Subject: kern/9623: IPSEC encryption is broken in kernel builds
To: None <>
From: Bjoern Labitzke <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/16/2000 06:00:14
>Number: 9623
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: IPSEC encryption is broken in kernel builds
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: low
>Responsible: kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Mar 16 06:00:01 2000
>Originator: Bjoern Labitzke
Bjoern Labitzke <>
Use PGP! (Don't you use envelopes for your letters?)
>Release: -current from 15.3.2000 <NetBSD-current source date>
System: NetBSD 1.4U NetBSD 1.4U (LABITZKE) #95: Thu Mar 16 02:29:34 CET 2000 i386
With the options IPSEC and IPSEC_ESP in the config the build of a kernel fails.
This happens now for a few days in sequence. Before that everything went well.
I am using crypto-intl. Perhaps this makes a difference to the US version. One
of the errors is:
make: don't know how to make ../../../../../crypto-intl/sys/netinet6/esp_core.c. Stop
This used to work. (Though I can't comment on the functionality if IPSEC yet.
I just got it in my kernel to play with it in the near future.)
Use the options IPSEC and IPSEC_ESP in the kernel config file and try to
compile a kernel with it.
Sorry, no idea.