Subject: kern/4860: IP Filter LKM should be compiled with ipmon(8) log support
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/22/1998 02:23:03
>Number:         4860
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       IP Filter LKM should be compiled with ipmon(8) log support
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Jan 21 17:35:00 1998
>Originator:     Matthias Scheler
Matthias Scheler                      
>Release:        980120
System: NetBSD lyssa 1.3B NetBSD 1.3B (LYSSA) #0: Wed Jan 21 23:55:45 MET 1998 tron@lyssa:/src/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/LYSSA i386

When I tried to use "ipmon" with the IP Filter LKM it didn't work because
the LKM is compiled without logging support.

Load IP Filter lkm and start "ipmon".

*** src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/Makefile.orig	Mon Sep 22 13:27:12 1997
--- src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/Makefile	Thu Jan 22 00:32:17 1998
*** 4,9 ****
--- 4,10 ----
  .PATH: $S/netinet
  KMOD=	if_ipl
  SRCS=	ip_fil.c fil.c mln_ipl.c ip_nat.c ip_frag.c ip_state.c ip_proxy.c \
  	ip_auth.c ip_log.c