Subject: pkg/6727: xemacs 20's gnuclient does not work. Failes with sig_pipe
To: None <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/04/1999 12:46:42
>Number: 6727
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: gnuclient does nothing.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Mon Jan 4 09:50:00 1999
>Originator: Michael C. Richardson
:!mcr!: | Network and security consulting/contract programming
Michael Richardson | Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.
>Release: NetBSD-current Dec. 1
System: NetBSD 1.3I NetBSD 1.3I (SSW) #7: Sun Nov 22 13:24:25 EST 1998 i386
Architecture: i386
Both "gnuclient file" and "gnuclient -nw" do "nothing"
Start up xemacs. Do M-x gnuserv-start
Run "gnuclient somefile"
No windows open, and gnuclient does not wait.
Ktrace output:
15492 gnuclient RET read 2004/0x7d4
15492 gnuclient CALL break(0xdffc)
15492 gnuclient RET break 0
15492 gnuclient CALL break(0xeffc)
15492 gnuclient RET break 0
15492 gnuclient CALL read(0x4,0xa000,0x2000)
15492 gnuclient GIO fd 4 read 0 bytes
15492 gnuclient RET read 0
15492 gnuclient CALL close(0x4)
15492 gnuclient RET close 0
15492 gnuclient CALL write(0x3,0xefbfc148,0xb)
15492 gnuclient GIO fd 3 wrote 11 bytes
15492 gnuclient RET write 11/0xb
15492 gnuclient CALL write(0x3,0x1d88,0x1b)
15492 gnuclient GIO fd 3 wrote 27 bytes
"(gnuserv-eval '(emacs-pid))"
15492 gnuclient RET write 27/0x1b
15492 gnuclient CALL write(0x3,0x1d32,0x1)
15492 gnuclient PSIG SIGPIPE SIG_DFL
Will compile/install from pkgsrc to see if problem persists, but must
find more disk space first.