Subject: pkg/6779: netpbm needs a shampooing
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/10/1999 01:44:34
>Number: 6779
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: the netpbm package needs updated and tidyied
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: low
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Jan 9 23:50:01 1999
>Originator: Rob Windsor
Nose Pickers Anonymous
>Release: 1.3.3
System: NetBSD evolution 1.3.3 NetBSD 1.3.3 (EVOLUTION) #1: Thu Dec 17 17:22:29 CST 1998 windsor@evolution:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/EVOLUTION sparc
pkgsrc/graphics/netpbm needs a makeover, and one of the tarballs
specifically included in it is getting hard(er) to find since it
was updated last year.
For example, at least two of the patchfiles (patch-ac and patch-bg)
touch pnm/Makefile.
Also, the pkg Makefile does an .afterinstall which could be done
during the install process by patching the `Makefile's. Since we
touch three of them already, we might as well touch all of them
and spread some consistency.
Just look at it.
Patch with following (reference root is pkgsrc/graphics/netpbm),
please erase or rename the entire pkg directory "netpbm" since
I just diffed mine against an empty dir. (Alternatively, patch(1)
this in /tmp/foo and diff it against your pkgsrc/graphics/netpbm
and then apply your new patch to your netpbm pkg.)
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/Makefile ./Makefile
*** /tmp/null/Makefile Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./Makefile Sun Jan 10 01:24:13 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,32 ----
+ # $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.22 1998/11/30 19:42:02 tv Exp $
+ #
+ DISTNAME= netpbm
+ PKGNAME= netpbm-19940301
+ CATEGORIES= graphics
+ \
+ DISTFILES= netpbm-1mar1994.tar.gz \
+ pcxtoppm.tar.gz \
+ rletopnm.tar.gz \
+ pnmtopng-2.37.1.tar.gz
+ DEPENDS+= tiff-3.4:../../graphics/tiff
+ DEPENDS+= jpeg-6b:../../graphics/jpeg
+ DEPENDS+= png-1.0.2:../../graphics/png
+ CONFLICTS= netpbm-*
+ WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/netpbm
+ post-extract:
+ # move updates into source tree
+ cd ${WRKSRC};\
+ ${MV} ../*pcx*.? ppm;\
+ ${MV} ../*rle*.? ../*png*.? pnm;
+ .include "../../mk/"
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/files/md5 ./files/md5
*** /tmp/null/files/md5 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./files/md5 Sun Jan 10 01:25:10 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,6 ----
+ $NetBSD: md5,v 1.4 1998/08/07 13:21:37 agc Exp $
+ MD5 (netpbm-1mar1994.tar.gz) = 55f505b09e69a5db8f08844435282dfb
+ MD5 (pcxtoppm.tar.gz) = d9a37913ef2c2cd412b0e7f969487dc2
+ MD5 (rletopnm.tar.gz) = c0488f9918f506bf6a8d09870d5d115f
+ MD5 (pnmtopng-2.37.1.tar.gz) = 3addb1d14811c86169c4bb09ee8942d7
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-aa ./patches/patch-aa
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-aa Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-aa Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,201 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./Makefile Wed Jan 26 05:47:35 1994
+ --- ./Makefile Sun Jan 10 00:32:36 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 9,14 ****
+ --- 9,15 ----
+ # documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ # implied warranty.
+ + PREFIX = /usr/local
+ # CONFIGURE: gcc makes things go faster on some machines, but not everyone
+ # has it. Warning: do not use gcc's -finline-functions or -fstrength-reduce
+ # flags, they can produce incorrect code. (This is with gcc versions 1.35,
+ ***************
+ *** 21,27 ****
+ #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ # CONFIGURE: cc flags go here.
+ ! CFLAGS = -O
+ #CFLAGS = -g
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ --- 22,28 ----
+ #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ # CONFIGURE: cc flags go here.
+ ! CFLAGS = -O2
+ #CFLAGS = -g
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ ***************
+ *** 48,80 ****
+ # By the way, you must have at least version 2.4 of libtiff. Earlier
+ # versions will not work.
+ ! TIFFINC = -I../libtiff
+ ! TIFFLIB = ../libtiff/libtiff.a
+ TIFFBINARIES = tifftopnm pnmtotiff
+ TIFFOBJECTS = tifftopnm.o pnmtotiff.o
+ # CONFIGURE: Define the directory that you want the binaries copied to.
+ # If you need scripts and binaries to be in different directories, you
+ # can set that up too.
+ ! INSTALLBINARIES = /usr/local/netpbm
+ # CONFIGURE: Define the directories that you want the manual sources copied to,
+ # plus the suffix you want them to have.
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = /usr/local/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = /usr/local/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = /usr/local/man/man5
+ # CONFIGURE: Normally the man pages are installed using "cp". By changing
+ # this define you can use something else, for example a script that calls
+ # compress or pack. The ../mantocat is used on systems which use man pages
+ # in the "cat" format.
+ ! MANCP = cp
+ #MANCP = ../mantocat
+ # CONFIGURE: Normally the Makefiles build and install separate binaries for
+ # each program. However, on some systems (especially those without shared
+ # libraries) this can mean a lot of space. In this case you might try
+ --- 49,84 ----
+ # By the way, you must have at least version 2.4 of libtiff. Earlier
+ # versions will not work.
+ ! TIFFINC = -I$(PREFIX)/include
+ ! TIFFLIB = -L$(PREFIX)/lib -ltiff -ljpeg
+ TIFFBINARIES = tifftopnm pnmtotiff
+ TIFFOBJECTS = tifftopnm.o pnmtotiff.o
+ # CONFIGURE: Define the directory that you want the binaries copied to.
+ # If you need scripts and binaries to be in different directories, you
+ # can set that up too.
+ # CONFIGURE: Define the directories that you want the manual sources copied to,
+ # plus the suffix you want them to have.
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = $(PREFIX)/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = $(PREFIX)/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = $(PREFIX)/man/man5
+ # CONFIGURE: Normally the man pages are installed using "cp". By changing
+ # this define you can use something else, for example a script that calls
+ # compress or pack. The ../mantocat is used on systems which use man pages
+ # in the "cat" format.
+ ! MANCP = install -c -m 0644
+ #MANCP = ../mantocat
+ + INSTALLDEFS = $(PREFIX)/include
+ +
+ # CONFIGURE: Normally the Makefiles build and install separate binaries for
+ # each program. However, on some systems (especially those without shared
+ # libraries) this can mean a lot of space. In this case you might try
+ ***************
+ *** 87,96 ****
+ #
+ # Note that if you make a "merge", the executables don't get created
+ # until you do the install.
+ ! #all: binaries
+ ! #install: install.bin
+ ! all: merge
+ ! install: install.merge
+ # End of configurable definitions.
+ --- 91,100 ----
+ #
+ # Note that if you make a "merge", the executables don't get created
+ # until you do the install.
+ ! all: binaries
+ ! install: install.bin
+ ! #all: merge
+ ! #install: install.merge
+ # End of configurable definitions.
+ ***************
+ *** 99,108 ****
+ SUBDIRS = pbm pgm ppm pnm
+ binaries:
+ ! ./stamp-date
+ ! ( echo "libtiff" ; cd libtiff ; make )
+ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ done
+ merge:
+ --- 103,112 ----
+ SUBDIRS = pbm pgm ppm pnm
+ binaries:
+ ! # ./stamp-date
+ ! # ( echo "libtiff" ; cd libtiff ; make )
+ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ done
+ merge:
+ ***************
+ *** 113,127 ****
+ done
+ install.bin:
+ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ done
+ install.merge:
+ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ done
+ --- 117,135 ----
+ done
+ install.bin:
+ ! # -mkdir $(INSTALLBINARIES)
+ ! # -mkdir $(INSTALLLIBS)
+ ! # -mkdir $(INSTALLDEFS)
+ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ done
+ install.merge:
+ ! # -mkdir $(INSTALLBINARIES)
+ ! # -mkdir $(INSTALLLIBS)
+ ! # -mkdir $(INSTALLDEFS)
+ for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ done
+ ***************
+ *** 131,137 ****
+ clean:
+ rm -f *.shar *.shar? art.* *~
+ ! echo "" > compile.h
+ ! for i in $(SUBDIRS) libtiff ; do \
+ ( echo $$i ; cd $$i ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean ); \
+ done
+ --- 139,145 ----
+ clean:
+ rm -f *.shar *.shar? art.* *~
+ ! rm -f compile.h ; echo "" > compile.h
+ ! for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
+ ( echo $$i ; cd $$i ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean ); \
+ done
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ab ./patches/patch-ab
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ab Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ab Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,182 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pbm/Makefile Sat Nov 20 08:59:20 1993
+ --- ./pbm/Makefile Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 10,37 ****
+ # implied warranty.
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ ! CC = cc
+ #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ #CFLAGS = -O
+ ! CFLAGS = -g
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ #LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! INSTALLBINARIES = /usr/new/pbm
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = /usr/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = /usr/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = /usr/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = cp
+ SHELL = /bin/sh
+ INCLUDE = -I..
+ LIBPBM = libpbm.a
+ ! DEFPBM = pbm.h ../pbmplus.h
+ PORTBINARIES = atktopbm brushtopbm cmuwmtopbm g3topbm \
+ icontopbm gemtopbm macptopbm mgrtopbm \
+ --- 10,41 ----
+ # implied warranty.
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ ! PREFIX = /usr/local
+ ! CC = gcc
+ #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ #CFLAGS = -O
+ ! CFLAGS = -O2
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ #LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = $(PREFIX)/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = $(PREFIX)/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = $(PREFIX)/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = install -c -m 0644
+ ! INSTALLDEFS = $(PREFIX)/include
+ SHELL = /bin/sh
+ INCLUDE = -I..
+ LIBPBM = libpbm.a
+ ! DEFPBM = pbm.h
+ ! DEFPBMPLUS = ../pbmplus.h
+ PORTBINARIES = atktopbm brushtopbm cmuwmtopbm g3topbm \
+ icontopbm gemtopbm macptopbm mgrtopbm \
+ ***************
+ *** 67,84 ****
+ MANUALS5 = pbm
+ ! #all: binaries
+ ! all: merge
+ ! #install: install.bin
+ ! install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries
+ !
+ merge: pbmmerge
+ pbmmerge: pbmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPBM)
+ --- 71,89 ----
+ MANUALS5 = pbm
+ ! all: binaries
+ ! #all: merge
+ ! install: install.bin
+ ! #install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries
+ ! install -c -s -m 0755 $(BINARIES) $(INSTALLBINARIES)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(LIBPBM) $(INSTALLLIBS)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(DEFPBM) $(INSTALLDEFS)
+ merge: pbmmerge
+ pbmmerge: pbmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPBM)
+ ***************
+ *** 107,121 ****
+ done
+ # Rule for plain programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And library.
+ --- 112,126 ----
+ done
+ # Rule for plain programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And library.
+ ***************
+ *** 125,139 ****
+ ar rc $(LIBPBM) libpbm1.o libpbm2.o libpbm3.o libpbm4.o libpbm5.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPBM)
+ ! libpbm1.o: $(DEFPBM) ../version.h ../compile.h libpbm.h libpbm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm1.c
+ ! libpbm2.o: $(DEFPBM) libpbm.h libpbm2.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm2.c
+ ! libpbm3.o: $(DEFPBM) libpbm.h libpbm3.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm3.c
+ ! libpbm4.o: $(DEFPBM) libpbm.h libpbm4.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm4.c
+ ! libpbm5.o: $(DEFPBM) pbmfont.h libpbm5.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm5.c
+ # Other dependencies.
+ --- 130,144 ----
+ ar rc $(LIBPBM) libpbm1.o libpbm2.o libpbm3.o libpbm4.o libpbm5.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPBM)
+ ! libpbm1.o: $(DEFPBM) $(DEFPBMPLUS) ../version.h ../compile.h libpbm.h libpbm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm1.c
+ ! libpbm2.o: $(DEFPBM) $(DEFPBMPLUS) libpbm.h libpbm2.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm2.c
+ ! libpbm3.o: $(DEFPBM) $(DEFPBMPLUS) libpbm.h libpbm3.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm3.c
+ ! libpbm4.o: $(DEFPBM) $(DEFPBMPLUS) libpbm.h libpbm4.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm4.c
+ ! libpbm5.o: $(DEFPBM) $(DEFPBMPLUS) pbmfont.h libpbm5.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpbm5.c
+ # Other dependencies.
+ ***************
+ *** 184,187 ****
+ pbmtoepsi pbmtoepsi.o: pbmtoepsi.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core $(BINARIES) pbmmerge
+ --- 189,192 ----
+ pbmtoepsi pbmtoepsi.o: pbmtoepsi.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core *.core $(BINARIES) pbmmerge
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ac ./patches/patch-ac
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ac Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ac Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pbm/libpbm1.c Mon Jan 10 11:37:22 1994
+ --- ./pbm/libpbm1.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 132,138 ****
+ if ( isupper( c1 ) )
+ c1 = tolower( c1 );
+ if ( isupper( c2 ) )
+ ! c1 = tolower( c2 );
+ if ( c1 != c2 )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ --- 132,138 ----
+ if ( isupper( c1 ) )
+ c1 = tolower( c1 );
+ if ( isupper( c2 ) )
+ ! c2 = tolower( c2 );
+ if ( c1 != c2 )
+ return 0;
+ }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ad ./patches/patch-ad
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ad Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ad Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,15 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pbm/pbmmerge.c Wed Nov 3 03:28:55 1993
+ --- ./pbm/pbmmerge.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 29,34 ****
+ --- 29,38 ----
+ {
+ ++argv;
+ --argc;
+ + if(!*argv) {
+ + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: pbmmerge pbm_program_name [args ...]\n");
+ + exit(1);
+ + }
+ goto again;
+ }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ae ./patches/patch-ae
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ae Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ae Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,27 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pbm/pbmtext.c Wed Oct 27 02:27:04 1993
+ --- ./pbm/pbmtext.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 105,114 ****
+ else
+ { /* Read text from stdin. */
+ lines = 0;
+ ! while ( gets( buf ) != NULL )
+ {
+ int l;
+ fix_control_chars( buf );
+ l = strlen( buf );
+ if ( lines >= maxlines )
+ --- 105,116 ----
+ else
+ { /* Read text from stdin. */
+ lines = 0;
+ ! while ( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin ) != NULL )
+ {
+ int l;
+ + char *nl = strchr(buf, '\n');
+ + if (nl) *nl = 0;
+ fix_control_chars( buf );
+ l = strlen( buf );
+ if ( lines >= maxlines )
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-af ./patches/patch-af
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-af Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-af Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,208 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pbm/pbmto10x.c Mon Oct 4 04:10:42 1993
+ --- ./pbm/pbmto10x.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 1,6 ****
+ /* pbmto10x.c - read a portable bitmap and produce a Gemini 10X printer file
+ **
+ ! ** Copyright (C) 1990 by Ken Yap
+ **
+ ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+ --- 1,6 ----
+ /* pbmto10x.c - read a portable bitmap and produce a Gemini 10X printer file
+ **
+ ! ** Copyright (C) 1990, 1994 by Ken Yap
+ **
+ ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+ ***************
+ *** 8,13 ****
+ --- 8,15 ----
+ ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ ** implied warranty.
+ + **
+ + ** Modified to shorten stripes and eliminate blank stripes. Dec 1994.
+ */
+ #include "pbm.h"
+ ***************
+ *** 52,66 ****
+ }
+ static void
+ res_60x72()
+ {
+ register int i, item, npins, row, col;
+ bit *bitrows[LOW_RES_ROWS], *bP[LOW_RES_ROWS];
+ for (i = 0; i < LOW_RES_ROWS; ++i)
+ bitrows[i] = pbm_allocrow(cols);
+ printf("\033A\010"); /* '\n' = 8/72 */
+ ! for (row = 0; row < rows; row += LOW_RES_ROWS)
+ {
+ if (row + LOW_RES_ROWS <= rows)
+ npins = LOW_RES_ROWS;
+ --- 54,93 ----
+ }
+ static void
+ + outstripe(stripe, sP, reschar)
+ + register char *stripe, *sP;
+ + register int reschar;
+ + {
+ + register int ncols;
+ +
+ + /* scan backwards, removing empty columns */
+ + while (sP != stripe)
+ + if (*--sP != 0)
+ + {
+ + ++sP;
+ + break;
+ + }
+ + ncols = sP - stripe;
+ + if (ncols > 0)
+ + {
+ + printf("\033%c%c%c", reschar, ncols % 256, ncols / 256);
+ + fwrite(stripe, sizeof(char), ncols, stdout);
+ + }
+ + putchar('\n'); /* flush buffer */
+ + }
+ +
+ + static void
+ res_60x72()
+ {
+ register int i, item, npins, row, col;
+ bit *bitrows[LOW_RES_ROWS], *bP[LOW_RES_ROWS];
+ + char *stripe, *sP;
+ + stripe = malloc(cols);
+ for (i = 0; i < LOW_RES_ROWS; ++i)
+ bitrows[i] = pbm_allocrow(cols);
+ printf("\033A\010"); /* '\n' = 8/72 */
+ ! for (row = 0, sP = stripe; row < rows; row += LOW_RES_ROWS, sP = stripe)
+ {
+ if (row + LOW_RES_ROWS <= rows)
+ npins = LOW_RES_ROWS;
+ ***************
+ *** 68,84 ****
+ npins = rows - row;
+ for (i = 0; i < npins; ++i)
+ pbm_readpbmrow(ifp, bP[i] = bitrows[i], cols, format);
+ - printf("\033K%c%c", cols % 256, cols / 256);
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+ {
+ item = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < npins; ++i)
+ if (*(bP[i]++) == PBM_BLACK)
+ item |= 1 << (7 - i);
+ ! putchar(item);
+ }
+ ! putchar('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ --- 95,112 ----
+ npins = rows - row;
+ for (i = 0; i < npins; ++i)
+ pbm_readpbmrow(ifp, bP[i] = bitrows[i], cols, format);
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+ {
+ item = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < npins; ++i)
+ if (*(bP[i]++) == PBM_BLACK)
+ item |= 1 << (7 - i);
+ ! *sP++ = item;
+ }
+ ! outstripe(stripe, sP, 'K');
+ }
+ + printf("\033@");
+ + free(stripe);
+ }
+ static void
+ ***************
+ *** 86,96 ****
+ {
+ register int i, pin, item, npins, row, col;
+ bit *bitrows[HIGH_RES_ROWS], *bP[HIGH_RES_ROWS];
+ for (i = 0; i < HIGH_RES_ROWS; ++i)
+ bitrows[i] = pbm_allocrow(cols);
+ ! putchar('\033'); putchar('3'); putchar('\0');
+ ! for (row = 0; row < rows; row += HIGH_RES_ROWS)
+ {
+ if (row + HIGH_RES_ROWS <= rows)
+ npins = HIGH_RES_ROWS;
+ --- 114,126 ----
+ {
+ register int i, pin, item, npins, row, col;
+ bit *bitrows[HIGH_RES_ROWS], *bP[HIGH_RES_ROWS];
+ + char *stripe, *sP;
+ + stripe = malloc(cols);
+ for (i = 0; i < HIGH_RES_ROWS; ++i)
+ bitrows[i] = pbm_allocrow(cols);
+ ! printf("\0333\001"); /* \n = 1/144" */
+ ! for (row = 0, sP = stripe; row < rows; row += HIGH_RES_ROWS, sP = stripe)
+ {
+ if (row + HIGH_RES_ROWS <= rows)
+ npins = HIGH_RES_ROWS;
+ ***************
+ *** 98,104 ****
+ npins = rows - row;
+ for (i = 0; i < npins; ++i)
+ pbm_readpbmrow(ifp, bP[i] = bitrows[i], cols, format);
+ - printf("\033L%c%c", cols % 256, cols / 256);
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+ {
+ item = 0;
+ --- 128,133 ----
+ ***************
+ *** 106,116 ****
+ for (pin = i = 0; i < npins; i += 2, ++pin)
+ if (*(bP[i]++) == PBM_BLACK)
+ item |= 1 << (7 - pin);
+ ! putchar(item);
+ }
+ ! putchar('\n'); /* flush buffer */
+ ! printf("\033J\001"); /* 1/144 down */
+ ! printf("\033L%c%c", cols % 256, cols / 256);
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+ {
+ item = 0;
+ --- 135,144 ----
+ for (pin = i = 0; i < npins; i += 2, ++pin)
+ if (*(bP[i]++) == PBM_BLACK)
+ item |= 1 << (7 - pin);
+ ! *sP++ = item;
+ }
+ ! outstripe(stripe, sP, 'L');
+ ! sP = stripe;
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
+ {
+ item = 0;
+ ***************
+ *** 118,126 ****
+ for (i = 1, pin = 0; i < npins; i += 2, ++pin)
+ if (*(bP[i]++) == PBM_BLACK)
+ item |= 1 << (7 - pin);
+ ! putchar(item);
+ }
+ ! putchar('\n'); /* flush buffer */
+ ! printf("\033J\017"); /* 15/144 down */
+ }
+ }
+ --- 146,156 ----
+ for (i = 1, pin = 0; i < npins; i += 2, ++pin)
+ if (*(bP[i]++) == PBM_BLACK)
+ item |= 1 << (7 - pin);
+ ! *sP++ = item;
+ }
+ ! outstripe(stripe, sP, 'L');
+ ! printf("\033J\016"); /* 14/144 down, \n did 1/144 */
+ }
+ + printf("\033@");
+ + free(stripe);
+ }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ag ./patches/patch-ag
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ag Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ag Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,17 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pbmplus.h Tue Mar 1 03:46:36 1994
+ --- ./pbmplus.h Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 119,128 ****
+ --- 119,130 ----
+ #ifndef VMS
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #endif
+ + #ifndef __NetBSD__
+ extern int atoi();
+ extern void exit();
+ extern long time();
+ extern int write();
+ + #endif /* NetBSD */
+ #endif
+ /* CONFIGURE: On most BSD systems, malloc() gets declared in stdlib.h, on
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ah ./patches/patch-ah
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ah Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ah Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,188 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pgm/Makefile Fri Jan 28 04:14:02 1994
+ --- ./pgm/Makefile Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 10,15 ****
+ --- 10,16 ----
+ # implied warranty.
