Subject: bin/8791: mountd is bozotic
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/13/1999 20:33:52
>Number: 8791
>Category: bin
>Synopsis: mountd is bozotic
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: bin-bug-people (Utility Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Nov 13 20:33:01 1999
>Originator: matthew green
people's front against (bozotic) www (softwar foundation)
>Release: <NetBSD-current source date>19991109
System: NetBSD 1.4M NetBSD 1.4M (_towers_) #25: Wed Nov 10 23:51:03 EST 1999 alpha
before re-reading the exports list (such as on SIGHUP), NetBSD
mountd(8) traveses the current mount list removing export from
all these filesystems, then it goes and re-exports them as it
processes /etc/exports.
this leaves a nice time when file systems are not exported and
thus can cause clients to fail. i have had countless builds
fail because of this over the years. it recently started
affected my mp3 player -- things got serious.
run "make bulid" on a machine using /usr/src over NFS to a
NetBSD server. run "kill -HUP <>" a Lot until
the make build breaks due to failed permissions check. a
slower NFS server will probably make it easier to reproduce.
restructre the code so that it only un-exports file systems
that require this. this was surprisingly simple and i was
unable to reproduce the lossage previously encountered
with this change (indeed, running it in debug mode showed
what is now correct operation).
Index: mountd.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/usr.sbin/mountd/mountd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -p -c -r1.57 mountd.c
*** mountd.c 1999/09/10 16:20:22 1.57
--- mountd.c 1999/11/14 04:21:36
*************** get_exportlist(n)
*** 823,863 ****
grphead = NULL;
! * And delete exports that are in the kernel for all local
! * file systems.
! * XXX: Should know how to handle all local exportable file systems
! * instead of just MOUNT_FFS.
num = getmntinfo(&fsp, MNT_NOWAIT);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- union {
- struct ufs_args ua;
- struct iso_args ia;
- struct mfs_args ma;
- struct msdosfs_args da;
- struct adosfs_args aa;
- } targs;
- if (!strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_MFS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_FFS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_EXT2FS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_MSDOS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_ADOSFS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_NULL, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_UMAP, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_UNION, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_CD9660, MFSNAMELEN) ||
- !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_NTFS, MFSNAMELEN)) {
- bzero((char *) &targs, sizeof(targs));
- = NULL;
- if (mount(fsp->f_fstypename, fsp->f_mntonname,
- fsp->f_flags | MNT_UPDATE, &targs) == -1)
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Can't delete exports for %s",
- fsp->f_mntonname);
- }
- fsp++;
- }
* Read in the exports file and build the list, calling
--- 823,831 ----
grphead = NULL;
! * save off the current export lists for later
num = getmntinfo(&fsp, MNT_NOWAIT);
* Read in the exports file and build the list, calling
*************** nextline:
*** 1035,1040 ****
--- 1003,1061 ----
+ /*
+ * Ok, remove any filesystems that existed before that should
+ * not be there anymore.
+ */
+ /*
+ * XXX: Should know how to handle all local exportable file systems
+ * instead of just MOUNT_FFS.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++, fsp++) {
+ union {
+ struct ufs_args ua;
+ struct iso_args ia;
+ struct mfs_args ma;
+ struct msdosfs_args da;
+ struct adosfs_args aa;
+ } targs;
+ if (debug)
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "seeing if we want to delete %s.\n",
+ fsp->f_mntonname);
+ /*
+ * If we can find it in our internal list, we do not
+ * want to delete it from the kernel.
+ */
+ if (ex_search(&fsp->f_fsid))
+ continue;
+ if (!strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_MFS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_FFS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_EXT2FS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_MSDOS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_ADOSFS, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_NULL, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_UMAP, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_UNION, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_CD9660, MFSNAMELEN) ||
+ !strncmp(fsp->f_fstypename, MOUNT_NTFS, MFSNAMELEN)) {
+ if (debug)
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "Deleting export for mount %s.\n",
+ fsp->f_mntonname);
+ bzero((char *) &targs, sizeof(targs));
+ = NULL;
+ if (mount(fsp->f_fstypename, fsp->f_mntonname,
+ fsp->f_flags | MNT_UPDATE, &targs) == -1)
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "Can't delete exports for %s",
+ fsp->f_mntonname);
+ }
+ }