Subject: port-sparc/10082: GENERIC.MP does not compile
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/09/2000 09:57:14
>Number: 10082
>Category: port-sparc
>Synopsis: GENERIC.MP does not compile
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: port-sparc-maintainer
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Tue May 09 09:58:00 PDT 2000
>Release: <NetBSD-current source date>2000-05-08
System: NetBSD 1.4Y NetBSD 1.4Y (GENERIC.MP) #0: Tue May 9 17:22:48 CEST 2000 sparc
Try and compile the GENERIC.MP kernel on a sparc. It seems like the
getcontext call at line 283 in intr.c is meant to expand into inline
assembly code. However, the proper macros are not included.
# cd /sys/arch/sparc/conf
# config GENERIC.MP
# cd ../compile/GENERIC.MP
# make depend netbsd
Add the line:
#include <sparc/sparc/asm.h>
at line 263.