Subject: misc/4911: netstat better output
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/30/1998 09:16:20
>Number: 4911
>Category: misc
>Synopsis: clean up netstat ifconfig
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: misc-bug-people (Misc Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Jan 30 00:35:01 1998
>Originator: Eric Delcamp
Eric Delcamp
Revendeur Jeux Video NetBSD/Amiga & PC
Galactic Bloodshed player Frisbee Corporation
>Release: 19980129 <NetBSD-current source date>
System: NetBSD 1.3B NetBSD 1.3B (NFS) #0: Thu Jan 22 18:59:16 CET 1998 amiga
when netstat configure interfaces via ifconfig, the output text
is not really good. Need a little fix. Hum, does the patch really pass through
send-pr ('cause of '<' and '>') ?
*** netstart.orig Mon Jan 26 13:43:54 1998
--- netstart Fri Jan 30 09:04:53 1998
*** 83,92 ****
for int in $tmp; do
eval `echo 'args=$ifconfig_'$int`
if [ -n "$args" ]; then
! echo -n " $int"
ifconfig $int $args
elif [ -f /etc/ifconfig.$int ]; then
! echo -n " $int"
(while read args; do
ifconfig $int $args
done) < /etc/ifconfig.$int
--- 83,92 ----
for int in $tmp; do
eval `echo 'args=$ifconfig_'$int`
if [ -n "$args" ]; then
! echo " $int"
ifconfig $int $args
elif [ -f /etc/ifconfig.$int ]; then
! echo " $int"
(while read args; do
ifconfig $int $args
done) < /etc/ifconfig.$int