Subject: port-m68k/2761: wrong fmovem emulation code of FPE
To: None <>
From: Takeshi Nakayama <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/16/1996 23:45:27
>Number: 2761
>Category: port-m68k
>Synopsis: wrong fmovem emulation code of FPE
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Sep 16 07:50:02 1996
>Originator: Takeshi Nakayama
Department of Information Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan
>Release: 1.2_BETA
System: NetBSD selene 1.2 NetBSD 1.2 (SELENE) #1: Mon Sep 16 03:52:03 JST 1996 takeshi@selene:/usr/src/sys/arch/x68k/compile/SELENE x68k
The emulation code of fmovem does not consider the FP
register ordaring. Therefore, at the end of function call, fmovem
restores datum to the wrong register.
For example, the instruction `fmovem sp@+,fp0-fp1' restores
datum to fp0 and fp1, but on the system running FPE, restores to
fp6 and fp7.
Apply the following patch to src/sys/arch/m68k/fpe/fpu_emulate.c.
*** fpu_emulate.c.orig Wed May 15 20:30:11 1996
--- fpu_emulate.c Sun Sep 8 05:37:26 1996
*** 445,451 ****
int word1, sig;
int reglist, regmask, regnum;
int fpu_to_mem, order;
! int w1_post_incr; /* XXX - FP regs order? */
int *fpregs;
insn->is_advance = 4;
--- 445,451 ----
int word1, sig;
int reglist, regmask, regnum;
int fpu_to_mem, order;
! int w1_post_incr;
int *fpregs;
insn->is_advance = 4;
*** 487,493 ****
while ((0 <= regnum) && (regnum < 8)) {
! regmask = 1 << regnum;
if (regmask & reglist) {
if (fpu_to_mem) {
sig = fpu_store_ea(frame, insn, &insn->is_ea0,
--- 487,497 ----
while ((0 <= regnum) && (regnum < 8)) {
! if (w1_post_incr) {
! regmask = 0x80 >> regnum;
! } else {
! regmask = 1 << regnum;
! }
if (regmask & reglist) {
if (fpu_to_mem) {
sig = fpu_store_ea(frame, insn, &insn->is_ea0,