, {S, { "*" }}, {S, { "9" }} },
/* 10*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "9" }}, {S, { "(" }}, {S, { "9" }} },
/* 11*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "0" }}, {S, { ")" }}, {S, { "0" }} },
/* 12*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "-" }}, {S, { "_" }}, {S, { "\037" }} },
--- 375,381 ----
/* 6*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "5" }}, {S, { "%" }}, {S, { "5" }} },
/* 7*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "6" }}, {S, { "^" }}, {S, { "\036" }} },
/* 8*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "7" }}, {S, { "&" }}, {S, { "7" }} },
! /* 9*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "8" }}, {S, { "*" }}, {S, { "8" }} },
/* 10*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "9" }}, {S, { "(" }}, {S, { "9" }} },
/* 11*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "0" }}, {S, { ")" }}, {S, { "0" }} },
/* 12*/ { KBD_ASCII, I, {S, { "-" }}, {S, { "_" }}, {S, { "\037" }} },