Subject: kern/9697: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME annoyingly noisy
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/28/2000 17:45:35
>Number: 9697
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME annoyingly noisy
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue Mar 28 17:45:00 2000
>Originator: matt
>Release: 1.4-current
System: NetBSD 1.4T NetBSD 1.4T (DEBERG) #11: Sat Feb 26 17:51:24 EST 2000 i386
knowing that the optimization changed from SPACE to TIME on a
filesystem isn't particularly interesting. it's really annoying to get
spammed by:
Mar 28 20:25:03 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:25:18 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:25:43 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:26:46 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:27:05 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:27:09 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:27:18 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:27:40 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:27:47 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:28:30 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:28:48 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:29:53 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:31:01 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:31:18 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:31:47 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:31:57 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
Mar 28 20:32:18 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME
Mar 28 20:32:30 nonantum-road /netbsd: /usr/vice/cache: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
use a partition as an AFS cache. suck over lots of data from
AFS. watch console get spammed.
Index: ffs_alloc.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_alloc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -c -c -r1.31 ffs_alloc.c
*** ffs_alloc.c 2000/02/14 22:00:22 1.31
--- ffs_alloc.c 2000/03/29 01:40:00
*** 251,258 ****
--- 251,260 ----
fs->fs_cstotal.cs_nffree >
fs->fs_dsize * fs->fs_minfree / (2 * 100))
+ #ifdef DEBUG
log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: optimization changed from SPACE to TIME\n",
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
fs->fs_optim = FS_OPTTIME;
*** 270,277 ****
--- 272,281 ----
if (fs->fs_cstotal.cs_nffree <
fs->fs_dsize * (fs->fs_minfree - 2) / 100)
+ #ifdef DEBUG
log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE\n",
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
fs->fs_optim = FS_OPTSPACE;