Subject: pkg/6889: math/scilab update submission
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/27/1999 13:10:08
>Number: 6889
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: math/scilab update submission
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Jan 27 10:20:00 1999
>Originator: Dan McMahill
>Release: 1.3.*<NetBSD-current source date>
System: NetBSD dinah-moe 1.3 NetBSD 1.3 (DINAH-MOE) #0: Tue Jan 13 02:02:40 EST 1998 mac68k
I have placed an updated pkgsrc for math/scilab at
the main changes are:
- upgrade from scilab-2.4 to scilab-2.4.1
- change scilab to use the NetBSD pvm3 package instead of relying on the one
thats in scilab.
- fix a compilation problem on the sparc port.
- several updates to make the package run on the alpha.
Due to a bug (which has been send-pr'ed) in NetBSD/alpha, the scilab package is somewhat
crippled on the alpha, but probably 80% functionality is still there. This is an improvement
over not even compiling and then later having instant core dumps on the alpha.
The package has been tested on mac68k,i386,pmax,sparc,alpha with believed full functionality
and peformance on all but the alpha.
The relavent alpha bugs are:
port-alpha/6805, with port-alpha/6634, and port-alpha/4424 looking related. Once those
are fixed I'll update scilab to make it fully alpha functional.
update it.