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ + PREFIX = /usr/local
+ #CC = cc
+ CC = gcc
+ #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ ***************
+ *** 18,31 ****
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! INSTALLBINARIES = /usr/new/pbm
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = /usr/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = /usr/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = /usr/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = cp
+ PBMDIR = ../pbm
+ --- 19,34 ----
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = $(PREFIX)/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = $(PREFIX)/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = $(PREFIX)/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = install -c -m 0644
+ ! INSTALLDEFS = $(PREFIX)/include
+ PBMDIR = ../pbm
+ ***************
+ *** 37,48 ****
+ LIBPGM = libpgm.a
+ PORTBINARIES = asciitopgm bioradtopgm fstopgm hipstopgm \
+ ! lispmtopgm pbmtopgm pgmbentley pgmenhance pgmhist pgmkernel \
+ pgmnoise pgmnorm pgmoil pgmramp pgmtofs pgmtolispm \
+ pgmtopbm psidtopgm spottopgm
+ ! MATHBINARIES = pgmcrater pgmedge pgmtexture rawtopgm
+ OBJECTS = asciitopgm.o bioradtopgm.o fstopgm.o hipstopgm.o \
+ --- 40,52 ----
+ LIBPGM = libpgm.a
+ + DEFPGM = pgm.h
+ PORTBINARIES = asciitopgm bioradtopgm fstopgm hipstopgm \
+ ! lispmtopgm pbmtopgm pgmbentley pgmenhance pgmhist \
+ pgmnoise pgmnorm pgmoil pgmramp pgmtofs pgmtolispm \
+ pgmtopbm psidtopgm spottopgm
+ ! MATHBINARIES = pgmcrater pgmedge pgmtexture rawtopgm pgmkernel
+ OBJECTS = asciitopgm.o bioradtopgm.o fstopgm.o hipstopgm.o \
+ ***************
+ *** 56,73 ****
+ MANUALS5 = pgm
+ ! #all: binaries
+ ! all: merge
+ ! #install: install.bin
+ ! install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries
+ !
+ merge: pgmmerge
+ pgmmerge: pgmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ --- 60,78 ----
+ MANUALS5 = pgm
+ ! all: binaries
+ ! #all: merge
+ ! install: install.bin
+ ! #install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries
+ ! install -c -s -m 0755 $(BINARIES) $(INSTALLBINARIES)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(LIBPGM) $(INSTALLLIBS)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(DEFPGM) $(INSTALLDEFS)
+ merge: pgmmerge
+ pgmmerge: pgmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ ***************
+ *** 97,111 ****
+ # Rule for plain programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ ! $(OBJECTS): pgm.h $(DEFPBM)
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And libraries.
+ --- 102,116 ----
+ # Rule for plain programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And libraries.
+ ***************
+ *** 117,125 ****
+ ar rc $(LIBPGM) libpgm1.o libpgm2.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPGM)
+ ! libpgm1.o: pgm.h $(DEFPBM) libpgm.h libpgm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpgm1.c
+ ! libpgm2.o: pgm.h $(DEFPBM) libpgm.h libpgm2.c $(DEFLIBPBM)
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpgm2.c
+ # Other dependencies.
+ --- 122,130 ----
+ ar rc $(LIBPGM) libpgm1.o libpgm2.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPGM)
+ ! libpgm1.o: $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) lib$(DEFPGM) libpgm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpgm1.c
+ ! libpgm2.o: $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) lib$(DEFPGM) libpgm2.c $(DEFLIBPBM)
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpgm2.c
+ # Other dependencies.
+ ***************
+ *** 134,140 ****
+ pgmedge pgmedge.o: pgmedge.c
+ pgmenhance pgmenhance.o: pgmenhance.c
+ pgmhist pgmhist.o: pgmhist.c
+ - pgmkernel pgmkernel.o: pgmkernel.c
+ pgmnoise pgmnoise.o: pgmnoise.c
+ pgmnorm pgmnorm.o: pgmnorm.c
+ pgmoil pgmoil.o: pgmoil.c
+ --- 139,144 ----
+ ***************
+ *** 148,151 ****
+ spottopgm spottopgm.o: spottopgm.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core $(BINARIES) pgmmerge
+ --- 152,155 ----
+ spottopgm spottopgm.o: spottopgm.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core *.core $(BINARIES) pgmmerge
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ai ./patches/patch-ai
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ai Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ai Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,15 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pgm/pgmmerge.c Fri Jan 28 04:17:38 1994
+ --- ./pgm/pgmmerge.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 29,34 ****
+ --- 29,38 ----
+ {
+ ++argv;
+ --argc;
+ + if(!*argv) {
+ + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: pgmmerge pgm_program_name [args ...]\n");
+ + exit(1);
+ + }
+ goto again;
+ }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-aj ./patches/patch-aj
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-aj Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-aj Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,258 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/Makefile Mon Jan 31 10:47:32 1994
+ --- ./pnm/Makefile Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 9,36 ****
+ # documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ # implied warranty.
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ ! #CC = cc
+ ! CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ #CFLAGS = -O
+ ! CFLAGS = -g
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ ! TIFFINC = -I../libtiff
+ ! TIFFLIB = ../libtiff/libtiff.a
+ TIFFBINARIES = tifftopnm pnmtotiff
+ TIFFOBJECTS = tifftopnm.o pnmtotiff.o
+ ! #LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! INSTALLBINARIES = /usr/new/pbm
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = /usr/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = /usr/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = /usr/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = cp
+ PPMDIR = ../ppm
+ --- 9,39 ----
+ # documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ # implied warranty.
+ + PREFIX = /usr/local
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ ! CC = gcc
+ ! #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ #CFLAGS = -O
+ ! CFLAGS = -O2
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ ! TIFFINC = -I$(PREFIX)/include
+ ! TIFFLIB = -L$(PREFIX)/lib -ltiff -ljpeg
+ TIFFBINARIES = tifftopnm pnmtotiff
+ TIFFOBJECTS = tifftopnm.o pnmtotiff.o
+ ! LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! #LDFLAGS =
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = $(PREFIX)/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = $(PREFIX)/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = $(PREFIX)/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = install -c -m 0644
+ ! INSTALLDEFS = $(PREFIX)/include
+ PPMDIR = ../ppm
+ ***************
+ *** 54,101 ****
+ LIBPNM = libpnm.a
+ PORTBINARIES = fitstopnm giftopnm \
+ pnmalias pnmarith pnmcat pnmcomp pnmconvol pnmcrop \
+ pnmcut pnmdepth pnmenlarge pnmfile pnmflip pnmhistmap \
+ pnminvert pnmnoraw pnmpad pnmpaste \
+ pnmtile pnmtoddif pnmtofits pnmtops pnmtorast \
+ ! pnmtosgi pnmtosir pnmtoxwd \
+ ! rasttopnm sgitopnm sirtopnm xwdtopnm zeisstopnm
+ MATHBINARIES = pnmgamma pnmnlfilt pnmrotate pnmscale pnmshear
+ ! SCRIPTS = anytopnm pnmindex pnmmargin pnmsmooth pstopnm
+ PORTOBJECTS = fitstopnm.o giftopnm.o \
+ pnmalias.o pnmarith.o pnmcat.o pnmcomp.o pnmconvol.o pnmcrop.o \
+ pnmcut.o pnmdepth.o pnmenlarge.o pnmfile.o pnmflip.o pnmhistmap.o \
+ ! pnminvert.o pnmnoraw.o pnmpad.o pnmpaste.o \
+ pnmtile.o pnmtoddif.o pnmtofits.o pnmtops.o pnmtorast.o \
+ pnmtosgi.o pnmtosir.o pnmtoxwd.o \
+ rasttopnm.o sgitopnm.o sirtopnm.o xwdtopnm.o zeisstopnm.o \
+ pnmgamma.o pnmnlfilt.o pnmrotate.o pnmscale.o pnmshear.o
+ MANUALS3 = libpnm
+ MANUALS5 = pnm
+ ! #all: binaries
+ ! all: merge
+ ! #install: install.bin
+ ! install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries $(SCRIPTS)
+ ! cd $(INSTALLSCRIPTS) ; chmod +x $(SCRIPTS)
+ !
+ merge: pnmmerge
+ pnmmerge: pnmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ --- 57,108 ----
+ LIBPNM = libpnm.a
+ + DEFPNM = pnm.h
+ PORTBINARIES = fitstopnm giftopnm \
+ pnmalias pnmarith pnmcat pnmcomp pnmconvol pnmcrop \
+ pnmcut pnmdepth pnmenlarge pnmfile pnmflip pnmhistmap \
+ pnminvert pnmnoraw pnmpad pnmpaste \
+ pnmtile pnmtoddif pnmtofits pnmtops pnmtorast \
+ ! pnmtorle pnmtosgi pnmtosir pnmtoxwd \
+ ! rasttopnm rletopnm sgitopnm sirtopnm xwdtopnm zeisstopnm \
+ ! pnmsmooth pnmhisteq
+ MATHBINARIES = pnmgamma pnmnlfilt pnmrotate pnmscale pnmshear
+ ! PNGBINARIES = pngtopnm pnmtopng
+ ! SCRIPTS = anytopnm pnmindex pnmmargin pstopnm
+ PORTOBJECTS = fitstopnm.o giftopnm.o \
+ pnmalias.o pnmarith.o pnmcat.o pnmcomp.o pnmconvol.o pnmcrop.o \
+ pnmcut.o pnmdepth.o pnmenlarge.o pnmfile.o pnmflip.o pnmhistmap.o \
+ ! pnmhisteq.o pnminvert.o pnmnoraw.o pnmpad.o pnmpaste.o\
+ pnmtile.o pnmtoddif.o pnmtofits.o pnmtops.o pnmtorast.o \
+ pnmtosgi.o pnmtosir.o pnmtoxwd.o \
+ rasttopnm.o sgitopnm.o sirtopnm.o xwdtopnm.o zeisstopnm.o \
+ + pnmsmooth.o pnmhisteq.o \
+ pnmgamma.o pnmnlfilt.o pnmrotate.o pnmscale.o pnmshear.o
+ MANUALS3 = libpnm
+ MANUALS5 = pnm
+ ! all: binaries
+ ! #all: merge
+ ! install: install.bin
+ ! #install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries $(SCRIPTS)
+ ! install -c -s -m 0755 $(BINARIES) $(INSTALLBINARIES)
+ ! install -c -m 0755 $(SCRIPTS) $(INSTALLSCRIPTS)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(LIBPNM) $(INSTALLLIBS)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(DEFPNM) $(INSTALLDEFS)
+ merge: pnmmerge
+ pnmmerge: pnmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ ***************
+ *** 128,143 ****
+ # Rules for plain programs.
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ ! $(OBJECTS): pnm.h $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM)
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And libraries.
+ --- 135,156 ----
+ # Rules for plain programs.
+ ! $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ !
+ ! $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM) -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lpng -lz -lm
+ !
+ ! $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM) $(TIFFLIB) -lm -lz
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPNM) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And libraries.
+ ***************
+ *** 153,167 ****
+ ar rc $(LIBPNM) libpnm1.o libpnm2.o libpnm3.o libpnm4.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPNM)
+ ! libpnm1.o: pnm.h $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libpnm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm1.c
+ ! libpnm2.o: pnm.h $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libpnm2.c $(DEFLIBPPM) \
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm2.c
+ ! libpnm3.o: pnm.h $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libpnm3.c $(DEFLIBPPM) \
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm3.c
+ ! libpnm4.o: pnm.h $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) rast.h libpnm4.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm4.c
+ # Other dependencies.
+ --- 166,180 ----
+ ar rc $(LIBPNM) libpnm1.o libpnm2.o libpnm3.o libpnm4.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPNM)
+ ! libpnm1.o: $(DEFPNM) $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libpnm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm1.c
+ ! libpnm2.o: $(DEFPNM) $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libpnm2.c $(DEFLIBPPM) \
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm2.c
+ ! libpnm3.o: $(DEFPNM) $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libpnm3.c $(DEFLIBPPM) \
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm3.c
+ ! libpnm4.o: $(DEFPNM) $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) rast.h libpnm4.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libpnm4.c
+ # Other dependencies.
+ ***************
+ *** 202,207 ****
+ tifftopnm tifftopnm.o: tifftopnm.c
+ xwdtopnm xwdtopnm.o: xwdtopnm.c x10wd.h x11wd.h
+ zeisstopnm zeisstopnm.o: zeisstopnm.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core $(BINARIES) pnmmerge
+ --- 215,222 ----
+ tifftopnm tifftopnm.o: tifftopnm.c
+ xwdtopnm xwdtopnm.o: xwdtopnm.c x10wd.h x11wd.h
+ zeisstopnm zeisstopnm.o: zeisstopnm.c
+ + pnmhisteq pnmhisteq.o: pnmhisteq.c
+ + pnmsmooth pnmsmooth.o: pnmsmooth.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core *.core $(BINARIES) pnmmerge
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ak ./patches/patch-ak
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ak Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ak Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,70 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/anytopnm Mon Oct 4 04:11:29 1993
+ --- ./pnm/anytopnm Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 53,59 ****
+ ;;
+ *GIF* )
+ ! giftoppm "$file"
+ break
+ ;;
+ --- 53,59 ----
+ ;;
+ *GIF* )
+ ! giftopnm "$file"
+ break
+ ;;
+ ***************
+ *** 82,87 ****
+ --- 82,96 ----
+ break
+ ;;
+ + *JPEG* | *JFIF* )
+ + djpeg "$file"
+ + ;;
+ +
+ + *PNG* )
+ + pngtopnm "$file"
+ + break
+ + ;;
+ +
+ * )
+ # Can't figure out the file type from the magic number,
+ # try the extension.
+ ***************
+ *** 130,136 ****
+ fitstopgm "$file"
+ ;;
+ *.gif | *.gif.* )
+ ! giftoppm "$file"
+ ;;
+ *.iff | *.iff.* | *.ilbm | *.ilbm.* )
+ ilbmtoppm "$file"
+ --- 139,145 ----
+ fitstopgm "$file"
+ ;;
+ *.gif | *.gif.* )
+ ! giftopnm "$file"
+ ;;
+ *.iff | *.iff.* | *.ilbm | *.ilbm.* )
+ ilbmtoppm "$file"
+ ***************
+ *** 168,173 ****
+ --- 177,189 ----
+ *.ybm | *.ybm.* | *.face | *.face.* )
+ ybmtopbm "$file"
+ ;;
+ + *.JPEG | *.jpeg | *.jpg | *.JPG )
+ + djpeg "$file"
+ + ;;
+ + *.png | *.PNG )
+ + pngtopnm "$file"
+ + break
+ + ;;
+ * )
+ echo "$0: unknown file type" 1>&2
+ exit 1
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-al ./patches/patch-al
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-al Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-al Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/pnmarith.1 Mon Oct 4 04:11:34 1993
+ --- ./pnm/pnmarith.1 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 4,10 ****
+ pnmarith - perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
+ .B pnmarith
+ ! .BR -add | -subtract | -multiply | -difference
+ .I pnmfile1 pnmfile2
+ Reads two portable anymaps as input.
+ --- 4,10 ----
+ pnmarith - perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
+ .B pnmarith
+ ! .BR -add | -subtract | -multiply | -difference | -minimum | -maximum.
+ .I pnmfile1 pnmfile2
+ Reads two portable anymaps as input.
