Subject: kern/2788: if tick is not integral, corrections can be disruptive
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/28/1996 18:55:57
>Number: 2788
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: if tick is not integral, corrections can be disruptive
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Sep 28 19:05:00 1996
>Originator: Dennis Ferguson
Juniper Networks, Inc.
>Release: 1.2_ALPHA
Any machine where 1000000/hz is non-integral
System: NetBSD 1.2_ALPHA NetBSD 1.2_ALPHA (SKANKLIKE) #5: Sat Sep 28 14:34:02 PDT 1996 i386
In kern/kern_clock.c the code which adjusts time to account for
1000000/hz being non-integral looks like the following:
if (tickfix) {
if (tickfixcnt >= tickfixinterval) {
delta += tickfix;
tickfixcnt = 0;
On an alpha for example, where hz == 1024, tickfix ends up being
9 and tickfixinterval ends up being 16, so the end result of the
above is that the time gets adjusted forward by 9 microseconds
on every 16th clock interrupt.
This is not incorrect, but it causes detectable bumps in time if
you are trying to use the machine to do fine timing, and is
unnecessary since it costs very little more to limit increments
to 1 per clock interrupt.
Try to make precise time measurements on a machine with hz == 1024,
or hz==60. Note that some times are 10 microseconds larger than
others for no good reason.
The following patch changes how tick fixes are applied, limiting
adjustments to 1 microsecond per clock interrupt. It does add
the constraint that tickfix must be greater than zero, though
this should have no practical consequence.
*** kern_clock.c 1996/09/29 01:08:58 1.2
--- kern_clock.c 1996/09/29 01:23:18
*** 283,289 ****
int psratio; /* ratio: prof / stat */
int tickfix, tickfixinterval; /* used if tick not really integral */
#ifndef NTP
! static int tickfixcnt; /* number of ticks since last fix */
int fixtick; /* used by NTP for same */
int shifthz;
--- 283,289 ----
int psratio; /* ratio: prof / stat */
int tickfix, tickfixinterval; /* used if tick not really integral */
#ifndef NTP
! static int tickfixcnt; /* accumulated fractional error */
int fixtick; /* used by NTP for same */
int shifthz;
*** 410,419 ****
#ifndef NTP
if (tickfix) {
! tickfixcnt++;
if (tickfixcnt >= tickfixinterval) {
! delta += tickfix;
! tickfixcnt = 0;
#endif /* !NTP */
--- 410,419 ----
#ifndef NTP
if (tickfix) {
! tickfixcnt += tickfix;
if (tickfixcnt >= tickfixinterval) {
! delta++;
! tickfixcnt -= tickfixinterval;
#endif /* !NTP */