Subject: kern/4624: Lots of "ppp_deflate0: exceeded mru (1508 > 1504)" logged
To: None <>
From: Michael Eriksson T/D <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 12/02/1997 13:20:06
>Number: 4624
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: Lots of "ppp_deflate0: exceeded mru (1508 > 1504)" logged
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue Dec 2 04:35:03 1997
Michael Eriksson <>
Ericsson Radio Systems AB
>Release: 1.3_BETA from 971129
System: NetBSD abro 1.3_BETA NetBSD 1.3_BETA (ABRO) #0: Sun Nov 30 04:44:58 MET 1997 eramer@abro:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/ABRO sparc
When I run PPP between a NetBSD/sparc (Sun IPX) and a NetBSD/i386 (IBM
Thinkpad 760CD), both running NetBSD 1.3_BETA, I get a large amount
(sometimes several per second) of "ppp_deflate0: exceeded mru (1508 >
1504)" messages logged from the kernel. This only get logged on the
sparc, even though I run PPP symmetrically. I use the default MTU/MRU
(1500), and use a serial cable between the machines.
I don't get these log entries when I run PPP between a sparc running
1.3_BETA and another sparc running 1.2.1, neither do I get it when I
run PPP between the 1.3_BETA i386 and the 1.2.1 sparc. I didn't have
this problem when running PPP between any machines, when they were
running 1.2.1.
Run PPP between a sparc and a i386, both running NetBSD 1.3_BETA, do
some bulk transfer and watch the console on the sparc. (I'm not sure
this is universally repeatable, but it sure is repeatable between my
Simple fix: Remove the printf() call in ppp-deflate.c, or don't set
Correct fix: I don't know :-(.