Subject: bin/5608: makewhatis fails for /usr/pkg/man
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/17/1998 20:20:09
>Number: 5608
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: getName dies on man page for /usr/pkg/man/man1/ps2frag.1
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Jun 18 05:20:01 1998
>Originator: Sean Witham
Advanced System Architectures
>Release: NetBSD-1.3.2
Intel Pentium II PC
System: NetBSD newbuild 1.3.2 NetBSD 1.3.2
The man page for the command ps2frag does not have the
nroff formated header ".SH NAME" defined. Without this the getNAME tool
gives a bus error when it processes the nroff file. "getNAME" is called
by the makewhatis script used to update the whatis.db database.
Adding the two lines ".SH NAME", "ps2frag \- redundant script ?"
avoided the problem and allowed the makewhatis script to complete the
update of the whatis.db for the /usr/pkg/man area.
I think the man page concerened was shiped with the
teTex package but it should be reproducable by takeing any man page
and replacing all occurances of ".SH NAME" with ".SH IMPORTANT NOTICE"
and then running makewhatis with the correct path for the man area
of the man page modified as an argument.
A prefered fix is for the getNAME binary to be updated to handle
man pages that are not formated as expected.
For now a user can add the missing format line ".SH NAME" by hand and
add a suitable one line entry below it.