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-am ./patches/patch-am
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-am Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-am Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,88 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/pnmarith.c Wed Jan 5 04:04:53 1994
+ --- ./pnm/pnmarith.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 29,35 ****
+ xelval maxval1, maxval2, maxval3;
+ int argn, rows1, cols1, format1, rows2, cols2, format2, format3, row, col;
+ char function;
+ ! char* usage = "-add|-subtract|-multiply|-difference pnmfile1 pnmfile2";
+ pnm_init( &argc, argv );
+ --- 29,36 ----
+ xelval maxval1, maxval2, maxval3;
+ int argn, rows1, cols1, format1, rows2, cols2, format2, format3, row, col;
+ char function;
+ ! char* usage =
+ ! "-add|-subtract|-multiply|-difference|-minimum|-maximum pnmfile1 pnmfile2";
+ pnm_init( &argc, argv );
+ ***************
+ *** 48,53 ****
+ --- 49,58 ----
+ function = '*';
+ else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-difference", 2 ) )
+ function = 'D';
+ + else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-minimum", 2 ) )
+ + function = 'N';
+ + else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-maximum", 2 ) )
+ + function = 'X';
+ else
+ pm_usage( usage );
+ ++argn;
+ ***************
+ *** 112,118 ****
+ pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ xelrow2, cols1, maxval2, format2, maxval3, format3 );
+ ! for ( col = 0, x1P = xelrow1, x2P = xelrow2;
+ col < cols1; ++col, ++x1P, ++x2P )
+ {
+ switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format3) )
+ --- 117,123 ----
+ pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ xelrow2, cols1, maxval2, format2, maxval3, format3 );
+ ! for ( col = 0, x1P = xelrow1, x2P = xelrow2;
+ col < cols1; ++col, ++x1P, ++x2P )
+ {
+ switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format3) )
+ ***************
+ *** 153,158 ****
+ --- 158,175 ----
+ b1 = (b1>b2)?(b1-b2):(b2-b1);
+ break;
+ + case 'N':
+ + r1 = (r1>r2)?(r2):(r1);
+ + g1 = (g1>g2)?(g2):(g1);
+ + b1 = (b1>b2)?(b2):(b1);
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 'X':
+ + r1 = (r1>r2)?(r1):(r2);
+ + g1 = (g1>g2)?(g1):(g2);
+ + b1 = (b1>b2)?(b1):(b2);
+ + break;
+ +
+ default:
+ pm_error( "can't happen" );
+ }
+ ***************
+ *** 188,193 ****
+ --- 205,218 ----
+ case 'D':
+ g1 = (g1>g2)?(g1-g2):(g2-g1);
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 'N':
+ + g1 = (g1>g2)?(g2):(g1);
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 'X':
+ + g1 = (g1>g2)?(g1):(g2);
+ break;
+ default:
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-an ./patches/patch-an
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-an Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-an Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1925 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/pnmconvol.c Mon Oct 4 04:11:36 1993
+ --- ./pnm/pnmconvol.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 1,5 ****
+ --- 1,10 ----
+ /* pnmconvol.c - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
+ **
+ + ** Version 2.0.1 January 30, 1995
+ + **
+ + ** Major rewriting by Mike Burns
+ + ** Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Mike Burns (
+ + **
+ ** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
+ **
+ ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ ***************
+ *** 10,40 ****
+ ** implied warranty.
+ */
+ #include "pnm.h"
+ int
+ main( argc, argv )
+ int argc;
+ char* argv[];
+ {
+ FILE* cifp;
+ - FILE* ifp;
+ xel** cxels;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xel x;
+ ! int argn, crows, ccols, cformat, ccolso2, crowso2;
+ ! int rows, cols, format, newformat, crow, row;
+ register int ccol, col;
+ ! xelval cmaxval, maxval;
+ xelval g;
+ - float** gweights;
+ float gsum;
+ - xelval r, b;
+ - float** rweights;
+ - float** bweights;
+ float rsum, bsum;
+ char* usage = "<convolutionfile> [pnmfile]";
+ pnm_init( &argc, argv );
+ --- 15,123 ----
+ ** implied warranty.
+ */
+ + /* Version 2.0.1 Changes
+ + ** ---------------------
+ + ** Fixed four lines that were improperly allocated as sizeof( float ) when they
+ + ** should have been sizeof( long ).
+ + **
+ + ** Version 2.0 Changes
+ + ** -------------------
+ + ** Reduce run time by general optimizations and handling special cases of
+ + ** convolution matrices. Program automatically determines if convolution
+ + ** matrix is one of the types it can make use of so no extra command line
+ + ** arguments are necessary.
+ + **
+ + ** Examples of convolution matrices for the special cases are
+ + **
+ + ** Mean Horizontal Vertical
+ + ** x x x x x x x y z
+ + ** x x x y y y x y z
+ + ** x x x z z z x y z
+ + **
+ + ** I don't know if the horizontal and vertical ones are of much use, but
+ + ** after working on the mean convolution, it gave me ideas for the other two.
+ + **
+ + ** Some other compiler dependent optimizations
+ + ** -------------------------------------------
+ + ** Created separate functions as code was getting too large to put keep both
+ + ** PGM and PPM cases in same function and also because SWITCH statement in
+ + ** inner loop can take progressively more time the larger the size of the
+ + ** convolution matrix. GCC is affected this way.
+ + **
+ + ** Removed use of MOD (%) operator from innermost loop by modifying manner in
+ + ** which the current xelbuf[] is chosen.
+ + **
+ + */
+ +
+ #include "pnm.h"
+ + /* Macros to verify that r,g,b values are within proper range */
+ +
+ + #define CHECK_GRAY \
+ + if ( tempgsum < 0L ) g = 0; \
+ + else if ( tempgsum > maxval ) g = maxval; \
+ + else g = tempgsum;
+ +
+ + #define CHECK_RED \
+ + if ( temprsum < 0L ) r = 0; \
+ + else if ( temprsum > maxval ) r = maxval; \
+ + else r = temprsum;
+ +
+ + #define CHECK_GREEN \
+ + if ( tempgsum < 0L ) g = 0; \
+ + else if ( tempgsum > maxval ) g = maxval; \
+ + else g = tempgsum;
+ +
+ + #define CHECK_BLUE \
+ + if ( tempbsum < 0L ) b = 0; \
+ + else if ( tempbsum > maxval ) b = maxval; \
+ + else b = tempbsum;
+ +
+ +
+ + static int check_convolve_type ARGS((xel **cxels));
+ + static void pgm_general_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void ppm_general_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void pgm_mean_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void ppm_mean_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void pgm_vertical_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void ppm_vertical_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void pgm_horizontal_convolve ARGS((void));
+ + static void ppm_horizontal_convolve ARGS((void));
+ +
+ + #define TRUE 1
+ + #define FALSE 0
+ +
+ + #define GENERAL_CONVOLVE 0
+ + #define MEAN_CONVOLVE 1
+ +
+ + static FILE* ifp;
+ + static float** rweights;
+ + static float** gweights;
+ + static float** bweights;
+ + static int crows, ccols, ccolso2, crowso2;
+ + static int cols, rows;
+ + static xelval maxval;
+ + static int format, newformat;
+ + static float rmeanweight, gmeanweight, bmeanweight;
+ +
+ int
+ main( argc, argv )
+ int argc;
+ char* argv[];
+ {
+ FILE* cifp;
+ xel** cxels;
+ ! int argn, cformat;
+ ! int crow, row;
+ register int ccol, col;
+ ! xelval cmaxval;
+ xelval g;
+ float gsum;
+ float rsum, bsum;
+ char* usage = "<convolutionfile> [pnmfile]";
+ + int convolve_type;
+ pnm_init( &argc, argv );
+ ***************
+ *** 90,95 ****
+ --- 173,179 ----
+ }
+ }
+ +
+ /* Set up the normalized weights. */
+ rweights = (float**) pm_allocarray( ccols, crows, sizeof(float) );
+ gweights = (float**) pm_allocarray( ccols, crows, sizeof(float) );
+ ***************
+ *** 115,120 ****
+ --- 199,212 ----
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ +
+ + /* For mean_convolve routines. All weights of a single color are the same
+ + ** so just grab any one of them.
+ + */
+ + rmeanweight = rweights[0][0];
+ + gmeanweight = gweights[0][0];
+ + bmeanweight = bweights[0][0];
+ +
+ switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) )
+ {
+ case PPM_TYPE:
+ ***************
+ *** 131,141 ****
+ --- 223,421 ----
+ break;
+ }
+ + /* Handle certain special cases when runtime can be improved. */
+ +
+ + convolve_type = check_convolve_type(cxels);
+ +
+ + switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) )
+ + {
+ + case PPM_TYPE:
+ + switch (convolve_type)
+ + {
+ + ppm_mean_convolve();
+ + break;
+ +
+ + ppm_horizontal_convolve();
+ + break;
+ +
+ + ppm_vertical_convolve();
+ + break;
+ +
+ + default: /* GENERAL_CONVOLVE */
+ + ppm_general_convolve();
+ + break;
+ + }
+ + break;
+ +
+ + default:
+ + switch (convolve_type)
+ + {
+ + pgm_mean_convolve();
+ + break;
+ +
+ + pgm_horizontal_convolve();
+ + break;
+ +
+ + pgm_vertical_convolve();
+ + break;
+ +
+ + default: /* GENERAL_CONVOLVE */
+ + pgm_general_convolve();
+ + break;
+ + }
+ + break;
+ + } /* PNM_TYPE */
+ +
+ + pm_close( ifp );
+ + exit( 0 );
+ + }
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + /* check_convolve_type
+ + **
+ + ** Determine if the convolution matrix is one of the special cases that
+ + ** can be processed faster than the general form.
+ + **
+ + ** Does not check for the case where one of the PPM colors can have differing
+ + ** types. Only handles cases where all PPM's are of the same special case.
+ + */
+ +
+ + static int
+ + check_convolve_type (cxels)
+ + xel **cxels;
+ + {
+ + int convolve_type;
+ + int horizontal, vertical;
+ + int tempcxel, rtempcxel, gtempcxel, btempcxel;
+ + int crow, ccol;
+ +
+ + switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) )
+ + {
+ + case PPM_TYPE:
+ + horizontal = TRUE;
+ + crow = 0;
+ + while ( horizontal && (crow < crows) )
+ + {
+ + ccol = 1;
+ + rtempcxel = PPM_GETR(cxels[crow][0]);
+ + gtempcxel = PPM_GETG(cxels[crow][0]);
+ + btempcxel = PPM_GETB(cxels[crow][0]);
+ + while ( horizontal && (ccol < ccols) )
+ + {
+ + if (( PPM_GETR(cxels[crow][ccol]) != rtempcxel ) |
+ + ( PPM_GETG(cxels[crow][ccol]) != gtempcxel ) |
+ + ( PPM_GETB(cxels[crow][ccol]) != btempcxel ))
+ + horizontal = FALSE;
+ + ++ccol;
+ + }
+ + ++crow;
+ + }
+ +
+ + vertical = TRUE;
+ + ccol = 0;
+ + while ( vertical && (ccol < ccols) )
+ + {
+ + crow = 1;
+ + rtempcxel = PPM_GETR(cxels[0][ccol]);
+ + gtempcxel = PPM_GETG(cxels[0][ccol]);
+ + btempcxel = PPM_GETB(cxels[0][ccol]);
+ + while ( vertical && (crow < crows) )
+ + {
+ + if (( PPM_GETR(cxels[crow][ccol]) != rtempcxel ) |
+ + ( PPM_GETG(cxels[crow][ccol]) != gtempcxel ) |
+ + ( PPM_GETB(cxels[crow][ccol]) != btempcxel ))
+ + vertical = FALSE;
+ + ++crow;
+ + }
+ + ++ccol;
+ + }
+ + break;
+ +
+ + default:
+ + horizontal = TRUE;
+ + crow = 0;
+ + while ( horizontal && (crow < crows) )
+ + {
+ + ccol = 1;
+ + tempcxel = PNM_GET1(cxels[crow][0]);
+ + while ( horizontal && (ccol < ccols) )
+ + {
+ + if ( PNM_GET1(cxels[crow][ccol]) != tempcxel )
+ + horizontal = FALSE;
+ + ++ccol;
+ + }
+ + ++crow;
+ + }
+ +
+ + vertical = TRUE;
+ + ccol = 0;
+ + while ( vertical && (ccol < ccols) )
+ + {
+ + crow = 1;
+ + tempcxel = PNM_GET1(cxels[0][ccol]);
+ + while ( vertical && (crow < crows) )
+ + {
+ + if ( PNM_GET1(cxels[crow][ccol]) != tempcxel )
+ + vertical = FALSE;
+ + ++crow;
+ + }
+ + ++ccol;
+ + }
+ + break;
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Which type do we have? */
+ + if ( horizontal && vertical )
+ + convolve_type = MEAN_CONVOLVE;
+ + else if ( horizontal )
+ + convolve_type = HORIZONTAL_CONVOLVE;
+ + else if ( vertical )
+ + convolve_type = VERTICAL_CONVOLVE;
+ + else
+ + convolve_type = GENERAL_CONVOLVE;
+ +
+ + return (convolve_type);
+ + }
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + /* General PGM Convolution
+ + **
+ + ** No useful redundancy in convolution matrix.
+ + */
+ +
+ + static void
+ + pgm_general_convolve()
+ + {
+ + register int ccol, col;
+ + xel** xelbuf;
+ + xel* outputrow;
+ + xel x, y;
+ + xelval g;
+ + int row, crow;
+ + float gsum;
+ + xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ + int toprow, temprow;
+ + int i, irow;
+ + int leftcol;
+ + long tempgsum;
+ +
+ /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ** a row output buffer. */
+ xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows );
+ outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ + /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf */
+ + rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows );
+ +
+ pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ***************
+ *** 155,219 ****
+ */
+ for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row % crows], cols, maxval, format );
+ if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row % crows], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = xelbuf[(row - crowso2) % crows][col];
+ else
+ {
+ ! switch ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) )
+ ! {
+ ! case PPM_TYPE:
+ ! rsum = gsum = bsum = 0.0;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! x = xelbuf[(row+1+crow) % crows][col-ccolso2+ccol];
+ ! rsum += PPM_GETR( x ) * rweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! gsum += PPM_GETG( x ) * gweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! bsum += PPM_GETB( x ) * bweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! if ( rsum < 0.0 ) r = 0;
+ ! else if ( rsum > maxval ) r = maxval;
+ ! else r = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! if ( gsum < 0.0 ) g = 0;
+ ! else if ( gsum > maxval ) g = maxval;
+ ! else g = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! if ( bsum < 0.0 ) b = 0;
+ ! else if ( bsum > maxval ) b = maxval;
+ ! else b = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! break;
+ !
+ ! default:
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! x = xelbuf[(row+1+crow) % crows][col-ccolso2+ccol];
+ ! gsum += PNM_GET1( x ) * gweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! if ( gsum < 0.0 ) g = 0;
+ ! else if ( gsum > maxval ) g = maxval;
+ ! else g = gsum + 0.5;
+ PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ - break;
+ - }
+ }
+ pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ }
+ - pm_close( ifp );
+ /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( ; row < rows + crowso2; ++row )
+ pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, xelbuf[(row-crowso2) % crows], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ pm_close( stdout );
+ - exit( 0 );
+ }
+ --- 435,1904 ----
+ */
+ for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ {
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* Arrange rowptr to eliminate the use of mod function to determine
+ ! ** which row of xelbuf is 0...crows. Mod function can be very costly.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = toprow % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ + {
+ if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ else
+ {
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! gsum += PNM_GET1( *(temprptr + ccol) )
+ ! * gweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ }
+ + }
+ + pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ + for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ + pnm_writepnmrow(
+ + stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ +
+ + pm_close( stdout );
+ + }
+ +
+ +
+ + /* PGM Mean Convolution
+ + **
+ + ** This is the common case where you just want the target pixel replaced with
+ + ** the average value of its neighbors. This can work much faster than the
+ + ** general case because you can reduce the number of floating point operations
+ + ** that are required since all the weights are the same. You will only need
+ + ** to multiply by the weight once, not for every pixel in the convolution
+ + ** matrix.
+ + **
+ + ** This algorithm works by creating sums for each column of crows height for
+ + ** the whole width of the image. Then add ccols column sums together to obtain
+ + ** the total sum of the neighbors and multiply that sum by the weight. As you
+ + ** move right to left to calculate the next pixel, take the total sum you just
+ + ** generated, add in the value of the next column and subtract the value of the
+ + ** leftmost column. Multiply that by the weight and that's it. As you move
+ + ** down a row, calculate new column sums by using previous sum for that column
+ + ** and adding in pixel on current row and subtracting pixel in top row.
+ + **
+ + */
+ +
+ +
+ + static void
+ + pgm_mean_convolve()
+ + {
+ + register int ccol, col;
+ + xel** xelbuf;
+ + xel* outputrow;
+ + xelval g;
+ + int row, crow;
+ + xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ + int leftcol;
+ + int i, irow;
+ + int toprow, temprow;
+ + int subrow, addrow;
+ + int subcol, addcol;
+ + long gisum;
+ + int tempcol, crowsp1;
+ + long tempgsum;
+ + long *gcolumnsum;
+ +
+ + /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ + ** a row output buffer. MEAN uses an extra row. */
+ + xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1 );
+ + outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ +
+ + /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf. MEAN uses an extra row. */
+ + rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ +
+ + /* Allocate space for intermediate column sums */
+ + gcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ + for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ + gcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ +
+ + pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ +
+ + /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ + for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ + {
+ + pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ + if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ + pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ + xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ + /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ + if ( row < crowso2 )
+ + pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Do first real row only */
+ + subrow = crows;
+ + addrow = crows - 1;
+ + toprow = row + 1;
+ + temprow = row % crows;
+ + pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ + if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ + pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ + xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ +
+ + temprow = toprow % crows;
+ + i = 0;
+ + for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ + rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ + for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ + rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ +
+ + gisum = 0L;
+ + for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ + {
+ + if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ + outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ + else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ + {
+ + leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ + for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ + {
+ + temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ + for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ + gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ + PNM_GET1( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ + }
+ + for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol)
+ + gisum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol];
+ + tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ + PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ + }
+ + else
+ + {
+ + /* Column numbers to subtract or add to isum */
+ + subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ + addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ + for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ + gcolumnsum[addcol] += PNM_GET1( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ + gisum = gisum - gcolumnsum[subcol] + gcolumnsum[addcol];
+ + tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ + PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ + }
+ + }
+ + pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ + ++row;
+ + /* For all subsequent rows do it this way as the columnsums have been
+ + ** generated. Now we can use them to reduce further calculations.
+ + */
+ + crowsp1 = crows + 1;
+ + for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ + {
+ + toprow = row + 1;
+ + temprow = row % (crows + 1);
+ + pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ + if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ + pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ + xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ +
+ + /* This rearrangement using crows+1 rowptrs and xelbufs will cause
+ + ** rowptr[0..crows-1] to always hold active xelbufs and for
+ + ** rowptr[crows] to always hold the oldest (top most) xelbuf.
+ + */
+ + temprow = (toprow + 1) % crowsp1;
+ + i = 0;
+ + for (irow = temprow; irow < crowsp1; ++i, ++irow)
+ + rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ + for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ + rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ +
+ + gisum = 0L;
+ + for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ + {
+ + if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ + outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ + else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ + {
+ + leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ + for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ + {
+ + tempcol = leftcol + ccol;
+ + gcolumnsum[tempcol] = gcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ + - PNM_GET1( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ + + PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ + gisum += gcolumnsum[tempcol];
+ + }
+ + tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ + PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ + }
+ + else
+ + {
+ + /* Column numbers to subtract or add to isum */
+ + subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ + addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ + gcolumnsum[addcol] = gcolumnsum[addcol]
+ + - PNM_GET1( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ + + PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ + gisum = gisum - gcolumnsum[subcol] + gcolumnsum[addcol];
+ + tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ + PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ + }
+ + }
+ pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ }
+ /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! pm_close( stdout );
+ ! }
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* PGM Horizontal Convolution
+ ! **
+ ! ** Similar idea to using columnsums of the Mean and Vertical convolution,
+ ! ** but uses temporary sums of row values. Need to multiply by weights crows
+ ! ** number of times. Each time a new line is started, must recalculate the
+ ! ** initials rowsums for the newest row only. Uses queue to still access
+ ! ** previous row sums.
