Subject: bin/7498: ping.8 duplicated paragraph (still)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/29/1999 11:51:00
>Number: 7498
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: ping.8 duplicated paragraph (about -R)
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Apr 29 11:50:00 1999
>Originator: Geoff C. Wing
Geoff Wing <> Mobile : (Australia) 0413 431 874 <<<new
Work URL: Ego URL:
>Release: 19990428
System: NetBSD 1.4_BETA NetBSD 1.4_BETA (C) #0: Sat Apr 24 17:43:25 EST 1999 i386
ping.8 has a duplicated paragraph (still) which I had some feeling had
already been reported but I can't find anything via query-pr, so...
read it
*** /usr/src/sbin/ping/ping.8 Sun Mar 7 23:08:57 1999
--- /obj/src/sbin/ping/ping.8 Fri Apr 30 04:39:36 1999
*** 175,197 ****
Do not display responses such as Network Unreachable ICMP messages
concerning the ECHO_REQUESTs sent.
.It Fl R
- Record route.
- Includes the
- option in the
- packet and displays
- the route buffer on returned packets.
- Note that the IP header is only large enough for nine such routes.
- Many hosts ignore or discard this option.
- .It Fl r
- Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host on an attached
- network.
- If the host is not on a directly-attached network, an error is returned.
- This option can be used to ping a local host through an interface
- that has no route through it (e.g., after the interface was dropped by
- .Xr routed 8 ) .
- .It Fl R
Record Route.
Includes the
--- 175,180 ----
*** 205,210 ****
--- 188,200 ----
This is why it was necessary to invent
.Xr traceroute 8 .
Many hosts ignore or discard this option.
+ .It Fl r
+ Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host on an attached
+ network.
+ If the host is not on a directly-attached network, an error is returned.
+ This option can be used to ping a local host through an interface
+ that has no route through it (e.g., after the interface was dropped by
+ .Xr routed 8 ) .
.It Fl s Ar packetsize
Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent.
The default is 56, which translates into 64