Subject: port-pmax/2731: Patch for uninitialized var in MachEmulateBranch that caused panic
To: None <gnats-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/03/1996 17:34:08
>Number:         2731
>Category:       port-pmax
>Synopsis:       Patch for uninitialized var in MachEmulateBranch that caused panic
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Sep  3 21:05:05 1996
>Originator:     Ben Cottrell
Marshall Kirk McKusick Consultancy
>Release:        1.2_BETA
System: NetBSD 1.2_BETA NetBSD 1.2_BETA (PENDOR) #1: Tue Sep 3 14:06:24 PDT 1996 pmax

In /sys/arch/pmax/pmax/trap.c, in the MachEmulateBranch() function, there is
a potential panic if the instruction that caused the exception is not a branch.
However, the instruction is not actually loaded unless the "notyet" macro is
defined, which it is not on my system.
I was able to consistently reproduce the bug using POVray, although I had
occasionally seen it when running one of my own programs as well. The
POVray input file I used for testing is under copyright, though, so if it's
necessary I'll ask the author for permission to send it.
The fix is to eliminate the dependency on the "notyet" macro by moving the
#endif two lines up, so that inst.word is assigned a value before it is
checked in the immediately following switch.

Note that inst is a union, so that assigning a value to inst.word actually does
make the access to inst.JType valid.

The following patch may be used on /sys/arch/pmax/pmax/trap.c to effect this

*** trap.c.dist	Tue Sep  3 17:10:36 1996
--- trap.c	Tue Sep  3 17:11:11 1996
*** 1146,1156 ****
  #ifdef notyet	/*  Compute desination of r4000 squashed branches */
  #define GetBranchDest(InstPtr, inst) \
  	((unsigned)InstPtr + 4 + ((short)inst.IType.imm << 2))
  	inst.word = (instPC < MACH_CACHED_MEMORY_ADDR) ?
  		fuiword((caddr_t)instPC) : *(unsigned*)instPC;
- #endif
  #if 0
  	printf("regsPtr=%x PC=%x Inst=%x fpcCsr=%x\n", regsPtr, instPC,
  		inst.word, fpcCSR); /* XXX */
--- 1146,1156 ----
  #ifdef notyet	/*  Compute desination of r4000 squashed branches */
  #define GetBranchDest(InstPtr, inst) \
  	((unsigned)InstPtr + 4 + ((short)inst.IType.imm << 2))
+ #endif
  	inst.word = (instPC < MACH_CACHED_MEMORY_ADDR) ?
  		fuiword((caddr_t)instPC) : *(unsigned*)instPC;
  #if 0
  	printf("regsPtr=%x PC=%x Inst=%x fpcCsr=%x\n", regsPtr, instPC,
  		inst.word, fpcCSR); /* XXX */
>synopsis:	MachEmulateBranch tries to check opcode it never loads