Subject: xsrc/8127: wsmouse "lags"
To: None <>
From: None <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/01/1999 08:29:59
>Number: 8127
>Category: xsrc
>Synopsis: wsmouse "lags"
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: xsrc-manager (NetBSD X11 bug manager)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun Aug 1 08:05:01 1999
>Originator: Thilo Manske
Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.
>Release: current as of late july
System: NetBSD WintelKiller 1.4I NetBSD 1.4I (WintelKiller) #150: Sun Aug 1 13:33:43 MEST 1999 thilo@Seti.HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/WintelKiller i386
(with wsmux device)
Both Xfree3.3.3.1 3.3.4 showed the same behaviour
Recently I compiled a kernel using the wsmouse device/protocol instead of
[o]pms/busmouse as I had before. Compared to the [o]pms/busmouse wsmouse
lags in X so much that I backed it out and reverted kernel/xfree86
configuration to what I used before.
I have some problems describing the behaviour, it's somwehat like using
X on a completly loaden machine, a window dragged around follows your
mouse movements with some delay, the delay depends how busy the machine is
and how much time it needs to redraw the window (because some parts were
of screen).
The difference to [o]pms is that I have the feeling that the pointer follows
the /movements/ not the /position/ of the mouse.
Say you make such movement (somewhat quickly):
1 *
2 *
3 *
* 4
* 6
i.e. a zigzag from 1 to 7 via 4.
With wsmouse, the window/pointer will be displayed at all points [1-7],
but with pms some points are skipped if the machine is busy so that the
lag never get's as big.
Hmm. I really hope, you understand what I mean. :-/
BTW: I don't know if the problem is in the xserver or the kernel,
so I just guessed xsrc.
Start X with a windowmanager that does solid windowmovements, fire up
(say) Netscape and drag its window around. Do this twice (one with
wsmouse and one with opms) and compare...