Subject: kern/2797: NFS unmount during halt tries RPC and panics
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 10/02/1996 15:05:19
>Number: 2797
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: NFS unmount during halt tries RPC and panics
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Oct 2 12:20:01 1996
>Originator: Gordon W. Ross
>Release: NetBSD-1.2_BETA
NetBSD 1.2_BETA (GENERIC) #88: Tue Aug 27 18:49:30 EDT 1996
[ I believe this problem is common to all architectures. ]
If I have a network failure and then try to halt the machine,
it either hangs or panics when it tries to unmount NFS mounts.
The hang happens if I just disconnect the network and then try
to halt the machine. The panic happens if I "ifconfig down"
the network interface and then halt (before NFS unmount).
The underlying problem in both cases appears to be that the
NFS unmount operation is trying to do RPC over the wire when
it should not. (At least, it should not try RPC when the
unmount has the "force" flag, and when the network is down.)
To make it hang:
mount server:/some/path /mnt
# disconnect the network cable
To make it panic:
mount server:/some/path /mnt
# disconnect the network cable
ifconfig if? down # the interface
No specific fix yet. In general, the "force" flag should
be careful to avoid trying new RPC requests, and if it must
initiate new RPC requests (i.e. pending write) then it must
make sure they have reasonably short timeouts and are not
just retried forever. (i.e. "umount -f" could imply "soft")