+ ! **
+ ! */
+ !
+ ! static void
+ ! pgm_horizontal_convolve()
+ ! {
+ ! register int ccol, col;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xel x;
+ ! xelval g;
+ ! int row, crow;
+ ! xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ ! int leftcol;
+ ! int i, irow;
+ ! int temprow;
+ ! int subcol, addcol;
+ ! float gsum;
+ ! int addrow, subrow;
+ ! long **growsum, **growsumptr;
+ ! int crowsp1;
+ ! long tempgsum;
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ! ** a row output buffer. */
+ ! xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1 );
+ ! outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf */
+ ! rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate intermediate row sums. HORIZONTAL uses an extra row. */
+ ! /* crows current rows and 1 extra for newest added row. */
+ ! growsum = (long **) pm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1, sizeof(long) );
+ ! growsumptr = (long **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ !
+ ! pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ! for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ ! /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ ! if ( row < crowso2 )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* First row only */
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! temprow = (row + 1) % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! growsumptr[crow] = growsum[crow];
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! growsumptr[crow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! growsumptr[crow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PNM_GET1( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! }
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! growsumptr[crow][leftcol] = growsumptr[crow][subcol]
+ ! - PNM_GET1( rowptr[crow][subcol] )
+ ! + PNM_GET1( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! }
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* For all subsequent rows */
+ !
+ ! subrow = crows;
+ ! addrow = crows - 1;
+ ! crowsp1 = crows + 1;
+ ! ++row;
+ ! for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! temprow = row % crowsp1;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! temprow = (row + 2) % crowsp1;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crowsp1; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! {
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! growsumptr[i] = growsum[irow];
+ ! }
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! {
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! growsumptr[i] = growsum[irow];
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! growsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! growsumptr[addrow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][leftcol + ccol] );
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! growsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = growsumptr[addrow][subcol]
+ ! - PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][subcol] )
+ ! + PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! pm_close( stdout );
+ ! }
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* PGM Vertical Convolution
+ ! **
+ ! ** Uses column sums as in Mean Convolution.
+ ! **
+ ! */
+ !
+ !
+ ! static void
+ ! pgm_vertical_convolve()
+ ! {
+ ! register int ccol, col;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xelval g;
+ ! int row, crow;
+ ! xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ ! int leftcol;
+ ! int i, irow;
+ ! int toprow, temprow;
+ ! int subrow, addrow;
+ ! int tempcol;
+ ! float gsum;
+ ! long *gcolumnsum;
+ ! int crowsp1;
+ ! int addcol;
+ ! long tempgsum;
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ! ** a row output buffer. VERTICAL uses an extra row. */
+ ! xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1 );
+ ! outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf */
+ ! rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1 );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for intermediate column sums */
+ ! gcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! gcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ !
+ ! pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ! for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ ! /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ ! if ( row < crowso2 )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now the rest of the image - read in the row at the end of
+ ! ** xelbuf, and convolve and write out the row in the middle.
+ ! */
+ ! /* For first row only */
+ !
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* Arrange rowptr to eliminate the use of mod function to determine
+ ! ** which row of xelbuf is 0...crows. Mod function can be very costly.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = toprow % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PNM_GET1( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! }
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol)
+ ! gsum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! gcolumnsum[addcol] += PNM_GET1( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! gsum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* For all subsequent rows */
+ ! subrow = crows;
+ ! addrow = crows - 1;
+ ! crowsp1 = crows + 1;
+ ! ++row;
+ ! for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % (crows +1);
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* Arrange rowptr to eliminate the use of mod function to determine
+ ! ** which row of xelbuf is 0...crows. Mod function can be very costly.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = (toprow + 1) % crowsp1;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crowsp1; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! tempcol = leftcol + ccol;
+ ! gcolumnsum[tempcol] = gcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PNM_GET1( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! gsum = gsum + gcolumnsum[tempcol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! gcolumnsum[addcol] = gcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PNM_GET1( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PNM_GET1( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! gsum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! pm_close( stdout );
+ ! }
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* PPM General Convolution Algorithm
+ ! **
+ ! ** No redundancy in convolution matrix. Just use brute force.
+ ! ** See pgm_general_convolve() for more details.
+ ! */
+ !
+ ! static void
+ ! ppm_general_convolve()
+ ! {
+ ! register int ccol, col;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xel x, y;
+ ! xelval r, g, b;
+ ! int row, crow;
+ ! float rsum, gsum, bsum;
+ ! xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ ! int toprow, temprow;
+ ! int i, irow;
+ ! int leftcol;
+ ! long temprsum, tempgsum, tempbsum;
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ! ** a row output buffer. */
+ ! xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows );
+ ! outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf */
+ ! rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows );
+ !
+ ! pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ! for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ ! /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ ! if ( row < crowso2 )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now the rest of the image - read in the row at the end of
+ ! ** xelbuf, and convolve and write out the row in the middle.
+ ! */
+ ! for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* Arrange rowptr to eliminate the use of mod function to determine
+ ! ** which row of xelbuf is 0...crows. Mod function can be very costly.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = toprow % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! rsum = gsum = bsum = 0.0;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum += PPM_GETR( *(temprptr + ccol) )
+ ! * rweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! gsum += PPM_GETG( *(temprptr + ccol) )
+ ! * gweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! bsum += PPM_GETB( *(temprptr + ccol) )
+ ! * bweights[crow][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! pm_close( stdout );
+ ! }
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* PPM Mean Convolution
+ ! **
+ ! ** Same as pgm_mean_convolve() but for PPM.
+ ! **
+ ! */
+ !
+ ! static void
+ ! ppm_mean_convolve()
+ ! {
+ ! register int ccol, col;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xelval r, g, b;
+ ! int row, crow;
+ ! xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ ! int leftcol;
+ ! int i, irow;
+ ! int toprow, temprow;
+ ! int subrow, addrow;
+ ! int subcol, addcol;
+ ! long risum, gisum, bisum;
+ ! float rsum, gsum, bsum;
+ ! long temprsum, tempgsum, tempbsum;
+ ! int tempcol, crowsp1;
+ ! long *rcolumnsum, *gcolumnsum, *bcolumnsum;
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ! ** a row output buffer. MEAN uses an extra row. */
+ ! xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1 );
+ ! outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf. MEAN uses an extra row. */
+ ! rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for intermediate column sums */
+ ! rcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! gcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! bcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! rcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ ! gcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ ! bcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ! for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ ! /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ ! if ( row < crowso2 )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Do first real row only */
+ ! subrow = crows;
+ ! addrow = crows - 1;
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! temprow = toprow % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! risum = 0L;
+ ! gisum = 0L;
+ ! bisum = 0L;
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETR( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETG( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! bcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETB( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol)
+ ! {
+ ! risum += rcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol];
+ ! gisum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol];
+ ! bisum += bcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = (float) risum * rmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = (float) bisum * bmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! /* Column numbers to subtract or add to isum */
+ ! subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! rcolumnsum[addcol] += PPM_GETR( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! gcolumnsum[addcol] += PPM_GETG( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! bcolumnsum[addcol] += PPM_GETB( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! }
+ ! risum = risum - rcolumnsum[subcol] + rcolumnsum[addcol];
+ ! gisum = gisum - gcolumnsum[subcol] + gcolumnsum[addcol];
+ ! bisum = bisum - bcolumnsum[subcol] + bcolumnsum[addcol];
+ ! temprsum = (float) risum * rmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = (float) bisum * bmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! ++row;
+ ! /* For all subsequent rows do it this way as the columnsums have been
+ ! ** generated. Now we can use them to reduce further calculations.
+ ! */
+ ! crowsp1 = crows + 1;
+ ! for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % (crows + 1);
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* This rearrangement using crows+1 rowptrs and xelbufs will cause
+ ! ** rowptr[0..crows-1] to always hold active xelbufs and for
+ ! ** rowptr[crows] to always hold the oldest (top most) xelbuf.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = (toprow + 1) % crowsp1;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crowsp1; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! risum = 0L;
+ ! gisum = 0L;
+ ! bisum = 0L;
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! tempcol = leftcol + ccol;
+ ! rcolumnsum[tempcol] = rcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETR( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! risum += rcolumnsum[tempcol];
+ ! gcolumnsum[tempcol] = gcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETG( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! gisum += gcolumnsum[tempcol];
+ ! bcolumnsum[tempcol] = bcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETB( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! bisum += bcolumnsum[tempcol];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = (float) risum * rmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = (float) bisum * bmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! /* Column numbers to subtract or add to isum */
+ ! subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! rcolumnsum[addcol] = rcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETR( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! risum = risum - rcolumnsum[subcol] + rcolumnsum[addcol];
+ ! gcolumnsum[addcol] = gcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETG( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! gisum = gisum - gcolumnsum[subcol] + gcolumnsum[addcol];
+ ! bcolumnsum[addcol] = bcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETB( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! bisum = bisum - bcolumnsum[subcol] + bcolumnsum[addcol];
+ ! temprsum = (float) risum * rmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = (float) gisum * gmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = (float) bisum * bmeanweight + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! pm_close( stdout );
+ ! }
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* PPM Horizontal Convolution
+ ! **
+ ! ** Same as pgm_horizontal_convolve()
+ ! **
+ ! **/
+ !
+ ! static void
+ ! ppm_horizontal_convolve()
+ ! {
+ ! register int ccol, col;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xel x;
+ ! xelval r, g, b;
+ ! int row, crow;
+ ! xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ ! int leftcol;
+ ! int i, irow;
+ ! int temprow;
+ ! int subcol, addcol;
+ ! float rsum, gsum, bsum;
+ ! int addrow, subrow;
+ ! long **rrowsum, **rrowsumptr;
+ ! long **growsum, **growsumptr;
+ ! long **browsum, **browsumptr;
+ ! int crowsp1;
+ ! long temprsum, tempgsum, tempbsum;
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ! ** a row output buffer. */
+ ! xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1 );
+ ! outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf */
+ ! rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate intermediate row sums. HORIZONTAL uses an extra row */
+ ! rrowsum = (long **) pm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1, sizeof(long) );
+ ! rrowsumptr = (long **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ ! growsum = (long **) pm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1, sizeof(long) );
+ ! growsumptr = (long **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ ! browsum = (long **) pm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1, sizeof(long) );
+ ! browsumptr = (long **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1);
+ !
+ ! pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ! for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ ! /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ ! if ( row < crowso2 )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* First row only */
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! temprow = (row + 1) % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! rrowsumptr[crow] = rrowsum[crow];
+ ! growsumptr[crow] = growsum[crow];
+ ! browsumptr[crow] = browsum[crow];
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! growsumptr[crow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! browsumptr[crow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETR( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! growsumptr[crow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETG( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! browsumptr[crow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETB( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! }
+ ! rsum += rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] * rweights[crow][0];
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! bsum += browsumptr[crow][leftcol] * bweights[crow][0];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] = rrowsumptr[crow][subcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETR( rowptr[crow][subcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETR( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! rsum += rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] * rweights[crow][0];
+ ! growsumptr[crow][leftcol] = growsumptr[crow][subcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETG( rowptr[crow][subcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETG( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! browsumptr[crow][leftcol] = browsumptr[crow][subcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETB( rowptr[crow][subcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETB( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! bsum += browsumptr[crow][leftcol] * bweights[crow][0];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* For all subsequent rows */
+ !
+ ! subrow = crows;
+ ! addrow = crows - 1;
+ ! crowsp1 = crows + 1;
+ ! ++row;
+ ! for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! temprow = row % crowsp1;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! temprow = (row + 2) % crowsp1;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crowsp1; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! {
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! rrowsumptr[i] = rrowsum[irow];
+ ! growsumptr[i] = growsum[irow];
+ ! browsumptr[i] = browsum[irow];
+ ! }
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! {
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! rrowsumptr[i] = rrowsum[irow];
+ ! growsumptr[i] = growsum[irow];
+ ! browsumptr[i] = browsum[irow];
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! rrowsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! growsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! browsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = 0L;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rrowsumptr[addrow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][leftcol + ccol] );
+ ! growsumptr[addrow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][leftcol + ccol] );
+ ! browsumptr[addrow][leftcol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][leftcol + ccol] );
+ ! }
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum += rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] * rweights[crow][0];
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! bsum += browsumptr[crow][leftcol] * bweights[crow][0];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! subcol = col - ccolso2 - 1;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! rrowsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = rrowsumptr[addrow][subcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][subcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! growsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = growsumptr[addrow][subcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][subcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! browsumptr[addrow][leftcol] = browsumptr[addrow][subcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][subcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum += rrowsumptr[crow][leftcol] * rweights[crow][0];
+ ! gsum += growsumptr[crow][leftcol] * gweights[crow][0];
+ ! bsum += browsumptr[crow][leftcol] * bweights[crow][0];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! pm_close( stdout );
+ ! }
+ !
+ !
+ ! /* PPM Vertical Convolution
+ ! **
+ ! ** Same as pgm_vertical_convolve()
+ ! **
+ ! */
+ !
+ ! static void
+ ! ppm_vertical_convolve()
+ ! {
+ ! register int ccol, col;
+ ! xel** xelbuf;
+ ! xel* outputrow;
+ ! xelval r, g, b;
+ ! int row, crow;
+ ! xel **rowptr, *temprptr;
+ ! int leftcol;
+ ! int i, irow;
+ ! int toprow, temprow;
+ ! int subrow, addrow;
+ ! int tempcol;
+ ! float rsum, gsum, bsum;
+ ! long *rcolumnsum, *gcolumnsum, *bcolumnsum;
+ ! int crowsp1;
+ ! int addcol;
+ ! long temprsum, tempgsum, tempbsum;
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for one convolution-matrix's worth of rows, plus
+ ! ** a row output buffer. VERTICAL uses an extra row. */
+ ! xelbuf = pnm_allocarray( cols, crows + 1 );
+ ! outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate array of pointers to xelbuf */
+ ! rowptr = (xel **) pnm_allocarray( 1, crows + 1 );
+ !
+ ! /* Allocate space for intermediate column sums */
+ ! rcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! gcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! bcolumnsum = (long *) pm_allocrow( cols, sizeof(long) );
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! rcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ ! gcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ ! bcolumnsum[col] = 0L;
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! pnm_writepnminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* Read in one convolution-matrix's worth of image, less one row. */
+ ! for ( row = 0; row < crows - 1; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ ! /* Write out just the part we're not going to convolve. */
+ ! if ( row < crowso2 )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, xelbuf[row], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now the rest of the image - read in the row at the end of
+ ! ** xelbuf, and convolve and write out the row in the middle.
+ ! */
+ ! /* For first row only */
+ !
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % crows;
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* Arrange rowptr to eliminate the use of mod function to determine
+ ! ** which row of xelbuf is 0...crows. Mod function can be very costly.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = toprow % crows;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crows; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! temprptr = rowptr[crow] + leftcol;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETR( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETG( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! bcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] +=
+ ! PPM_GETB( *(temprptr + ccol) );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol)
+ ! {
+ ! rsum += rcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * rweights[0][ccol];
+ ! gsum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! bsum += bcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * bweights[0][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! for ( crow = 0; crow < crows; ++crow )
+ ! {
+ ! rcolumnsum[addcol] += PPM_GETR( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! gcolumnsum[addcol] += PPM_GETG( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! bcolumnsum[addcol] += PPM_GETB( rowptr[crow][addcol] );
+ ! }
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum += rcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * rweights[0][ccol];
+ ! gsum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! bsum += bcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * bweights[0][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ !
+ ! /* For all subsequent rows */
+ ! subrow = crows;
+ ! addrow = crows - 1;
+ ! crowsp1 = crows + 1;
+ ! ++row;
+ ! for ( ; row < rows; ++row )
+ ! {
+ ! toprow = row + 1;
+ ! temprow = row % (crows +1);
+ ! pnm_readpnmrow( ifp, xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format );
+ ! if ( PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) != newformat )
+ ! pnm_promoteformatrow(
+ ! xelbuf[temprow], cols, maxval, format, maxval, newformat );
+ !
+ ! /* Arrange rowptr to eliminate the use of mod function to determine
+ ! ** which row of xelbuf is 0...crows. Mod function can be very costly.
+ ! */
+ ! temprow = (toprow + 1) % crowsp1;
+ ! i = 0;
+ ! for (irow = temprow; irow < crowsp1; ++i, ++irow)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ ! for (irow = 0; irow < temprow; ++irow, ++i)
+ ! rowptr[i] = xelbuf[irow];
+ !
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ ! {
+ ! if ( col < ccolso2 || col >= cols - ccolso2 )
+ ! outputrow[col] = rowptr[crowso2][col];
+ ! else if ( col == ccolso2 )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! tempcol = leftcol + ccol;
+ ! rcolumnsum[tempcol] = rcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETR( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! rsum = rsum + rcolumnsum[tempcol] * rweights[0][ccol];
+ ! gcolumnsum[tempcol] = gcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETG( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! gsum = gsum + gcolumnsum[tempcol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! bcolumnsum[tempcol] = bcolumnsum[tempcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETB( rowptr[subrow][ccol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][ccol] );
+ ! bsum = bsum + bcolumnsum[tempcol] * bweights[0][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! else
+ ! {
+ ! rsum = 0.0;
+ ! gsum = 0.0;
+ ! bsum = 0.0;
+ ! leftcol = col - ccolso2;
+ ! addcol = col + ccolso2;
+ ! rcolumnsum[addcol] = rcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETR( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETR( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! gcolumnsum[addcol] = gcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETG( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETG( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! bcolumnsum[addcol] = bcolumnsum[addcol]
+ ! - PPM_GETB( rowptr[subrow][addcol] )
+ ! + PPM_GETB( rowptr[addrow][addcol] );
+ ! for ( ccol = 0; ccol < ccols; ++ccol )
+ ! {
+ ! rsum += rcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * rweights[0][ccol];
+ ! gsum += gcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * gweights[0][ccol];
+ ! bsum += bcolumnsum[leftcol + ccol] * bweights[0][ccol];
+ ! }
+ ! temprsum = rsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempgsum = gsum + 0.5;
+ ! tempbsum = bsum + 0.5;
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( outputrow[col], r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow( stdout, outputrow, cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Now write out the remaining unconvolved rows in xelbuf. */
+ ! for ( irow = crowso2 + 1; irow < crows; ++irow )
+ ! pnm_writepnmrow(
+ ! stdout, rowptr[irow], cols, maxval, newformat, 0 );
+ pm_close( stdout );
+ }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ao ./patches/patch-ao
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ao Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ao Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,35 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/pnmmerge.c Mon Jan 31 05:31:47 1994
+ --- ./pnm/pnmmerge.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 30,35 ****
+ --- 30,39 ----
+ {
+ ++argv;
+ --argc;
+ + if(!*argv) {
+ + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: pnmmerge pnm_program_name [args ...]\n");
+ + exit(1);
+ + }
+ goto again;
+ }
+ ***************
+ *** 51,56 ****
+ --- 55,61 ----
+ TRY("pnmgamma", pnmgamma_main);
+ TRY("pnminvert", pnminvert_main);
+ TRY("pnmhistmap", pnmhistmap_main);
+ + TRY("pnmhisteq", pnmhisteq_main);
+ TRY("pnmnlfilt", pnmnlfilt_main);
+ TRY("pnmnoraw", pnmnoraw_main);
+ TRY("pnmpaste", pnmpaste_main);
+ ***************
+ *** 76,81 ****
+ --- 81,87 ----
+ #endif /*LIBTIFF*/
+ TRY("xwdtopnm", xwdtopnm_main);
+ TRY("zeisstopnm", zeisstopnm_main);
+ + TRY("pnmsmooth", pnmsmooth_main);
+ (void) fprintf(
+ stderr, "pnmmerge: \"%s\" is an unknown PNM program!\n", cp );
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ap ./patches/patch-ap
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ap Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ap Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,72 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/pnmsmooth.1 Mon Oct 4 04:11:56 1993
+ --- ./pnm/pnmsmooth.1 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 1,25 ****
+ ! .TH pnmsmooth 1 "13 January 1991"
+ .IX pnmsmooth
+ pnmsmooth - smooth out an image
+ .B pnmsmooth
+ .RI [ pnmfile ]
+ Smooths out an image by replacing each pixel with the
+ ! average of its nine immediate neighbors.
