Subject: kern/3729: lkm.h should be wanrning free.
To: None <>
From: Takahiro Kambe <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/10/1997 01:52:40
>Number:         3729
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       lkm.h prevent to compile some LKM modules
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jun  9 10:05:00 1997
>Originator:     Takahiro Kambe
	Fuji Xerox Information Systems Co., Ltd.
>Release:        970525
System: NetBSD 1.2E NetBSD 1.2E (ALN1-PCMCIA) #2: Mon Jun 9 23:44:31 JST 1997 i386

Some LKM module may not compile with "-Werror" option.

Compile a LKM module with "-Werror" option.


*** /sys/sys/lkm.h.~1~	Sat Feb 10 21:34:26 1996
--- /sys/sys/lkm.h	Fri May 30 02:04:23 1997
*** 260,274 ****
  	int	error;							\
  	case LKM_E_LOAD:						\
  		lkmtp->private.lkm_any = (struct lkm_any *)&_module;	\
! 		if (error = load(lkmtp, cmd))				\
  			return error;					\
  		break;							\
  	case LKM_E_UNLOAD:						\
! 		if (error = unload(lkmtp, cmd))				\
  			return error;					\
  		break;							\
  	case LKM_E_STAT:						\
! 		if (error = stat(lkmtp, cmd))				\
  			return error;					\
  		break;							\
  	}								\
--- 260,274 ----
  	int	error;							\
  	case LKM_E_LOAD:						\
  		lkmtp->private.lkm_any = (struct lkm_any *)&_module;	\
! 		if ((error = load(lkmtp, cmd)))				\
  			return error;					\
  		break;							\
  	case LKM_E_UNLOAD:						\
! 		if ((error = unload(lkmtp, cmd)))			\
  			return error;					\
  		break;							\
  	case LKM_E_STAT:						\
! 		if ((error = stat(lkmtp, cmd)))				\
  			return error;					\
  		break;							\
  	}								\
