Subject: Re: Before I offically call this a time bug can someone else try this?
To: <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/04/1998 05:42:06
Suggestions? Stop drinking alcohol publically (or move to Canada), buy a
nice plaid hat and start talking about a "New Deal"
Seriously: I think we need to
a) make time_t a quad_t, at least in parts of the kernel.
b) make sure that we sanity check what we load from the BIOS.
I can try to do something about (b) this evening and build you a new
I suspect you lock up because any routine that was waiting on a timed
event gets confused when the time calculation overflows.
What if you do the following:
# year=2060
# while true
echo Now warping you to $year
date $year08041620
sleep 5
year=`expr $year - 5`
:!mcr!: | Network and security consulting/contract programming
Michael Richardson | Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
Personal: PGP key available.
ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.