+ .IX smoothing
+ .IX anti-aliasing
+ ! It is implemented as a simple script using
+ .IR pnmconvol .
+ .IX pnmconvol
+ pnmconvol(1), pnm(5)
+ ! .SH BUGS
+ ! It's a script.
+ ! Scripts are not portable to non-Unix environments.
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
+ .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ .\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+ .\" that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ --- 1,42 ----
+ ! .TH pnmsmooth 1 "4 December 1994"
+ .IX pnmsmooth
+ pnmsmooth - smooth out an image
+ .B pnmsmooth
+ + .RB [ -size
+ + .IR width
+ + .IR height ]
+ + .RB [ -dump
+ + .IR dumpfile ]
+ .RI [ pnmfile ]
+ Smooths out an image by replacing each pixel with the
+ ! average of its width X height neighbors.
+ .IX smoothing
+ .IX anti-aliasing
+ ! It is implemented as a C progam that generates a PGM convolution matrix
+ ! and then invokes
+ .IR pnmconvol .
+ .IX pnmconvol
+ + .TP
+ + .B -size width height
+ + Specifies the size of the convolution matrix.
+ + Default size is a 3x3 matrix.
+ + Width and height sizes must be odd.
+ + Maximum size of convolution matrix is limited by the maximum value for a
+ + pixel such that (width * height * 2) must not exceed the maximum pixel value.
+ + .TP
+ + .B -dump dumpfile
+ + Generates and saves the convolution file only.
+ + Use of this option does not invoke pnmconvol.
+ pnmconvol(1), pnm(5)
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
+ + .br
+ + Converted from script to C program December 1994 by Mike Burns (
+ .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ .\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+ .\" that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-aq ./patches/patch-aq
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-aq Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-aq Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,55 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/pnmtotiff.c Thu Jan 27 10:59:25 1994
+ --- ./pnm/pnmtotiff.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 196,201 ****
+ --- 196,202 ----
+ samplesperpixel = 1;
+ bitspersample = pm_maxvaltobits( maxval );
+ + i = 8 / bitspersample;
+ bytesperrow = ( cols + i - 1 ) / i;
+ }
+ else
+ ***************
+ *** 276,295 ****
+ for ( col = 0, xP = xels[row], tP = buf;
+ col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ {
+ ! register unsigned char s;
+ s = PPM_GETR( *xP );
+ if ( maxval != 255 )
+ ! s = (long) s * 255 / maxval;
+ ! *tP++ = s;
+ s = PPM_GETG( *xP );
+ if ( maxval != 255 )
+ ! s = (long) s * 255 / maxval;
+ ! *tP++ = s;
+ s = PPM_GETB( *xP );
+ if ( maxval != 255 )
+ ! s = (long) s * 255 / maxval;
+ ! *tP++ = s;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ --- 277,296 ----
+ for ( col = 0, xP = xels[row], tP = buf;
+ col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ {
+ ! register xelval s;
+ s = PPM_GETR( *xP );
+ if ( maxval != 255 )
+ ! s = s * 255 / maxval;
+ ! *tP++ = (unsigned char)s;
+ s = PPM_GETG( *xP );
+ if ( maxval != 255 )
+ ! s = s * 255 / maxval;
+ ! *tP++ = (unsigned char)s;
+ s = PPM_GETB( *xP );
+ if ( maxval != 255 )
+ ! s = s * 255 / maxval;
+ ! *tP++ = (unsigned char)s;
+ }
+ }
+ else
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ar ./patches/patch-ar
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ar Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ar Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,133 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./pnm/tifftopnm.c Mon Oct 4 04:12:01 1993
+ --- ./pnm/tifftopnm.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 54,60 ****
+ int headerdump;
+ register u_char sample;
+ register int bitsleft;
+ ! unsigned short bps, spp, photomet;
+ unsigned short* redcolormap;
+ unsigned short* greencolormap;
+ unsigned short* bluecolormap;
+ --- 54,60 ----
+ int headerdump;
+ register u_char sample;
+ register int bitsleft;
+ ! unsigned short bps, spp, photomet, planarconfig;
+ unsigned short* redcolormap;
+ unsigned short* greencolormap;
+ unsigned short* bluecolormap;
+ ***************
+ *** 101,106 ****
+ --- 101,113 ----
+ spp = 1;
+ if ( ! TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photomet ) )
+ pm_error( "error getting photometric" );
+ + if( spp > 1 ){
+ + if ( ! TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &planarconfig ) )
+ + pm_error( "error getting planarconfig" );
+ + }else{
+ + planarconfig = PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG;
+ + }
+ +
+ switch ( spp )
+ {
+ ***************
+ *** 114,119 ****
+ --- 121,138 ----
+ "can only handle 1-channel gray scale or 1- or 3-channel color" );
+ }
+ + switch( planarconfig )
+ + {
+ + break;
+ + if( photomet != PHOTOMETRIC_RGB )
+ + pm_error( "can only handle separate planes with RGB data" );
+ + break;
+ + default:
+ + pm_error("Unrecongnized PLANARCONFIG tag!\n");
+ + }
+ +
+ (void) TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &cols );
+ (void) TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &rows );
+ ***************
+ *** 259,278 ****
+ break;
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ ! {
+ ! register xelval r, g, b;
+ !
+ ! r = sample;
+ ! g = sample;
+ ! b = sample;
+ ! if ( spp == 4 )
+ ! NEXTSAMPLE /* skip alpha channel */
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ break;
+ default:
+ --- 278,331 ----
+ break;
+ ! if( planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ){
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ ! {
+ ! register xelval r, g, b;
+ !
+ ! r = sample;
+ ! g = sample;
+ ! b = sample;
+ ! if ( spp == 4 )
+ ! NEXTSAMPLE /* skip alpha channel */
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, r, g, b );
+ ! }
+ ! }else{
+ ! /* First clear the value and assign the reds */
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ ! {
+ ! PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, 0, 0, 0 );
+ ! PPM_PUTR( *xP, sample );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* Next the greens */
+ ! if ( TIFFReadScanline( tif, buf, row, 1 ) < 0 )
+ ! pm_error( "bad data read on green line %d", row );
+ ! xP = xelrow;
+ ! inP = buf;
+ ! bitsleft = 8;
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ ! {
+ ! PPM_PUTG( *xP, sample );
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! /* And finally the blues */
+ ! if ( TIFFReadScanline( tif, buf, row, 2 ) < 0 )
+ ! pm_error( "bad data read on green line %d", row );
+ ! xP = xelrow;
+ ! inP = buf;
+ ! bitsleft = 8;
+ ! for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col, ++xP )
+ ! {
+ ! PPM_PUTB( *xP, sample );
+ ! }
+ ! }
+ break;
+ default:
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-as ./patches/patch-as
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-as Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-as Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,166 ----
+ *** /dev/null Sat Jan 9 13:03:49 1999
+ --- ./pnm/pnmhisteq.1 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 0 ****
+ --- 1,161 ----
+ + .TH pnmhisteq 1 "19 March 1995"
+ + .IX "pnmhisteq command"
+ + .IX histogram
+ + .SH NAME
+ + pnmhisteq \- histogram equalise a portable anymap
+ + .na
+ + .B pnmhisteq
+ + 'ti 15
+ + .RB [ \-gray ]
+ + .RB [ \-rmap
+ + .IR pgmfile ]
+ + .RB [ \-wmap
+ + .IR pgmfile ]
+ + .RB [ \-verbose ]
+ + .RI [ pnmfile ]
+ + .ad
+ + .B pnmhisteq
+ + increases the contrast of a portable graymap or pixmap through the
+ + technique of
+ + .IR "histogram equalisation" [1].
+ + A histogram of the luminance of pixels in the map is computed, from
+ + which a transfer function is calculated which spreads out intensity levels
+ + around histogram peaks and compresses them at troughs. This has the
+ + effect of using the available levels of intensity more efficiently and
+ + thereby increases the detail visible in the image.
+ + .PP
+ + Mathematically, if
+ + .I N[i]
+ + is the number of pixels of luminosity
+ + .I i
+ + in the image and
+ + .I T
+ + is the total number of pixels, luminosity
+ + .I j
+ + is replaced by:
+ + .PP
+ + .NF
+ + .vs 9p
+ + j
+ + ---
+ + \\
+ + \> N[i] / T
+ + \/
+ + ---
+ + i=0
+ + .vs
+ + .FI
+ + .PP
+ + If you're processing a related set of images, for example frames of an
+ + animation, it's generally best to apply the same intensity map to
+ + every frame, since otherwise you'll get distracting frame-to-frame
+ + changes in the brightness of objects.
+ + .BR pnmhisteq 's
+ + .B \-wmap
+ + option
+ + allows you to save, as a portable graymap, the luminosity map computed
+ + from an image (usually a composite of the images you intend
+ + to process created with
+ + .BR pnmcat ).
+ + Then, you can subsequently process each of the individual images using
+ + the luminosity map saved in the file, supplied with the
+ + .B \-rmap
+ + option.
+ + .TP 10
+ + .B \-gray
+ + When processing a pixmap, only gray pixels (those with identical red,
+ + green, and blue values) are included in the histogram and modified
+ + in the output image. This is a special purpose option intended
+ + for images where the actual data are gray scale, with
+ + colour annotations you don't want modified. Weather
+ + satellite images that show continent outlines in colour are best
+ + processed using this option. The option has no effect when the input
+ + is a graymap.
+ + .TP
+ + .BI \-rmap " mapfile"
+ + Process the image using the luminosity map specified by the portable
+ + graymap
+ + .I mapfile.
+ + The graymap, usually created by an earlier run of
+ + .B pnmhisteq
+ + with the
+ + .B \-wmap
+ + option, contains a single row with number of columns equal to
+ + the
+ + .I maxval
+ + (greatest intensity) of the image. Each pixel in the image is
+ + transformed by looking up its luminosity in the corresponding
+ + column in the map file and changing it to the value
+ + given by that column.
+ + .TP
+ + .BI \-wmap " mapfile"
+ + Creates a portable graymap,
+ + .I mapfile,
+ + containing the luminosity map computed from the histogram of the
+ + input image. This map file can be read on subsequent runs of
+ + .B pnmhisteq
+ + with the
+ + .B \-rmap
+ + option, allowing a group of images to be processed with
+ + an identical map.
+ + .TP
+ + .B \-verbose
+ + Prints the histogram and luminosity map on standard error.
+ + .PP
+ + All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
+ + .SH BUGS
+ + Histogram equalisation is effective for increasing the visible detail
+ + in scientific imagery and in some continuous-tone pictures. It is
+ + often too drastic, however, for scanned halftone images, where it
+ + does an excellent job of making halftone artifacts apparent. You
+ + might want to experiment with
+ + .BR pgnnorm ,
+ + .BR ppmnorm ,
+ + and
+ + .B pnmgamma
+ + for more subtle contrast enhancement.
+ + .PP
+ + The luminosity map file supplied by the
+ + .B \-rmap
+ + option must have the same
+ + .I maxval
+ + as the input image. This is always the case when the
+ + map file was created by the
+ + .B \-wmap
+ + option of
+ + .BR pnmhisteq .
+ + If this restriction causes a problem, simply adjust the
+ + .I maxval
+ + of the map with
+ + .B pnmdepth
+ + to agree with the input image.
+ + .PP
+ + If the input is a PBM file (on which histogram equalisation is an
+ + identity operation), the only effect of passing the file through
+ + .B pnmhisteq
+ + will be the passage of time.
+ + .SH "SEE ALSO"
+ + .PD
+ + .BR pgmnorm (1),
+ + .BR pnm (5),
+ + .BR pnmcat (1),
+ + .BR pnmdepth (1),
+ + .BR pnmgamma (1),
+ + .BR pnmnorm (1)
+ + .TP 5
+ + [1]
+ + Russ, John C. The Image Processing Handbook.
+ + Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1992. Pages 105-110.
+ + .ne 10
+ + .ce 2
+ + Copyright (C) 1995 by John Walker (
+ + WWW home page:
+ + .PP
+ + Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ + documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+ + without any conditions or restrictions. This software is provided ``as
+ + is'' without express or implied warranty.
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-at ./patches/patch-at
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-at Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-at Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,376 ----
+ *** /dev/null Sat Jan 9 13:03:49 1999
+ --- ./pnm/pnmhisteq.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 0 ****
+ --- 1,371 ----
+ + /*
+ + pnmhisteq.c
+ +
+ + Equalise histogram for a PGM or PPM file
+ +
+ + Options: -gray: modify gray pixels only; leave colours unchanged
+ + -rmap fn: read luminosity map from PGM file fn
+ + -wmap wn: write luminosity map to PGM file fn
+ + -verbose: print histogram and luminosity map
+ +
+ + Accepts PGM and PPM as input. PBM input is allowed, but histogram
+ + equalisation does not modify a PBM file.
+ +
+ + by John Walker ( -- March MVM.
+ + WWW home page:
+ +
+ + Copyright (C) 1995 by John Walker
+ +
+ + Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+ + its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+ + granted, without any conditions or restrictions. This software is
+ + provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ +
+ + */
+ +
+ + #include "pnm.h"
+ +
+ + /* Prototypes */
+ +
+ + static void hsv_rgb ARGS((double h, double s, double v,
+ + double *r, double *g, double *b));
+ + static void rgb_hsv ARGS((double r, double g, double b,
+ + double *h, double *s, double *v));
+ +
+ + /* HSV_RGB -- Convert HSV colour specification to RGB intensities.
+ + Hue is specified as a real value from 0 to 360,
+ + Saturation and Intensity as reals from 0 to 1. The
+ + RGB components are returned as reals from 0 to 1. */
+ +
+ + static void hsv_rgb(h, s, v, r, g, b)
+ + double h, s, v;
+ + double *r, *g, *b;
+ + {
+ + int i;
+ + double f, p, q, t;
+ +
+ + if (s == 0) {
+ + *r = *g = *b = v;
+ + } else {
+ + if (h == 360.0) {
+ + h = 0;
+ + }
+ + h /= 60.0;
+ +
+ + i = h;
+ + f = h - i;
+ + p = v * (1.0 - s);
+ + q = v * (1.0 - (s * f));
+ + t = v * (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f)));
+ + switch (i) {
+ +
+ + case 0:
+ + *r = v;
+ + *g = t;
+ + *b = p;
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 1:
+ + *r = q;
+ + *g = v;
+ + *b = p;
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 2:
+ + *r = p;
+ + *g = v;
+ + *b = t;
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 3:
+ + *r = p;
+ + *g = q;
+ + *b = v;
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 4:
+ + *r = t;
+ + *g = p;
+ + *b = v;
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case 5:
+ + *r = v;
+ + *g = p;
+ + *b = q;
+ + break;
+ + }
+ + }
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* RGB_HSV -- Map R, G, B intensities in the range from 0 to 1 into
+ + Hue, Saturation, and Value: Hue from 0 to 360,
+ + Saturation from 0 to 1, and Value from 0 to 1.
+ + Special case: if Saturation is 0 (it's a grey scale
+ + tone), Hue is undefined and is returned as -1.
