Subject: booting 1.2 from sd0
To: None <netbsd-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Rosenthal <dshr@vitria.COM>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/01/1996 22:02:19
I FTPed the 1.2 binaries and sources and installed them on a system
with everything on wd0. Everything went smoothly. Then I config-ed
up a kernel with ncr support and added an sd0. I partitioned sd0,
installed the sd boot blocks from /usr/mdec, copied the file systems
from wd0, built a kernel with root on sd0 and tried to boot it in
several ways:
- If you boot hd(1,a)/netbsd -as and tell it that the root is
on sd0 it comes up running on sd0 but it can't find the swap
on sd0.
- If you disconnect wd0, disable it in the BIOS, and try to boot,
the kernel boots normally through the autoconfig but then it tries
to change the root to wd0 and panics. This happens even if you
configure wdc? and wd? out of the kernel, and even if you
try to boot this disk on another system that was running
a NetBSD 1.1 system image with a 1.2 beta kernel from its sd0
perfectly happily.
- It doesn't seem to make any difference to replace the 1.2
/usr/mdec boot blocks with the 1.1 boot blocks that are booting
the 1.2 beta kernel on the sd0-only system.
I have tried the wd/sd system with both aha and ncr controller boards.
The sd only system has an ahc controller.
The wd/sd system has been running 1.1 very happily. The sd only system
has been running 1.1 with an ncr controller instead of the ahc. I built
the 1.2beta kernel in order to run the ahc, and that has been working too.