Subject: bin/3534: magic file misnames R3000 binaries as RS3000
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/24/1997 19:50:40
>Number: 3534
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: magic file misnames R3000 binaries as RS3000
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Apr 24 17:05:01 1997
>Originator: John Kohl
NetBSD Kernel Hackers `R` Us
>Release: NetBSD-current, 1997/04/24
System: NetBSD 1.2D NetBSD 1.2D (PATTERN) #63: Sat Apr 19 13:15:51 EDT 1997 i386
The MIPS processors are known as R2000, R2000a, R3000, and some
newer ones. They're not called RSx000.
/etc/magic incorrectly MIPS binaries as RS3000.
run file on a mipsel binary (pmax, for example)
Index: src/usr.bin/file/magdir/elf
RCS file: /u3/cvsroot/src/usr.bin/file/magdir/elf,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.1.1.3 elf
*** elf 1997/01/29 01:19:11
--- elf 1997/04/24 23:49:50
*** 5,11 ****
# We have to check the byte order flag to see what byte order all the
# other stuff in the header is in.
! # MIPS RS3000 may also be for MIPS RS2000.
# What're the correct byte orders for the nCUBE and the Fujitsu VPP500?
# updated by Daniel Quinlan (
--- 5,11 ----
# We have to check the byte order flag to see what byte order all the
# other stuff in the header is in.
! # MIPS R3000 may also be for MIPS R2000.
# What're the correct byte orders for the nCUBE and the Fujitsu VPP500?
# updated by Daniel Quinlan (
*** 31,39 ****
>>18 leshort 5 Motorola 88000 - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 6 Intel 80486,
>>18 leshort 7 Intel 80860,
! >>18 leshort 8 MIPS RS3000_BE - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 9 Amdahl - invalid byte order,
! >>18 leshort 10 MIPS RS3000_LE,
>>18 leshort 11 RS6000 - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 15 PA-RISC - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 16 nCUBE,
--- 31,39 ----
>>18 leshort 5 Motorola 88000 - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 6 Intel 80486,
>>18 leshort 7 Intel 80860,
! >>18 leshort 8 MIPS R3000_BE - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 9 Amdahl - invalid byte order,
! >>18 leshort 10 MIPS R3000_LE,
>>18 leshort 11 RS6000 - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 15 PA-RISC - invalid byte order,
>>18 leshort 16 nCUBE,
*** 60,68 ****
>>18 beshort 5 Motorola 88000,
>>18 beshort 6 Intel 80486 - invalid byte order,
>>18 beshort 7 Intel 80860,
! >>18 beshort 8 MIPS RS3000_BE,
>>18 beshort 9 Amdahl,
! >>18 beshort 10 MIPS RS3000_LE - invalid byte order,
>>18 beshort 11 RS6000,
>>18 beshort 15 PA-RISC,
>>18 beshort 16 nCUBE,
--- 60,68 ----
>>18 beshort 5 Motorola 88000,
>>18 beshort 6 Intel 80486 - invalid byte order,
>>18 beshort 7 Intel 80860,
! >>18 beshort 8 MIPS R3000_BE,
>>18 beshort 9 Amdahl,
! >>18 beshort 10 MIPS R3000_LE - invalid byte order,
>>18 beshort 11 RS6000,
>>18 beshort 15 PA-RISC,
>>18 beshort 16 nCUBE,