+ +
+ + This follows Foley & van Dam, section 17.4.4. */
+ +
+ + static void rgb_hsv(r, g, b, h, s, v)
+ + double r, g, b;
+ + double *h, *s, *v;
+ + {
+ + double imax = max(r, max(g, b)),
+ + imin = min(r, min(g, b)),
+ + rc, gc, bc;
+ +
+ + *v = imax;
+ + if (imax != 0) {
+ + *s = (imax - imin) / imax;
+ + } else {
+ + *s = 0;
+ + }
+ +
+ + if (*s == 0) {
+ + *h = -1;
+ + } else {
+ + rc = (imax - r) / (imax - imin);
+ + gc = (imax - g) / (imax - imin);
+ + bc = (imax - b) / (imax - imin);
+ + if (r == imax) {
+ + *h = bc - gc;
+ + } else if (g == imax) {
+ + *h = 2.0 + rc - bc;
+ + } else {
+ + *h = 4.0 + gc - rc;
+ + }
+ + *h *= 60.0;
+ + if (*h < 0.0) {
+ + *h += 360.0;
+ + }
+ + }
+ + }
+ +
+ + int main(argc, argv)
+ + int argc;
+ + char *argv[];
+ + {
+ + FILE *ifp;
+ + int argn = 1, i, j, verbose = 0, mono_only = 0;
+ + gray lmin, lmax;
+ + gray **lumamap; /* Luminosity map */
+ + long *lumahist; /* Histogram of luminosity values */
+ + int rows, hist_cols; /* Rows, columns of input image */
+ + xelval maxval; /* Maxval of input image */
+ + int format; /* Format indicator (PBM/PGM/PPM) */
+ + xel** xels; /* Pixel array */
+ + unsigned long pixels = 0, pixsum = 0, maxluma = 0;
+ + double lscale;
+ + xel *grayrow;
+ + pixel *pixrow;
+ + FILE *rmap = NULL, *wmap = NULL;
+ + char *usage = "[-gray] [-verbose] [-rmap pgmfile] [-wmap pgmfile] [pnmfile]";
+ +
+ + pnm_init(&argc, argv);
+ +
+ + /* Check for flags. */
+ +
+ + while (argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != '\0') {
+ + if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-gray", 1)) {
+ + mono_only = 1;
+ + } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-verbose", 1)) {
+ + verbose = 1;
+ + } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-rmap", 1)) {
+ + if (rmap != NULL) {
+ + pm_error("already specified an input map");
+ + }
+ + argn++;
+ + if (argn == argc || strcmp(argv[argn], "-") == 0) {
+ + pm_usage(usage);
+ + }
+ + rmap = pm_openr(argv[argn]);
+ + } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[argn], "-wmap", 1)) {
+ + if (wmap != NULL) {
+ + pm_error("already specified an output map");
+ + }
+ + argn++;
+ + if (argn == argc) {
+ + pm_usage(usage);
+ + }
+ + wmap = pm_openw(argv[argn]);
+ + } else {
+ + pm_usage(usage);
+ + }
+ + argn++;
+ + }
+ +
+ + if (--argc > argn) {
+ + pm_usage(usage);
+ + } else if (argc == argn) {
+ + ifp = pm_openr(argv[argn]);
+ + } else {
+ + ifp = stdin;
+ + }
+ +
+ + xels = pnm_readpnm(ifp, &hist_cols, &rows, &maxval, &format);
+ + pm_close(ifp);
+ +
+ + /* Allocate histogram and luminosity map arrays. If the
+ + user has specified an input map file, read it in at
+ + this point. */
+ +
+ + lumahist = (long *) pm_allocrow(maxval + 1, sizeof(long));
+ + bzero((char *) lumahist, (maxval + 1) * sizeof(long));
+ +
+ + if (rmap == NULL) {
+ + lumamap = pgm_allocarray(maxval + 1, 1);
+ + } else {
+ + int rmcols, rmrows;
+ + gray rmmaxv;
+ +
+ + lumamap = pgm_readpgm(rmap, &rmcols, &rmrows, &rmmaxv);
+ + if (rmmaxv != maxval) {
+ + pm_error("maxval in map file (%d) different from input (%d)",
+ + rmmaxv, maxval);
+ + }
+ + if (rmrows != 1 || rmcols != rmmaxv) {
+ + pm_error("map size (%d by %d) wrong; must be (%d by 1)",
+ + rmcols, rmrows, maxval);
+ + }
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Scan the image and build the luminosity histogram. If
+ + the input is a PPM, we calculate the luminosity of each
+ + pixel from its RGB components. */
+ +
+ + lmin = maxval;
+ + lmax = 0;
+ + if (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PGM_TYPE ||
+ + PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PBM_TYPE) {
+ +
+ + /* Compute intensity histogram */
+ +
+ + pixels = ((unsigned long) rows) * ((unsigned long) hist_cols);
+ + for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+ + xel *grayrow = xels[i];
+ + for (j = 0; j < hist_cols; j++) {
+ + gray l = PNM_GET1(grayrow[j]);
+ + lmin = min(lmin, l);
+ + lmax = max(lmax, l);
+ + lumahist[l]++;
+ + }
+ + }
+ + } else if (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PPM_TYPE) {
+ + for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+ + pixel *pixrow = (pixel *) xels[i];
+ +
+ + for (j = 0; j < hist_cols; j++) {
+ + if (!mono_only ||
+ + ((PPM_GETR(pixrow[j]) == PPM_GETG(pixrow[j])) &&
+ + (PPM_GETR(pixrow[j]) == PPM_GETB(pixrow[j])))) {
+ + gray l = (gray) PPM_LUMIN(pixrow[j]);
+ + lmin = min(lmin, l);
+ + lmax = max(lmax, l);
+ + lumahist[l]++;
+ + pixels++;
+ + }
+ + }
+ + }
+ + } else {
+ + pm_error("unknown input format");
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* The PGM and PPM branches rejoin here to calculate the
+ + luminosity mapping table which gives the histogram-equalised
+ + luminosity for each original luminosity. */
+ +
+ + /* Calculate initial histogram equalisation curve. */
+ +
+ + for (i = 0; i <= (int) maxval; i++) {
+ +
+ + /* Yick. If PGM_BIGGRAYS is defined (I thought they were little
+ + guys, about four foot, with funny eyes...) the following
+ + calculation can overflow a 32 bit long. So, we do it in
+ + floating point. Since this happens only maxval times, the
+ + inefficiency is trivial compared to the every-pixel code above
+ + and below. */
+ +
+ + lumamap[0][i] = (gray) (((((double) pixsum * maxval)) / pixels) + 0.5);
+ + if (lumahist[i] > 0) {
+ + maxluma = i;
+ + }
+ + pixsum += lumahist[i];
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Normalise so that the brightest pixels are set to
+ + maxval. */
+ +
+ + lscale = ((double) maxval) / ((lumahist[maxluma] > 0) ?
+ + ((double) lumamap[0][maxluma]) : ((double) maxval));
+ + for (i = 0; i <= (int) maxval; i++) {
+ + lumamap[0][i] = (gray)
+ + min(((long) maxval), ((long) (lumamap[0][i] * lscale + 0.5)));
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* If requested, print the luminosity map and original histogram. */
+ +
+ + if (verbose) {
+ + fprintf(stderr,
+ + " Luminosity map Number of\n Original New Pixels\n");
+ + for (i = 0; i <= (int) maxval; i++) {
+ + if (lumahist[i] > 0) {
+ + fprintf(stderr,"%6d -> %6d %8d\n", i,
+ + lumamap[0][i], lumahist[i]);
+ + }
+ + }
+ + }
+ +
+ + switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) {
+ + case PBM_TYPE:
+ + case PPM_TYPE:
+ + for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+ + pixrow = (pixel *) xels[i];
+ + for (j = 0; j < hist_cols; j++) {
+ + if (!mono_only ||
+ + ((PPM_GETR(pixrow[j]) == PPM_GETG(pixrow[j])) &&
+ + (PPM_GETR(pixrow[j]) == PPM_GETB(pixrow[j])))) {
+ + double r, g, b, h, s, v;
+ + int iv;
+ +
+ + r = (double) PPM_GETR(pixrow[j]) / ((double) maxval);
+ + g = (double) PPM_GETG(pixrow[j]) / ((double) maxval);
+ + b = (double) PPM_GETB(pixrow[j]) / ((double) maxval);
+ + rgb_hsv(r, g, b, &h, &s, &v);
+ + iv = (int) ((v * maxval) + 0.5);
+ +
+ + if (iv > ((int) maxval)) {
+ + iv = maxval;
+ + }
+ + v = ((double) lumamap[0][iv]) / ((double) maxval);
+ + if (v > 1.0) {
+ + v = 1.0;
+ + }
+ + hsv_rgb(h, s, v, &r, &g, &b);
+ + PPM_ASSIGN(pixrow[j], (int) (r * maxval),
+ + (int) (g * maxval), (int) (b * maxval));
+ + }
+ + }
+ + }
+ + break;
+ +
+ + case PGM_TYPE:
+ + for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+ + grayrow = xels[i];
+ + for (j = 0; j < hist_cols; j++) {
+ + PNM_ASSIGN1(grayrow[j], lumamap[0][PNM_GET1(grayrow[j])]);
+ + }
+ + }
+ + break;
+ + }
+ +
+ + pnm_writepnm(stdout, xels, hist_cols, rows, maxval, format, 0);
+ +
+ + /* If requested, save the map as a PGM file. */
+ +
+ + if (wmap != NULL) {
+ + pgm_writepgm(wmap, lumamap, maxval, 1, maxval, 0);
+ + fclose(wmap);
+ + }
+ +
+ + return 0;
+ + }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-au ./patches/patch-au
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-au Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-au Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,26 ----
+ *** /dev/null Sat Jan 9 13:03:49 1999
+ --- ./pnm/pnmsmooth.README Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 0 ****
+ --- 1,21 ----
+ + README for pnmsmooth.c 2.0
+ +
+ + This is a replacement for the pnmsmooth script that is distributed with
+ + pbmplus/netpbm. This version of pnmsmooth is written as a C program rather
+ + than a shell script. It accepts command line arguments to specify a size
+ + other than 3x3 for the convolution matrix and an argument for dumping the
+ + resultant convolution matrix as a PGM file. By default it uses the same 3x3
+ + matrix size as the pnmsmooth script and can be used as a direct replacement.
+ +
+ + Also included are an updated man page and a patch file to update the Imakefile
+ + in the pnm directory. You may want to apply the patches by hand if you have
+ + already modified the Imakefile to add other new programs. You will then
+ + have to remake the Makefiles and then type 'make all' in the pnm directory.
+ +
+ + - Mike
+ +
+ + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ + Mike Burns System Administrator
+ + Department of Chemistry
+ + (814) 863-2123 The Pennsylvania State University
+ +
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-av ./patches/patch-av
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-av Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-av Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,176 ----
+ *** /dev/null Sat Jan 9 13:03:49 1999
+ --- ./pnm/pnmsmooth.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 0 ****
+ --- 1,171 ----
+ + /* pnmsmooth.c - smooth out an image by replacing each pixel with the
+ + ** average of its width x height neighbors.
+ + **
+ + ** Version 2.0 December 5, 1994
+ + **
+ + ** Copyright (C) 1994 by Mike Burns (
+ + **
+ + ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ + ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+ + ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ + ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ + ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ + ** implied warranty.
+ + */
+ +
+ + /* Version 2.0 - December 5, 1994
+ + ** ------------------------------
+ + ** Rewrote as a C program that accepts a few options instead of a shell
+ + ** script with no options.
+ + **
+ + */
+ +
+ + #include "pnm.h"
+ + #include <sys/wait.h>
+ +
+ + #define TRUE 1
+ + #define FALSE 0
+ +
+ + int
+ + main( argc, argv )
+ + int argc;
+ + char* argv[];
+ + {
+ + FILE *cofp;
+ + char *tempfn;
+ + char *pnmfn;
+ + int argn;
+ + int col, row;
+ + int format, forceplain;
+ + int cols, rows;
+ + int newmaxval; /* normally xelval, but want int here */
+ + xelval g;
+ + xel *outputrow;
+ + int pid, status;
+ + char *usage = "[-size width height] [-dump dumpfile] [pnmfile]";
+ +
+ + pnm_init( &argc, argv );
+ +
+ + /* set up defaults */
+ + cols = 3;
+ + rows = 3;
+ + format = PGM_FORMAT;
+ + forceplain = 1;
+ + pnmfn = (char *) 0; /* initialize to NULL just in case */
+ +
+ + argn = 1;
+ + while ( argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != '\0' )
+ + {
+ + if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-size", 2 ) )
+ + {
+ + ++argn;
+ + if ( argn+1 >= argc )
+ + {
+ + pm_message( "incorrect number of arguments for -size option" );
+ + pm_usage( usage );
+ + }
+ + else if ( argv[argn][0] == '-' || argv[argn+1][0] == '-' )
+ + {
+ + pm_message( "invalid arguments to -size option: %s %s",
+ + argv[argn], argv[argn+1] );
+ + pm_usage( usage );
+ + }
+ + if ( (cols = atoi(argv[argn])) == 0 )
+ + pm_error( "invalid width size specification: %s", argv[argn] );
+ + ++argn;
+ + if ( (rows = atoi(argv[argn])) == 0 )
+ + pm_error( "invalid height size specification: %s",argv[argn] );
+ + if ( cols % 2 != 1 || rows % 2 != 1 )
+ + pm_error( "the convolution matrix must have an odd number of rows and columns" );
+ + }
+ + else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-dump", 2 ) )
+ + {
+ + ++argn;
+ + if ( argn >= argc )
+ + {
+ + pm_message( "missing argument to -dump option" );
+ + pm_usage( usage );
+ + }
+ + else if ( argv[argn][0] == '-' )
+ + {
+ + pm_message( "invalid argument to -dump option: %s",
+ + argv[argn] );
+ + pm_usage( usage );
+ + }
+ + cofp = pm_openw( argv[argn] );
+ + }
+ + else
+ + pm_usage( usage );
+ + ++argn;
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Only get file name if given on command line to pass through to
+ + ** pnmconvol. If filename is coming from stdin, pnmconvol will read it.
+ + */
+ + if ( argn < argc )
+ + {
+ + pnmfn = argv[argn];
+ + ++argn;
+ + }
+ +
+ + if ( argn != argc )
+ + pm_usage( usage );
+ +
+ +
+ + if ( !DUMPFLAG )
+ + {
+ + if ( (tempfn = tmpnam((char *) 0)) == NULL )
+ + pm_error( "could not create temporary file name" );
+ + if ( (cofp = pm_openw(tempfn)) == NULL )
+ + pm_error( "could not create temporary convolution file" );
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* Generate mean value for all pixels in convolution matrix. */
+ + g = rows * cols + 1;
+ +
+ + /* Make sure newmaxval is not larger than PNM_MAXMAXVAL or else
+ + ** newmaxval will overrun its defined data size and become garbage.
+ + */
+ + newmaxval = ( rows * cols ) * 2;
+ + if ( newmaxval > PNM_MAXMAXVAL )
+ + pm_error( "generated maxval is too large: %d", newmaxval );
+ +
+ + pnm_writepnminit( cofp, cols, rows, newmaxval, format, forceplain );
+ + outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols );
+ +
+ + for ( row = 0; row < rows; ++ row )
+ + {
+ + for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
+ + PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g );
+ + pnm_writepnmrow( cofp, outputrow, cols, newmaxval, format, forceplain );
+ + }
+ + pm_close( cofp );
+ + pnm_freerow( outputrow );
+ +
+ + /* If we're only going to dump the file, now is the time to stop. */
+ + if ( DUMPFLAG )
+ + exit( 0 );
+ +
+ + /* fork a child process */
+ + if ( (pid = fork()) < 0 )
+ + pm_error( "fork" );
+ +
+ + /* child process executes following code */
+ + if ( pid == 0 )
+ + {
+ + /* If pnmfile name is not given on command line, then pnmfn will be
+ + ** (char *) 0 and the arglist will terminate there.
+ + */
+ + execlp( "pnmconvol", "pnmconvol", tempfn, pnmfn, (char *) 0 );
+ + pm_error( "error executing pnmconvol command" );
+ + }
+ +
+ + /* wait for child to finish */
+ + while ( wait(&status) != pid )
+ + ;
+ +
+ + unlink( tempfn );
+ + exit( 0 );
+ + }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-aw ./patches/patch-aw
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-aw Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-aw Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,188 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/Makefile Mon Jan 31 10:44:34 1994
+ --- ./ppm/Makefile Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 9,31 ****
+ # documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ # implied warranty.
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ ! #CC = cc
+ ! CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ #CFLAGS = -O
+ ! CFLAGS = -g
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ ! #LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! INSTALLBINARIES = /usr/new/pbm
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = /usr/man/mann
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = /usr/man/mann
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = /usr/man/mann
+ ! MANCP = cp
+ PGMDIR = ../pgm
+ --- 9,34 ----
+ # documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
+ # implied warranty.
+ + PREFIX = /usr/local
+ # Default values, usually overridden by top-level Makefile.
+ ! CC = gcc
+ ! #CC = gcc -ansi -pedantic -fcombine-regs -fpcc-struct-return
+ #CFLAGS = -O
+ ! CFLAGS = -O2
+ #CFLAGS = -g -O
+ ! LDFLAGS = -s
+ ! #LDFLAGS =
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS1 = $(PREFIX)/man/man1
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS3 = $(PREFIX)/man/man3
+ ! INSTALLMANUALS5 = $(PREFIX)/man/man5
+ ! MANCP = install -c -m 0644
+ ! INSTALLDEFS = $(PREFIX)/include
+ PGMDIR = ../pgm
+ ***************
+ *** 43,48 ****
+ --- 46,52 ----
+ LIBPPM = libppm.a
+ + DEFPPM = ppm.h
+ PORTBINARIES = bmptoppm gouldtoppm hpcdtoppm ilbmtoppm imgtoppm \
+ mtvtoppm pcxtoppm pgmtoppm pi1toppm picttoppm \
+ ***************
+ *** 85,105 ****
+ MANUALS5 = ppm
+ ! #all: binaries
+ ! all: merge
+ ! #install: install.bin
+ ! install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries $(SCRIPTS)
+ ! cd $(INSTALLSCRIPTS) ; chmod +x $(SCRIPTS)
+ !
+ merge: ppmmerge
+ ppmmerge: ppmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ --- 89,109 ----
+ MANUALS5 = ppm
+ ! all: binaries
+ ! #all: merge
+ ! install: install.bin
+ ! #install: install.merge
+ binaries: $(BINARIES)
+ install.bin: binaries $(SCRIPTS)
+ ! install -c -s -m 0755 $(BINARIES) $(INSTALLBINARIES)
+ ! install -c -m 0755 $(SCRIPTS) $(INSTALLSCRIPTS)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(LIBPPM) $(INSTALLLIBS)
+ ! install -c -m 0644 $(DEFPPM) $(INSTALLDEFS)
+ merge: ppmmerge
+ ppmmerge: ppmmerge.c $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ ***************
+ *** 132,146 ****
+ # Rule for plain programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ ! $(OBJECTS): ppm.h $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM)
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And libraries.
+ --- 136,150 ----
+ # Rule for plain programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for math-dependent programs.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $@.c -lm $(LIBPPM) $(LIBPGM) $(LIBPBM)
+ # Rule for objects.
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) "-Dmain=$*_main" -c $*.c
+ # And libraries.
+ ***************
+ *** 155,170 ****
+ libppm5.o bitio.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPPM)
+ ! libppm1.o: ppm.h $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libppm.h libppm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm1.c
+ ! libppm2.o: ppm.h $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libppm.h libppm2.c $(DEFLIBPGM) \
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm2.c
+ ! libppm3.o: ppm.h $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) ppmcmap.h libppm.h libppm3.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm3.c
+ ! libppm4.o: ppm.h $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libppm4.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm4.c
+ ! libppm5.o: ppm.h $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) ppmdraw.h libppm5.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm5.c
+ bitio.o: ../pbmplus.h bitio.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c bitio.c
+ --- 159,174 ----
+ libppm5.o bitio.o
+ -ranlib $(LIBPPM)
+ ! libppm1.o: $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libppm.h libppm1.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm1.c
+ ! libppm2.o: $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libppm.h libppm2.c $(DEFLIBPGM) \
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm2.c
+ ! libppm3.o: $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) ppmcmap.h libppm.h libppm3.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm3.c
+ ! libppm4.o: $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) libppm4.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm4.c
+ ! libppm5.o: $(DEFPPM) $(DEFPGM) $(DEFPBM) ppmdraw.h libppm5.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c libppm5.c
+ bitio.o: ../pbmplus.h bitio.c
+ $(CC) $(ALLCFLAGS) -c bitio.c
+ ***************
+ *** 235,238 ****
+ yuvsplittoppm yuvsplittoppm.o: yuvsplittoppm.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core $(BINARIES) ppmmerge
+ --- 239,242 ----
+ yuvsplittoppm yuvsplittoppm.o: yuvsplittoppm.c
+ clean:
+ ! -rm -f *.o *.a *.cat *~ core *.core $(BINARIES) ppmmerge
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ax ./patches/patch-ax
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ax Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ax Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/ppm.5 Mon Oct 4 04:12:19 1993
+ --- ./ppm/ppm.5 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 73,79 ****
+ it will automatically fall back on the slower but more general plain
+ format.
+ ! giftoppm(1), gouldtoppm(1), ilbmtoppm(1), imgtoppm(1), mtvtoppm(1),
+ pcxtoppm(1), pgmtoppm(1), pi1toppm(1), picttoppm(1), pjtoppm(1), qrttoppm(1),
+ rawtoppm(1), rgb3toppm(1), sldtoppm(1), spctoppm(1), sputoppm(1), tgatoppm(1),
+ ximtoppm(1), xpmtoppm(1), yuvtoppm(1),
+ --- 73,79 ----
+ it will automatically fall back on the slower but more general plain
+ format.
