Subject: bin/6706: regress test for dump nodump-handling
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/02/1999 00:07:33
>Number: 6706
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: regress test for dump nodump-handling
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Jan 1 22:20:00 1999
>Originator: Brian Grayson
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
>Release: Dec 31 1998
The following patches for /usr/src/regress/sbin/dump
create Makefile and estimatecompare, which together allow
a few simple tests of dump's nodump handling, both on
files and on directories.
These tests will fail if the nodump dir handling in
PR6705 is not added in.
I don't know if there are any rules for stuff in
/usr/src/regress. Simply use "make regress" in the
directory to perform the test.
Besides these patches, sbin needs to be added to SUBDIR in
--- /dev/null Fri Jan 1 23:31:53 1999
+++ Makefile Fri Jan 1 23:23:04 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+## Notes:
+## This set of tests creates a dummy directory tree in /tmp and
+## populates it with several files. The test requires around 1100
+## inodes and 350KB.
+## The tests primarily test the dumping of subdirectories, not full
+## filesystems. Also, it tests mostly how nodump is honored, with
+## a few corner cases (a directory with an indirect block, etc.)
+## covered. They were written during testing of the new
+## nodump-on-directories feature.
+## The tests could probably be extended by using vnconfig et al to
+## create a brand new filesystem, thus allowing full dumps to be tested.
+## Currently, the integrity of the backups is not checked (via
+## restores or any other method). But it's a start.
+## Caveats:
+## These tests will most likely fail on systems with block sizes
+## different from 8K.
+## Enjoy! Brian Grayson, Jan 1, 1999.
+DIGITS=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+regress: tmpfs
+ $(MAKE) regresstest
+ $(MAKE) clean
+ @echo "*** Testing dump on $(TMPFS)."
+ @# First of all, estimate the size of a dump of just the tmpfs.
+ $(PWD)/estimatecompare 1488 -S -h9 -0 $(TMPFS)
+ @# Now estimate the size, after honoring the nodump flag.
+ $(PWD)/estimatecompare 263 -S -h0 -0 $(TMPFS)
+clean: cleantmpfs
+ @echo "*** Cleaning up $(TMPFS)."
+ rm -rf $(TMPFS)
+ $(MAKE) cleantmpfs
+ @echo "*** Creating a dummy directory tree at $(TMPFS)."
+ mkdir $(TMPFS)
+ @# Create two handy files -- 0k, and 10k.
+ touch $(ZEROK)
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$(TENK) bs=1024 count=10
+ @# Create a directory with a 10K file, with the file marked nodump.
+ mkdir $(TMPFS)/nodumpfile
+ cp $(TENK) $(TMPFS)/nodumpfile/10k
+ chflags nodump $(TMPFS)/nodumpfile/10k
+ @# And some ordinary 10k files.
+ mkdir $(TMPFS)/dumpfile
+ TMPFS_DUMP=$(TMPFS)/dumpfile/dumpfile.10k; \
+ for f in $(DIGITS); do \
+ cp $(TENK) $$TMPFS_DUMP.$$f; done;
+ @# And now the same files, but in a dir marked nodump:
+ mkdir $(TMPFS)/nodumpdir
+ chflags nodump $(TMPFS)/nodumpdir
+ TMPFS_1=$(TMPFS)/nodumpdir/10k; \
+ for f in $(DIGITS); do cp $(TENK) $$TMPFS_1.$$f; done
+ @# Also create a large directory that uses more than one direct block
+ @# (so it has to be larger than 8K).
+ @# Make sure one entry is for a deleted file, also.
+ mkdir $(TMPFS)/2blkdir
+ TMPFS_1=$(TMPFS)/2blkdir; \
+ cp $(ZEROK) $$TMPFS_1; \
+ for f in $(DIGITS); do for g in $(DIGITS); do \
+ cp $(ZEROK) \
+ $$TMPFS_1/really_really_really_really_really_really_long_name_to_use_up_space_$$f$$g; \
+ done; done; \
+ rm $$TMPFS_1/0k
+ @# Now create a directory with at least one indirect block.
+ @# On a FS with 8K blocks, we need at least 1 + 12*8192 bytes, or
+ @# 98305 bytes, in the directory. 1000 files does the trick,
+ @# with the long filename below.
+ mkdir $(TMPFS)/indirblk
+ chflags nodump $(TMPFS)/indirblk
+ TMPFS_1=$(TMPFS)/indirblk; \
+ cp $(ZEROK) $$TMPFS_1; \
+ for e in 0; do\
+ for f in $(DIGITS); do for g in $(DIGITS); do for h in $(DIGITS); do \
+ cp $(ZEROK) \
+ $$TMPFS_1/really_really_really_really_really_really_long_name_to_use_up_dir_entry_space$$e$$f$$g$$h; \
+ done; done; done; done; \
+ rm $$TMPFS_1/0k
+ @# ^--- As before, make sure at least one direntry is a deleted file.
--- /dev/null Fri Jan 1 23:31:53 1999
+++ estimatecompare Fri Jan 1 23:57:12 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## First arg is expected number of blocks. Rest are args to be passed to dump.
+echo "Expecting estimate around $expectedest blocks:"
+est=`/sbin/dump $* 2>&1 | grep estimated`
+echo $est
+blkest=`echo $est | awk '{print $3;}'`
+diff=`echo $expectedest $blkest |\
+ awk '{if ($1<$2) print $2-$1; else print $1-$2;}'`
+## Use an error threshold of $thresh blocks. The error could arise from
+## one machine with a larger / and /tmp than the system on which this
+## test was developed.
+if [ $diff -gt $thresh ]; then
+ echo "Error: estimated $blkest blocks!"
+ exit 1