Subject: bin/4264: games install nukes symlinks
To: None <>
From: Gary D. Duzan <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 10/12/1997 10:13:49
>Number:         4264
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       games install nukes symlinks
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Oct 12 07:20:01 1997
>Originator:     Gary D. Duzan
>Release:        Sat Oct 11 10:55:04 EDT 1997
System: NetBSD 1.2G NetBSD 1.2G (WHEEL) #0: Sat Oct 11 14:25:59 EDT 1997 i386

	If /usr/games is a symlink, the backgammon common_source
	make procedure will remove it. I imagine it would be the
	same for any library built with HIDEGAME set.

===> backgammon
===> backgammon/common_source
install -c -o games -g bin -m 600 libcommon_source.a  /usr/lib/libcommon_source.a
ranlib -t /usr/lib/libcommon_source.a
chmod 444 /usr/lib/libcommon_source.a
/usr/games/ -> dm
ln: /usr/games/: No such file or directory


*** /usr/src/games/	Thu Mar 27 07:08:01 1997
---	Sun Oct 12 10:09:02 1997
*** 2,8 ****
  #	@(#)	8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93
  BINOWN?=	games
! .if defined(HIDEGAME)
  BINDIR?=	/usr/games/hide
  BINMODE?=	4700
  SYMLINKS+=	dm /usr/games/${PROG}
--- 2,8 ----
  #	@(#)	8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93
  BINOWN?=	games
! .if defined(HIDEGAME) && defined(PROG)
  BINDIR?=	/usr/games/hide
  BINMODE?=	4700
  SYMLINKS+=	dm /usr/games/${PROG}