Subject: bin/7378: recent fix to "amd" is not quite correct.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/13/1999 22:17:28
>Number: 7378
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: recent fix to "amd" is not quite correct.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue Apr 13 22:05:01 1999
>Originator: Paul Shupak
>Release: NetBSD-current as of Apr 13 1999
System: NetBSD cobalt 1.4_ALPHA NetBSD 1.4_ALPHA (COBALT) #150: Sat Apr 3 11:28:31 PST 1999 paul@cobalt:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/COBALT i386
Attempt to access a non-existant host by means of a wildcarded host-map
cause "amd" to coredump ( after referencing a null pointer ).
Create a host map similar to the examples in the documentation
e.g. a file containing
/defaults type:=host;fs:=${autodir}/${rhost}/root;rhost:=${key}
* opts:=ro,nosuid,grpid,resvport
Then a a command prompt type any reference to a hostname which
can't be resolved -- ex.
% ls /net/MachineWhichDoesn_tExist
Call the "extra" RPC ( for SunOS 4.x compatability ) if
and only if we have a valid sockaddr struct to pass as a parameter.
NOTE: Also, do the call after we might have "default"'ed the
protocol to "udp", not before.
*** /usr/src/usr.sbin/amd/amd/srvr_nfs.c-ORIG Thu Apr 8 04:28:36 1999
--- /usr/src/usr.sbin/amd/amd/srvr_nfs.c Tue Apr 13 20:36:28 1999
*** 755,768 ****
#endif /* not HAVE_FS_NFS3 */
- /*
- * XXX RPC or SunOS 4.1.4 bug ? the last call to nfs_get_version() must
- * be done with the used version and proto
- */
- (void)get_nfs_version(host, ip, nfs_version, nfs_proto);
if (!nfs_proto)
nfs_proto = "udp";
plog(XLOG_INFO, "Using NFS version %d, protocol %s on host %s",
(int) nfs_version, nfs_proto, host);
--- 755,770 ----
#endif /* not HAVE_FS_NFS3 */
if (!nfs_proto)
nfs_proto = "udp";
+ if (ip) {
+ /*
+ * XXX RPC or SunOS 4.1.4 bug ? the last call to nfs_get_version() must
+ * be done with the used version and proto
+ */
+ (void)get_nfs_version(host, ip, nfs_version, nfs_proto);
+ }
plog(XLOG_INFO, "Using NFS version %d, protocol %s on host %s",
(int) nfs_version, nfs_proto, host);