Subject: Re: bin/5258: xntpd boots to weird state if link is down
To: None <, netbsd-bugs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/06/1998 08:28:10
> If the link is down when xntpd starts up, [...], the first attempt to
> reach the server fails [...], but then never succeeds even once the
> link has come up.
I saw this too, on a SS1+. I thought its ethernet was broken, since a
57.6Kbps hardwired PPP connection to one of my Sun-3s was significantly
more performant. It turned out to be a thinnet problem; once I spent a
little money on a 10baseT hub and cables and got rid of 10base2
completely, the 1+'s ethernet magically started working Just Fine.
But yes, when I had it networking via serial, I saw this problem too:
ntp was started before ppp, and never recovered without manual
I never investigated enough to tell what was wrong. Once using the
ethernet worked, the effective problem disappeared....
der Mouse
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