Subject: bin/3573: make(1) has inauspiciously named variable.
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/04/1997 08:59:45
>Number: 3573
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: make has a variable named main.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun May 4 09:05:00 1997
>Originator: Peter Seebach
Peter Seebach - - Copyright 1996 Peter Seebach.
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>Release: -current
System: NetBSD taniemarie 1.2D NetBSD 1.2D (SEEBS) #0: Fri Mar 28 20:24:30 CST 1997 seebs@taniemarie:/usr/src/sys/arch/amiga/compile/SEEBS amiga
make's parse.c has a variable named main; this triggers a warning
from my patched gcc, indicating that main is traditionally a function.
While the code is correct, it's arguably bad style.
Patch gcc and make make.
The following diff does it for me.
*** parse.orig Sun May 4 10:55:53 1997
--- parse.c Sun May 4 10:56:14 1997
*** 2574,2591 ****
! Lst main; /* result list */
! main = Lst_Init (FALSE);
if (mainNode == NILGNODE) {
Punt ("no target to make.");
} else if (mainNode->type & OP_DOUBLEDEP) {
! (void) Lst_AtEnd (main, (ClientData)mainNode);
! Lst_Concat(main, mainNode->cohorts, LST_CONCNEW);
! (void) Lst_AtEnd (main, (ClientData)mainNode);
! return (main);
--- 2574,2591 ----
! Lst mainList; /* result list */
! mainList = Lst_Init (FALSE);
if (mainNode == NILGNODE) {
Punt ("no target to make.");
} else if (mainNode->type & OP_DOUBLEDEP) {
! (void) Lst_AtEnd (mainList, (ClientData)mainNode);
! Lst_Concat(mainList, mainNode->cohorts, LST_CONCNEW);
! (void) Lst_AtEnd (mainList, (ClientData)mainNode);
! return (mainList);