+ ! giftopnm(1), gouldtoppm(1), ilbmtoppm(1), imgtoppm(1), mtvtoppm(1),
+ pcxtoppm(1), pgmtoppm(1), pi1toppm(1), picttoppm(1), pjtoppm(1), qrttoppm(1),
+ rawtoppm(1), rgb3toppm(1), sldtoppm(1), spctoppm(1), sputoppm(1), tgatoppm(1),
+ ximtoppm(1), xpmtoppm(1), yuvtoppm(1),
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ay ./patches/patch-ay
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ay Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ay Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,15 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/ppmmerge.c Mon Jan 31 10:44:31 1994
+ --- ./ppm/ppmmerge.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 29,34 ****
+ --- 29,38 ----
+ {
+ ++argv;
+ --argc;
+ + if(!*argv) {
+ + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ppmmerge ppm_program_name [args ...]\n");
+ + exit(1);
+ + }
+ goto again;
+ }
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-az ./patches/patch-az
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-az Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-az Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/ppmtogif.1 Fri Nov 12 03:18:30 1993
+ --- ./ppm/ppmtogif.1 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 54,60 ****
+ .PP
+ All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
+ ! giftoppm(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)
+ Based on GIFENCOD by David Rowley <>.
+ Lempel-Ziv compression based on "compress".
+ --- 54,60 ----
+ .PP
+ All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
+ ! giftopnm(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)
+ Based on GIFENCOD by David Rowley <>.
+ Lempel-Ziv compression based on "compress".
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-ba ./patches/patch-ba
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-ba Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-ba Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/ppmtoicr.1 Mon Oct 4 04:12:38 1993
+ --- ./ppm/ppmtoicr.1 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 83,89 ****
+ the displayed image by a factor of 2, and
+ run-length encode the data:
+ .nf
+ ! giftoppm giffile | ppmtoicr -w giffile -r -e 2
+ .fi
+ .PP
+ --- 83,89 ----
+ the displayed image by a factor of 2, and
+ run-length encode the data:
+ .nf
+ ! giftopnm giffile | ppmtoicr -w giffile -r -e 2
+ .fi
+ .PP
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-bb ./patches/patch-bb
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-bb Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-bb Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,45 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/ppmtoxpm.1 Mon Jan 31 05:49:48 1994
+ --- ./ppm/ppmtoxpm.1 Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 8,27 ****
+ Produces X11 pixmap (version 3) as output which
+ can be loaded directly by the XPM library.
+ .PP
+ ! The \fB-name\fP option allows one to specify the prefix string which is printed
+ in the resulting XPM output. If not specified, will default to the
+ filename (without extension) of the <ppmfile> argument.
+ ! If \fB-name\fP is not specified and <ppmfile>
+ is not specified (i.e. piped input), the prefix string will default to
+ the string "noname".
+ .PP
+ ! The \fB-rgb\fP option allows one to specify an X11 rgb text file for the
+ lookup of color name mnemonics. This rgb text file is typically the
+ /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt of the MIT X11 distribution, but any file using the
+ same format may be used. When specified and
+ a RGB value from the ppm input matches a RGB value from the <rgb-textfile>,
+ then the corresponding color name mnemonic is printed in the XPM's colormap.
+ ! If \fB-rgb\fP is not specified, or if the RGB values don't match, then the color
+ will be printed with the #RGB, #RRGGBB, #RRRGGGBBB, or #RRRRGGGGBBBB
+ hexadecimal format.
+ .PP
+ --- 8,27 ----
+ Produces X11 pixmap (version 3) as output which
+ can be loaded directly by the XPM library.
+ .PP
+ ! The \fB-name\f option allows one to specify the prefix string which is printed
+ in the resulting XPM output. If not specified, will default to the
+ filename (without extension) of the <ppmfile> argument.
+ ! If \fB-name\f is not specified and <ppmfile>
+ is not specified (i.e. piped input), the prefix string will default to
+ the string "noname".
+ .PP
+ ! The \fB-rgb\f option allows one to specify an X11 rgb text file for the
+ lookup of color name mnemonics. This rgb text file is typically the
+ /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt of the MIT X11 distribution, but any file using the
+ same format may be used. When specified and
+ a RGB value from the ppm input matches a RGB value from the <rgb-textfile>,
+ then the corresponding color name mnemonic is printed in the XPM's colormap.
+ ! If \fB-rgb\f is not specified, or if the RGB values don't match, then the color
+ will be printed with the #RGB, #RRGGBB, #RRRGGGBBB, or #RRRRGGGGBBBB
+ hexadecimal format.
+ .PP
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-bc ./patches/patch-bc
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-bc Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-bc Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,304 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/ppmtoxpm.c Mon Jan 31 01:44:41 1994
+ --- ./ppm/ppmtoxpm.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 27,37 ****
+ --- 27,51 ----
+ **
+ ** - lowercase conversion of RGB names def'ed out,
+ ** considered harmful.
+ + **
+ + ** Michael Pall ( - 29 Nov 93:
+ + ** - Use the algorithm from xpm-lib for pixel encoding
+ + ** (base 93 not base 28 -> saves a lot of space for colorful xpms)
+ */
+ + #include <stdio.h>
+ + #include <ctype.h>
+ #include "ppm.h"
+ #include "ppmcmap.h"
+ + #if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)
+ + #include <string.h>
+ + #ifndef index
+ + #define index strchr
+ + #endif
+ + #else /* SYSV */
+ + #include <strings.h>
+ + #endif /* SYSV */
+ /* Max number of colors allowed in ppm input. */
+ #define MAXCOLORS 256
+ ***************
+ *** 39,53 ****
+ /* Max number of rgb mnemonics allowed in rgb text file. */
+ #define MAX_RGBNAMES 1024
+ ! /* Lower bound and upper bound of character-pixels printed in XPM output.
+ ! Be careful, don't want the character '"' in this range. */
+ ! /*#define LOW_CHAR '#' <-- minimum ascii character allowed */
+ ! /*#define HIGH_CHAR '~' <-- maximum ascii character allowed */
+ ! #define LOW_CHAR '`'
+ ! #define HIGH_CHAR 'z'
+ #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+ typedef struct { /* rgb values and ascii names (from
+ * rgb text file) */
+ --- 53,71 ----
+ /* Max number of rgb mnemonics allowed in rgb text file. */
+ #define MAX_RGBNAMES 1024
+ ! #define MAXPRINTABLE 92 /* number of printable ascii chars
+ ! * minus \ and " for string compat
+ ! * and ? to avoid ANSI trigraphs. */
+ !
+ ! static char *printable =
+ ! " .XoO+@#$%&*=-;:>,<1234567890qwertyuipasdfghjklzxcvbnmMNBVCZ\
+ ! ASDFGHJKLPIUYTREWQ!~^/()_`'][{}|";
+ !
+ #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+ + void read_rgb_names(); /* forward reference */
+ + void gen_cmap(); /* forward reference */
+ typedef struct { /* rgb values and ascii names (from
+ * rgb text file) */
+ ***************
+ *** 62,78 ****
+ * mnemonic or #rgb value */
+ } cixel_map;
+ -
+ - /* prototypes/forward reference */
+ - static void read_rgb_names ARGS((char *, rgb_names *, int *));
+ - static char * gen_numstr ARGS((int, int, int));
+ - static void gen_cmap ARGS((colorhist_vector, int, pixval, int, rgb_names *, int, cixel_map *, int *));
+ -
+ -
+ pixel **pixels;
+ -
+ - int
+ main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ --- 80,87 ----
+ ***************
+ *** 88,98 ****
+ /* Used for rgb value -> rgb mnemonic mapping */
+ int map_rgb_names = 0;
+ ! rgb_names *rgbn; /* rgb_names rgbn[MAX_RGBNAMES]; */
+ int rgbn_max;
+ /* Used for rgb value -> character-pixel string mapping */
+ ! cixel_map *cmap; /* cixel_map cmap[MAXCOLORS]; */
+ int charspp; /* chars per pixel */
+ char out_name[100], rgb_fname[100], *cp;
+ --- 97,107 ----
+ /* Used for rgb value -> rgb mnemonic mapping */
+ int map_rgb_names = 0;
+ ! rgb_names rgbn[MAX_RGBNAMES];
+ int rgbn_max;
+ /* Used for rgb value -> character-pixel string mapping */
+ ! cixel_map cmap[MAXCOLORS];
+ int charspp; /* chars per pixel */
+ char out_name[100], rgb_fname[100], *cp;
+ ***************
+ *** 188,204 ****
+ * If a rgb text file was specified, read in the rgb mnemonics. Does not
+ * return if fatal error occurs.
+ */
+ - rgbn = (rgb_names *) malloc(MAX_RGBNAMES * sizeof(rgb_names));
+ - if (rgbn == (rgb_names *) NULL)
+ - pm_error("out of memory");
+ -
+ if (map_rgb_names)
+ read_rgb_names(rgb_fname, rgbn, &rgbn_max);
+ - cmap = (cixel_map *)malloc(ncolors * sizeof(cixel_map));
+ - if (cmap == (cixel_map *) NULL)
+ - pm_error("out of memory");
+ -
+ /* Now generate the character-pixel colormap table. */
+ gen_cmap(chv, ncolors, maxval, map_rgb_names, rgbn, rgbn_max,
+ cmap, &charspp);
+ --- 197,205 ----
+ ***************
+ *** 231,242 ****
+ /* This routine reads a rgb text file. It stores the rgb values (0->65535)
+ and the rgb mnemonics (malloc'ed) into the "rgbn" array. Returns the
+ number of entries stored in "rgbn_max". */
+ - static
+ void
+ read_rgb_names(rgb_fname, rgbn, rgbn_max)
+ char *rgb_fname;
+ ! rgb_names *rgbn;
+ ! int *rgbn_max;
+ {
+ FILE *rgbf;
+ int i, items, red, green, blue;
+ --- 232,243 ----
+ /* This routine reads a rgb text file. It stores the rgb values (0->65535)
+ and the rgb mnemonics (malloc'ed) into the "rgbn" array. Returns the
+ number of entries stored in "rgbn_max". */
+ void
+ read_rgb_names(rgb_fname, rgbn, rgbn_max)
+ char *rgb_fname;
+ ! rgb_names rgbn[MAX_RGBNAMES];
+ ! int *rgbn_max;
+ !
+ {
+ FILE *rgbf;
+ int i, items, red, green, blue;
+ ***************
+ *** 303,318 ****
+ } /* read_rgb_names */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ ! /* Given a number and a base, (base == HIGH_CHAR-LOW_CHAR+1), this routine
+ prints the number into a malloc'ed string and returns it. The length of
+ the string is specified by "digits". The ascii characters of the printed
+ ! number range from LOW_CHAR to HIGH_CHAR. The string is LOW_CHAR filled,
+ ! (e.g. if LOW_CHAR==0, HIGH_CHAR==1, digits==5, i=3, routine would return
+ ! the malloc'ed string "00011"). */
+ ! static
+ char *
+ ! gen_numstr(i, base, digits)
+ ! int i, base, digits;
+ {
+ char *str, *p;
+ int d;
+ --- 304,319 ----
+ } /* read_rgb_names */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ ! /* Given a number and a base (MAXPRINTABLE), this routine
+ prints the number into a malloc'ed string and returns it. The length of
+ the string is specified by "digits". The ascii characters of the printed
+ ! number range from printable[0] to printable[MAXPRINTABLE]. The string is
+ ! printable[0] filled, (e.g. if printable[0]==0, printable[1]==1,
+ ! MAXPRINTABLE==2, digits==5, i=3, routine would return the malloc'ed
+ ! string "00011"). */
+ char *
+ ! gen_numstr(i, digits)
+ ! int i, digits;
+ {
+ char *str, *p;
+ int d;
+ ***************
+ *** 325,333 ****
+ p = str + digits;
+ *p-- = '\0'; /* nul terminate string */
+ while (p >= str) {
+ ! d = i % base;
+ ! i /= base;
+ ! *p-- = (char) ((int) LOW_CHAR + d);
+ }
+ return str;
+ --- 326,334 ----
+ p = str + digits;
+ *p-- = '\0'; /* nul terminate string */
+ while (p >= str) {
+ ! d = i % MAXPRINTABLE;
+ ! *p-- = printable[d];
+ }
+ return str;
+ ***************
+ *** 336,342 ****
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* This routine generates the character-pixel colormap table. */
+ - static
+ void
+ gen_cmap(chv, ncolors, maxval, map_rgb_names, rgbn, rgbn_max,
+ cmap, charspp)
+ --- 337,342 ----
+ ***************
+ *** 348,363 ****
+ * == unsigned short) */
+ int map_rgb_names; /* == 1 if mapping rgb values to rgb
+ * mnemonics */
+ ! rgb_names *rgbn; /* rgb mnemonics from rgb text file */
+ int rgbn_max; /* number of rgb mnemonics in table */
+ /* output: */
+ ! cixel_map *cmap; /* pixel strings and ascii rgb
+ * colors */
+ int *charspp; /* characters per pixel */
+ {
+ ! int i, j, base, cpp, mval, red, green, blue, r, g, b, matched;
+ char *str;
+ /*
+ --- 348,363 ----
+ * == unsigned short) */
+ int map_rgb_names; /* == 1 if mapping rgb values to rgb
+ * mnemonics */
+ ! rgb_names rgbn[MAX_RGBNAMES]; /* rgb mnemonics from rgb text file */
+ int rgbn_max; /* number of rgb mnemonics in table */
+ /* output: */
+ ! cixel_map cmap[MAXCOLORS]; /* pixel strings and ascii rgb
+ * colors */
+ int *charspp; /* characters per pixel */
+ {
+ ! int i, j, cpp, mval, red, green, blue, r, g, b, matched;
+ char *str;
+ /*
+ ***************
+ *** 365,373 ****
+ * to be forced to link with libm.a, so using a division loop rather
+ * than a log function.
+ */
+ - base = (int) HIGH_CHAR - (int) LOW_CHAR + 1;
+ for (cpp = 0, j = ncolors; j; cpp++)
+ ! j /= base;
+ *charspp = cpp;
+ /*
+ --- 365,372 ----
+ * to be forced to link with libm.a, so using a division loop rather
+ * than a log function.
+ */
+ for (cpp = 0, j = ncolors; j; cpp++)
+ *charspp = cpp;
+ /*
+ ***************
+ *** 392,401 ****
+ /*
+ * The character-pixel string is simply a printed number in base
+ ! * "base" where the digits of the number range from LOW_CHAR to
+ ! * HIGH_CHAR and the printed length of the number is "cpp".
+ */
+ ! cmap[i].cixel = gen_numstr(i, base, cpp);
+ /* Fetch the rgb value of the current colormap entry. */
+ red = PPM_GETR(chv[i].color);
+ --- 391,401 ----
+ /*
+ * The character-pixel string is simply a printed number in base
+ ! * MAXPRINTABLE where the digits of the number range from
+ ! * printable[0] .. printable[MAXPRINTABLE-1] and the printed length
+ ! * of the number is "cpp".
+ */
+ ! cmap[i].cixel = gen_numstr(i, cpp);
+ /* Fetch the rgb value of the current colormap entry. */
+ red = PPM_GETR(chv[i].color);
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-bd ./patches/patch-bd
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-bd Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-bd Sun Jan 10 00:51:53 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,69 ----
+ *** ../../src/netpbm-1mar94/./ppm/xpmtoppm.c Mon Jan 31 01:42:05 1994
+ --- ./ppm/xpmtoppm.c Sun Jan 10 00:32:19 1999
+ ***************
+ *** 30,38 ****
+ #include "ppm.h"
+ ! static void ReadXPMFile ARGS((FILE *stream, int *widthP, int *heightP,
+ ! int *ncolorsP, int *chars_per_pixelP, pixel **colorsP, int **dataP));
+ ! static void getline ARGS((char *line, int size, FILE *stream));
+ /* number of xpmColorKeys */
+ #define NKEYS 5
+ --- 30,37 ----
+ #include "ppm.h"
+ ! void ReadXPMFile();
+ ! static void getline();
+ /* number of xpmColorKeys */
+ #define NKEYS 5
+ ***************
+ *** 46,52 ****
+ "c", /* key #5: color visual */
+ };
+ ! int
+ main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ --- 45,71 ----
+ "c", /* key #5: color visual */
+ };
+ ! #ifdef NEED_STRSTR
+ ! /* for systems which do not provide it */
+ ! static char *
+ ! strstr(s1, s2)
+ ! char *s1, *s2;
+ ! {
+ ! int ls2 = strlen(s2);
+ !
+ ! if (ls2 == 0)
+ ! return (s1);
+ ! while (strlen(s1) >= ls2) {
+ ! if (strncmp(s1, s2, ls2) == 0)
+ ! return (s1);
+ ! s1++;
+ ! }
+ ! return (0);
+ ! }
+ !
+ ! #endif
+ !
+ ! void
+ main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ ***************
+ *** 89,95 ****
+ #define MAX_LINE 2048
+ - static
+ void
+ ReadXPMFile(stream, widthP, heightP, ncolorsP,
+ chars_per_pixelP, colorsP, dataP)
+ --- 108,113 ----
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/patches/patch-bq ./patches/patch-bq
*** /tmp/null/patches/patch-bq Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./patches/patch-bq Sun Jan 10 01:40:33 1999
*** 0 ****
--- 1,25 ----
+ $NetBSD: patch-bq,v 1.2 1998/08/07 10:40:51 agc Exp $
+ --- /dev/null Thu Oct 16 09:27:24 1997
+ +++ ./pnm/pnmsmooth.orig Mon Oct 4 05:11:56 1993
+ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ +#!/bin/sh
+ +#
+ +# pnmsmooth - smooth out an image by replacing each xel with the
+ +# average of its nine immediate neighbors
+ +
+ +tmp=/tmp/psm.$$
+ +rm -f $tmp
+ +
+ +cat > $tmp << MOO
+ +P2
+ +3 3
+ +18
+ +10 10 10
+ +10 10 10
+ +10 10 10
+ +MOO
+ +
+ +pnmconvol $tmp ${1+"$@"}
+ +
+ +rm -f $tmp
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/pkg/COMMENT ./pkg/COMMENT
*** /tmp/null/pkg/COMMENT Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./pkg/COMMENT Wed Oct 15 10:12:14 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1 ----
+ A toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/pkg/DESCR ./pkg/DESCR
*** /tmp/null/pkg/DESCR Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./pkg/DESCR Wed Oct 15 10:12:14 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,183 ----
+ Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of
+ different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations.
+ Netpbm is based on the widely spread Pbmplus package (release: 10 Dec
+ 91). On top of that, a lot of improvements and additions have been
+ made. After the latest release of Pbmplus, a lot of additional filters
+ have been circulating on the net. The aim of Netpbm was, to collect
+ these and to turn them into a package. This work has been performed by
+ a group of programmers all over the world.
+ anytopnm - attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
+ asciitopgm - convert ASCII graphics into a portable graymap
+ atktopbm - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
+ bioradtopgm - convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
+ bmptoppm - convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap
+ brushtopbm - convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
+ cmuwmtopbm - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
+ fitstopnm - convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
+ fstopgm - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
+ g3topbm - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
+ gemtopbm - convert a GEM .img file into a portable bitmap
+ giftopnm - convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
+ gouldtoppm - convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
+ hipstopgm - convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
+ hpcdtoppm v0.3 - convert a Photo-CD file into a portable pixmap
+ icontopbm - convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
+ ilbmtoppm - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
+ imgtoppm - convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
+ lispmtopgm - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
+ macptopbm - convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
+ mgrtopbm - convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
+ mtvtoppm - convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap
+ pbmclean - flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
+ pbmlife - apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap
+ pbmmake - create a blank bitmap of a specified size
+ pbmmask - create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
+ pbmpscale - enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
+ pbmreduce - read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
+ pbmtext - render text into a bitmap
+ pbmto10x - convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
+ pbmto4425 - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
+ pbmtoascii - convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
+ pbmtoatk - convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
+ pbmtobg - convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
+ pbmtocmuwm - convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
+ pbmtoepsi - convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript
+ pbmtoepson - convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
+ pbmtog3 - convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
+ pbmtogem - convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
+ pbmtogo - convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
+ pbmtoicon - convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
+ pbmtolj - convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
+ pbmtoln03 - convert protable bitmap to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
+ pbmtolps - convert portable bitmap to PostScript
+ pbmtomacp - convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
+ pbmtomgr - convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
+ pbmtopgm - convert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
+ pbmtopi3 - convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
+ pbmtopk - convert a portable bitmap into a packed (PK) format font
+ pbmtoplot - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
+ pbmtoptx - convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
+ pbmtox10bm - convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
+ pbmtoxbm - convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
+ pgmtoybm - convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
+ pbmtozinc - convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
+ pbmupc - create a Universal Product Code bitmap
+ pcxtoppm - convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
+ pgmbentley - Bentleyize a portable graymap
+ pgmcrater - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
+ pgmedge - edge-detect a portable graymap
+ pgmenhance - edge-enhance a portable graymap
+ pgmhist - print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
+ pgmkernel - generate a convolution kernel
+ pgmnoise - create a graymap made up of white noise
+ pgmnorm - normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
+ pgmoil - turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
+ pgmramp - generate a grayscale ramp
+ pgmtexture - calculate textural features on a portable graymap
+ pgmtofs - convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
+ pgmtolispm - convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
+ pgmtopbm - convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
+ pgmtoppm - colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
+ pi1toppm - convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
+ pi3topbm - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
+ picttoppm - convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
+ pjtoppm - convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
+ pktopbm - convert packed (PK) format font into portable bitmap(s)
+ pnmalias - antialias a portable anyumap.
+ pnmarith - perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
+ pnmcat - concatenate portable anymaps
+ pnmcomp - composite two portable anymap files together
+ pnmconvol - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
+ pnmcrop - crop a portable anymap
+ pnmcut - cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
+ pnmdepth - change the maxval in a portable anymap
+ pnmenlarge - read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
+ pnmfile - describe a portable anymap
+ pnmflip - perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
+ pnmgamma - perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
+ pnmhistmap - draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
+ pnmindex - build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
+ pnminvert - invert a portable anymap
+ pnmmargin - add a border to a portable anymap
+ pnmnlfilt - non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal
+ pnmnoraw - force a portable anymap into plain format
+ pnmpad - add borders to portable anymap
+ pnmpaste - paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
+ pnmrotate - rotate a portable anymap by some angle
+ pnmscale - scale a portable anymap
+ pnmshear - shear a portable anymap by some angle
+ pnmsmooth - smooth out an image
+ pnmtile - replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
+ pnmtoddif - Convert a portable anymap to DDIF format
+ pnmtofits - convert a portable anymap into FITS format
+ pnmtops - convert portable anymap to PostScript
+ pnmtorast - convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
+ pnmtosgi - convert a portable anymap to a SGI image file
+ pnmtosir - convert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
+ pnmtotiff - convert a a portable anymap into a TIFF file
+ pnmtoxwd - convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
+ ppm3d - convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
+ ppmbrighten - change an images Saturation and Value from an HSV map
+ ppmchange - change all pixels of one color to another in a portable pixmap
+ ppmdim - dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
+ ppmdist - simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
+ ppmdither - ordered dither for color images
+ ppmflash - brighten a picture up to complete white-out
+ ppmforge - fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
+ ppmhist - print a histogram of a portable pixmap
+ ppmmake - create a pixmap of a specified size and color
+ ppmmix - blend together two portable pixmaps
+ ppmnorm - normalize the contrast in a portable pixmap
+ ppmntsc - make a portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
+ ppmpat - make a pretty pixmap
+ ppmquant - quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
+ ppmquantall - run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
+ ppmqvga - 8 plane quantization
+ ppmrelief - run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
+ ppmshift - shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
+ ppmspread - displace a portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
+ ppmtoacad - convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
+ ppmtobmp - convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
+ ppmtogif - convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
+ ppmtoicr - convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
+ ppmtoilbm - convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
+ ppmtomap - extract all colors from a portable pixmap
+ ppmtomitsu - convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
+ ppmtopcx - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
+ ppmtopgm - convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
+ ppmtopi1 - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
+ ppmtopict - convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
+ ppmtopj - convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
+ ppmtopjxl - convert a portable pixmap into an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
+ ppmtopuzz - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
+ ppmtorgb3 - separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
+ ppmtosixel - convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
+ ppmtotga - convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
+ ppmtouil - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
+ ppmtoxpm - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
+ ppmtoyuv - convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
+ ppmtoyuvsplit - convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw YUV files
+ psidtopgm - convert PostScript "image" data into a portable graymap
+ qrttoppm - convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
+ rasttopnm - convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
+ rawtopgm - convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
+ rawtoppm - convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
+ rgb3toppm - combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
+ sgitopnm - convert a SGI image file to a portable anymap
+ sirtopnm - convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
+ sldtoppm - convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
+ spctoppm - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
+ spottopgm - convert SPOT satellite images to Portable Greymap format
+ sputoppm - convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
+ tgatoppm - convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
+ tifftopnm - convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
+ xbmtopbm - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
+ ximtoppm - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
+ xpmtoppm - convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
+ xvminitoppm - convert a XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM
+ xwdtopnm - convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
+ ybmtopbm - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
+ yuvplittoppm - convert a Y- an U- and a V-file into a portable pixmap.
+ yuvtoppm - convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
+ zeisstopnm - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap
diff -r -c -N /tmp/null/pkg/PLIST ./pkg/PLIST
*** /tmp/null/pkg/PLIST Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
--- ./pkg/PLIST Fri Nov 13 06:31:40 1998
*** 0 ****
--- 1,377 ----
+ @comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 1998/11/12 23:26:58 tron Exp $
+ bin/anytopnm
+ bin/asciitopgm
+ bin/atktopbm
+ bin/bioradtopgm
+ bin/bmptoppm
+ bin/brushtopbm
+ bin/cmuwmtopbm
+ bin/fitstopnm
+ bin/fstopgm
+ bin/g3topbm
+ bin/gemtopbm
+ bin/giftopnm
+ bin/gouldtoppm
+ bin/hipstopgm
+ bin/hpcdtoppm
+ bin/icontopbm
+ bin/ilbmtoppm
+ bin/imgtoppm
+ bin/lispmtopgm
+ bin/macptopbm
+ bin/mgrtopbm
+ bin/mtvtoppm
+ bin/pbmclean
+ bin/pbmlife
+ bin/pbmmake
+ bin/pbmmask
+ bin/pbmpscale
+ bin/pbmreduce
+ bin/pbmtext
+ bin/pbmto10x
+ bin/pbmto4425
+ bin/pbmtoascii
+ bin/pbmtoatk
+ bin/pbmtobbnbg
+ bin/pbmtocmuwm
+ bin/pbmtoepsi
+ bin/pbmtoepson
+ bin/pbmtog3
+ bin/pbmtogem
+ bin/pbmtogo
+ bin/pbmtoicon
+ bin/pbmtolj
+ bin/pbmtoln03
+ bin/pbmtolps
+ bin/pbmtomacp
+ bin/pbmtomgr
+ bin/pbmtopgm
+ bin/pbmtopi3
+ bin/pbmtopk
+ bin/pbmtoplot
+ bin/pbmtoptx
+ bin/pbmtox10bm
+ bin/pbmtoxbm
+ bin/pbmtoybm
+ bin/pbmtozinc
+ bin/pbmupc
+ bin/pcxtoppm
+ bin/pgmbentley
+ bin/pgmcrater
+ bin/pgmedge
+ bin/pgmenhance
+ bin/pgmhist
+ bin/pgmkernel
+ bin/pgmnoise
+ bin/pgmnorm
+ bin/pgmoil
+ bin/pgmramp
+ bin/pgmtexture
+ bin/pgmtofs
+ bin/pgmtolispm
+ bin/pgmtopbm
+ bin/pgmtoppm
+ bin/pi1toppm
+ bin/pi3topbm
+ bin/picttoppm
+ bin/pjtoppm
+ bin/pktopbm
+ bin/pngtopnm
+ bin/pnmalias
+ bin/pnmarith
+ bin/pnmcat
+ bin/pnmcomp
+ bin/pnmconvol
+ bin/pnmcrop
+ bin/pnmcut
+ bin/pnmdepth
+ bin/pnmenlarge
+ bin/pnmfile
+ bin/pnmflip
+ bin/pnmgamma
+ bin/pnmhisteq
+ bin/pnmhistmap
+ bin/pnmindex
+ bin/pnminvert
+ bin/pnmmargin
+ bin/pnmnlfilt
+ bin/pnmnoraw
+ bin/pnmpad
+ bin/pnmpaste
+ bin/pnmrotate
+ bin/pnmscale
+ bin/pnmshear
+ bin/pnmsmooth
+ bin/pnmtile
+ bin/pnmtoddif
+ bin/pnmtofits
+ bin/pnmtopng
+ bin/pnmtops
+ bin/pnmtorast
+ bin/pnmtorle
+ bin/pnmtosgi
+ bin/pnmtosir
+ bin/pnmtotiff
+ bin/pnmtoxwd
+ bin/ppm3d
+ bin/ppmbrighten
+ bin/ppmchange
+ bin/ppmdim
+ bin/ppmdist
+ bin/ppmdither
+ bin/ppmflash
+ bin/ppmforge
+ bin/ppmhist
+ bin/ppmmake
+ bin/ppmmix
+ bin/ppmnorm
+ bin/ppmntsc
+ bin/ppmpat
+ bin/ppmquant
+ bin/ppmquantall
+ bin/ppmqvga
+ bin/ppmrelief
+ bin/ppmshift
+ bin/ppmspread
+ bin/ppmtoacad
+ bin/ppmtobmp
+ bin/ppmtogif
+ bin/ppmtoicr
+ bin/ppmtoilbm
+ bin/ppmtomap
+ bin/ppmtomitsu
+ bin/ppmtopcx
+ bin/ppmtopgm
+ bin/ppmtopi1
+ bin/ppmtopict
+ bin/ppmtopj
+ bin/ppmtopjxl
+ bin/ppmtopuzz
+ bin/ppmtorgb3
+ bin/ppmtosixel
+ bin/ppmtotga
+ bin/ppmtouil
+ bin/ppmtoxpm
+ bin/ppmtoyuv
+ bin/ppmtoyuvsplit
+ bin/psidtopgm
+ bin/pstopnm
+ bin/qrttoppm
+ bin/rasttopnm
+ bin/rawtopgm
+ bin/rawtoppm
+ bin/rgb3toppm
+ bin/rletopnm
+ bin/sgitopnm
+ bin/sirtopnm
+ bin/sldtoppm
+ bin/spctoppm
+ bin/spottopgm
+ bin/sputoppm
+ bin/tgatoppm
+ bin/tifftopnm
+ bin/xbmtopbm
+ bin/ximtoppm
+ bin/xpmtoppm
+ bin/xvminitoppm
+ bin/xwdtopnm
+ bin/ybmtopbm
+ bin/yuvsplittoppm
+ bin/yuvtoppm
+ bin/zeisstopnm
+ include/pbm.h
+ include/pgm.h
+ include/pnm.h
+ include/ppm.h
+ lib/libpbm.a
+ lib/libpgm.a
+ lib/libpnm.a
+ lib/libppm.a
+ man/man1/anytopnm.1
+ man/man1/asciitopgm.1
+ man/man1/atktopbm.1
+ man/man1/bioradtopgm.1
+ man/man1/bmptoppm.1
+ man/man1/brushtopbm.1
+ man/man1/cmuwmtopbm.1
+ man/man1/fitstopnm.1
+ man/man1/fstopgm.1
+ man/man1/g3topbm.1
+ man/man1/gemtopbm.1
+ man/man1/giftopnm.1
+ man/man1/gouldtoppm.1
+ man/man1/hipstopgm.1
+ man/man1/hpcdtoppm.1
+ man/man1/icontopbm.1
+ man/man1/ilbmtoppm.1
+ man/man1/imgtoppm.1
+ man/man1/lispmtopgm.1
+ man/man1/macptopbm.1
+ man/man1/mgrtopbm.1
+ man/man1/mtvtoppm.1
+ man/man1/pbmclean.1
+ man/man1/pbmlife.1
+ man/man1/pbmmake.1
+ man/man1/pbmmask.1
+ man/man1/pbmpscale.1
+ man/man1/pbmreduce.1
+ man/man1/pbmtext.1
+ man/man1/pbmto10x.1
+ man/man1/pbmto4425.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoascii.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoatk.1
+ man/man1/pbmtobbnbg.1
+ man/man1/pbmtocmuwm.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoepsi.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoepson.1
+ man/man1/pbmtog3.1
+ man/man1/pbmtogem.1
+ man/man1/pbmtogo.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoicon.1
+ man/man1/pbmtolj.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoln03.1
+ man/man1/pbmtolps.1
+ man/man1/pbmtomacp.1
+ man/man1/pbmtomgr.1
+ man/man1/pbmtopgm.1
+ man/man1/pbmtopi3.1
+ man/man1/pbmtopk.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoplot.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoptx.1
+ man/man1/pbmtox10bm.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoxbm.1
+ man/man1/pbmtoybm.1
+ man/man1/pbmtozinc.1
+ man/man1/pbmupc.1
+ man/man1/pcxtoppm.1
+ man/man1/pgmbentley.1
+ man/man1/pgmcrater.1
+ man/man1/pgmedge.1
+ man/man1/pgmenhance.1
+ man/man1/pgmhist.1
+ man/man1/pgmkernel.1
+ man/man1/pgmnoise.1
+ man/man1/pgmnorm.1
+ man/man1/pgmoil.1
+ man/man1/pgmramp.1
+ man/man1/pgmtexture.1
+ man/man1/pgmtofs.1
+ man/man1/pgmtolispm.1
+ man/man1/pgmtopbm.1
+ man/man1/pgmtoppm.1
+ man/man1/pi1toppm.1
+ man/man1/pi3topbm.1
+ man/man1/picttoppm.1
+ man/man1/pjtoppm.1
+ man/man1/pktopbm.1
+ man/man1/pngtopnm.1
+ man/man1/pnmalias.1
+ man/man1/pnmarith.1
+ man/man1/pnmcat.1
+ man/man1/pnmcomp.1
+ man/man1/pnmconvol.1
+ man/man1/pnmcrop.1
+ man/man1/pnmcut.1
+ man/man1/pnmdepth.1
+ man/man1/pnmenlarge.1
+ man/man1/pnmfile.1
+ man/man1/pnmflip.1
+ man/man1/pnmgamma.1
+ man/man1/pnmhisteq.1
+ man/man1/pnmhistmap.1
+ man/man1/pnmindex.1
+ man/man1/pnminvert.1
+ man/man1/pnmmargin.1
+ man/man1/pnmnlfilt.1
+ man/man1/pnmnoraw.1
+ man/man1/pnmpad.1
+ man/man1/pnmpaste.1
+ man/man1/pnmrotate.1
+ man/man1/pnmscale.1
+ man/man1/pnmshear.1
+ man/man1/pnmsmooth.1
+ man/man1/pnmtile.1
+ man/man1/pnmtoddif.1
+ man/man1/pnmtofits.1
+ man/man1/pnmtopng.1
+ man/man1/pnmtops.1
+ man/man1/pnmtorast.1
+ man/man1/pnmtorle.1
+ man/man1/pnmtosgi.1
+ man/man1/pnmtosir.1
+ man/man1/pnmtotiff.1
+ man/man1/pnmtoxwd.1
+ man/man1/ppm3d.1
+ man/man1/ppmbrighten.1
+ man/man1/ppmchange.1
+ man/man1/ppmdim.1
+ man/man1/ppmdist.1
+ man/man1/ppmdither.1
+ man/man1/ppmflash.1
+ man/man1/ppmforge.1
+ man/man1/ppmhist.1
+ man/man1/ppmmake.1
+ man/man1/ppmmix.1
+ man/man1/ppmnorm.1
+ man/man1/ppmntsc.1
+ man/man1/ppmpat.1
+ man/man1/ppmquant.1
+ man/man1/ppmquantall.1
+ man/man1/ppmqvga.1
+ man/man1/ppmrelief.1
+ man/man1/ppmshift.1
+ man/man1/ppmspread.1
+ man/man1/ppmtoacad.1
+ man/man1/ppmtobmp.1
+ man/man1/ppmtogif.1
+ man/man1/ppmtoicr.1
+ man/man1/ppmtoilbm.1
+ man/man1/ppmtomap.1
+ man/man1/ppmtomitsu.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopcx.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopgm.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopi1.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopict.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopj.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopjxl.1
+ man/man1/ppmtopuzz.1
+ man/man1/ppmtorgb3.1
+ man/man1/ppmtosixel.1
+ man/man1/ppmtotga.1
+ man/man1/ppmtouil.1
+ man/man1/ppmtoxpm.1
+ man/man1/ppmtoyuv.1
+ man/man1/ppmtoyuvsplit.1
+ man/man1/psidtopgm.1
+ man/man1/pstopnm.1
+ man/man1/qrttoppm.1
+ man/man1/rasttopnm.1
+ man/man1/rawtopgm.1
+ man/man1/rawtoppm.1
+ man/man1/rgb3toppm.1
+ man/man1/rletopnm.1
+ man/man1/sgitopnm.1
+ man/man1/sirtopnm.1
+ man/man1/sldtoppm.1
+ man/man1/spctoppm.1
+ man/man1/spottopgm.1
+ man/man1/sputoppm.1
+ man/man1/tgatoppm.1
+ man/man1/tifftopnm.1
+ man/man1/xbmtopbm.1
+ man/man1/ximtoppm.1
+ man/man1/xpmtoppm.1
+ man/man1/xvminitoppm.1
+ man/man1/xwdtopnm.1
+ man/man1/ybmtopbm.1
+ man/man1/yuvsplittoppm.1
+ man/man1/yuvtoppm.1
+ man/man1/zeisstopnm.1
+ man/man3/libpbm.3
+ man/man3/libpgm.3
+ man/man3/libpnm.3
+ man/man3/libppm.3
+ man/man5/pbm.5
+ man/man5/pgm.5
+ man/man5/pnm.5
+ man/man5/ppm.5